
Mending a Broken Heart [3/3]

"I guess even Mobs get tired of life sometimes" Junya sighed while his hiccups finally calmed.

"Everyone does, but I bet your mom went through a lot more during the Eve of Chaos. I can't imagine what fighting like that for weeks could do to someone's mind, assuming she lost her husband as well" The man sympathized. "Just get past this and keep fighting as your mom did, I'd bet she would be turning in her grave If you turned into a bad apple and had to be hunted down"

Junya stayed silent and reminised about his mother. He looked up to her, but even though she was dead, he was relieved to know she died trying.

"I'm glad you calmed down. Killing Harriet's only son would have filled me with regret for the rest of my life. But man, if you were evil she would have probably ended up killing you herself and lived with the regret or have tried to demolish everyone who wanted to kill you" He chuckled "im not her so as far as im concerned I wont have any regret"

'A silence fell upon them.

"Ah, What's your name?" Junya asked sniffling, he attempted to change the topic.

The man looked at him in silence for several minutes without answering, he instead took out a cigarette and tossed one to Junya.

He didnt catch it and instead let it fall to the ground infront of him.

"I-I don't smoke"

"My name is Amus Drew," Amus said while taking a puff of his cigarette he leaned over to Junya and lit his cigarette.

"I-I-I really-" Junya panicked seeing the cigarette was already lit.

"Inhale or your dead"

Junya was intimidated by Amus' death glare, it was meaner than his usual one. He inhaled a lung full.

He exhaled and Amus nodded. "Now what do you wanna ask?"

"Well, I wanna hear about my mom, What kind of blessing did she receive?"

"I don't know, It probably had something to do with resilience, but the closest go I can think of is Fortitude, People don't normally go around saying their blessings to everyone. However, your mom was among the first blessed meaning she is one of the first S rate Mobsters, unofficially, because she understood the concept of blessing easily. "

'Fortitude, that sounds awesome, I wonder how strong she was' Junya pondered.

Amus went on to tell the few memories he had of Junya's mother.

"She never spoke much, the only thing I can remember is she would always remain calm even though she was being chased by a dozen of Lunatic Battle Mobs" Amus recalled, while he was normally cold it seemed his walls had been brought down, like he was relaxed.

They talked until morning came. Its golden rays peeking above the misted forest. Noticing that dawn had arrived Amus put out his third cigarette and got up.

"I forgot to ask, which sheltered town are you from"

"Berger town" Junya replied. Amus wasn't familiar so he took the liberty of explaining its location in detail.

"What the hell, is there a sheltered town like that?" Amus wondered. "I guess it must be a rundown one. I might be able to send you back with less punishment If I ask"

"Wait what! I can't go back there. I refuse to go there. Leave me out here to train. I don't mind training the rest of my life"

"In that condition?"

"What? I'm perfectly fine" Junya stood up as if to prove his point but fell awkwardly. The fatigue coupled with the pain made him double over.

'Weird, Probably the second-longest conversation I ever had' Amus stood looking at Junya like he had all the time in the world. He was ignorant of his injuries. 'He is nothing like his mother, she was calm and ruthless, nothing in him resembles her, aside from his blood rampage'

'Shit, I never got to ask him about how he got here, and why he took on such an odd form, either way, he might not have remembered. I could just get a record of his Elo Command but that could be a while away' Amus started thinking about what course of action could be taken.

The power that Junya held worried him, it was unpredictable.

'That crazed state was as strong as a psycho ordinary Mob, that could kill an F Rank easily. Furthermore, it has good abilities, If his mind gets corrupted or he is overcome with rage, he will likely return to something like that or even stronger.

I could leave a note and tell them not to anger him, but I doubt when he goes to Uni that would help him. If he goes into that state he could probably kill half the town and with Mobs getting smarter they may be able to use him against us'

"I at least owe Ms Harriet that much," Amus took Junya by the bandages and lifted him. He bent his knees and pushed off making his surroundings look like the sand in a long jump pit.

He left a large footmark in the ground as he trodded past great distances.


"Popo, the school year is about to start, where's your kid going?" A man clad in a suit of grey military armour clothing asked. He was cleanly shaven and stood tall with a spear in his hand, he stood on the wall of a monument that spanned farther than his eyes could see.

"He got a blessing from an Angel, he will train at GCMAU and hope for a God blessing in the future," Popo replied with a smile on his face while looking straight ahead.

"That's good, my daughter just unlocked her Elo command, but she won't be going to GCMAU, all the nobles send their children there so the prestige rose meaning it's harder to gain entry." The guard sighed, "The Nobles all have God's blessings, that already put them above many"

"Yeah… It's just how life is" Popo shrugged before looking straight ahead of him. They weren't allowed to have much dialogue during their watch. After half an hour passed, both guards saw something on the edge of their field of view.

Since they were trained for this kind of job, they had some of the clearest eyes in the nation.


"Yes Hook, I see it"

They were ready to report for a notion lockdown in the case of a Mobbing in which they also needed to report the scale of the attack.

They looked through a pair of binoculars to their eye widened simultaneously.

"It's Amus!"