
Gods Beginning

In the beginning, the many gods came together to create the world they first started by creating the fundamental concepts that represent things like life and death creation and destruction, and so forth. Once done the gods created time and space along with other phenomena you find throughout the universe like stars and galaxies and so with creation finished they finally took their places as the rulers of creation. Until suddenly they all disappeared without a trace thousands of years ago. Thousands of years later new gods started to spring up each one embodying different concepts that the old gods used to embody. So with the fate of existence now at their fingertips, the new gods need to learn the new gods will need to learn their new place at the top of creation and this is their story.

Maleek_Albert · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1:The Beginning

Beep Beep Beep ugh what time is it, oh shit I woke up late I got to go to work. Aw shit, the bus is running late damn I need to buy a car so I don't have to wait for the bus all the time anymore. This bus better hurry up or else my boss Henry gonna be pissed that I'm late again.

Hay John, you are late I know sir and I tried to get here on time this time I swear it was just that the bus was late. John, what did I tell you last time I told you that if you show up late one more time you're fired but sir I.

I'm sorry John you just can't keep doing this you're fired. If that damn bus just showed up on time I could've made it that stupid damn bus driver just arrived on time I wouldn't be in this mess now I have to find another fucking job. As John arrived at the bus stop he checked the time are you serious its 10:15 the damn bus driver's late again.

As he waits for the bus John sees someone running towards him with panic on their face. Look Out! That's when a high-speed object crashed right into John's head.

John then woke up aw what the fuck happened. He then looked around he was in what appeared to be a completely white room. John then looked at his hand. Except it was not John's hand and what replaced his hand was a constantly changing shifting mass that never stayed the same shape or size.

Then he saw other figures around him. One looked like the skeleton of many different creatures fused together and having all kinds of lifeforms growing off it another seemed to flicker in and out of existence. Then there was one that looked normal too normal its entire being seemed to be anathema to him.

Before john could scream he was once again knocked out. He woke up in an alter and before he ask himself if it was all just a dream he heard a robotic voice hello sir you are the new god of change and I'm your humble servant.

John then preceded to scream very loudly.

This is my first time writing a novel so be free to criticize and leave advice whenever you want I try my best to listen to criticism so I can improve my writing later on.

Maleek_Albertcreators' thoughts