
Curiosity kills the cat

"Snore… huh, oh yeah it's over" Mr Bink jumped from his sleep.

"To expend a little more on other details I forgot to mention. The reason someone can kill all the way to the S rate is because of this reason. The body and Elo work symbiotically, Elo in nature powers things and acts upon everything in some way. So if it's stronger it might have a stronger effect on your body which kills you.

An advantage is also present in fighting someone of the same rank. Denser Elo could be the deciding factor. Since I'm on this topic, training your body is important as well, if a stick man goes through mutation for his muscles and doesn't train them, he is still a stick man, and empty bottle if you will."

After his explanation, he continued.

"If everyone understood that then you should start practising that right now. No one leaves until they can complete this, and continue doing it at home, this will be crucial to developing a good core for ascending to S Rate.

Don't slack off now, your strength now will determine your strength at the peak. Now hurry and complete this to get out of my class"

He slumped in his chair and began taking swigs of his flask, almost immediately getting drunk.

Everyone moved their desk and chairs back, before picking spots for them to practice.

Junya immediately sat down and began honing his focus. He sat laser-focused closing his eyes and trying to see within himself. It was dark, yet with enough focus, he was able to picture the Elo in his body through his mind.

Everything ran quickly through him, at speeds that didn't seem normal. He even began to question if something was wrong with him.

"Don't be alarmed. Just focus on your body as a whole, urp! Urp! You are looking at a specific area too closely, just look at the bigger picture."

Mr Bink almost immediately realized this was something the students saw, for the reason, it was quite common to be overwhelmed, by the sight.

With a calm mind, Junya continued his meditati9on and sharepned his fous. After some unknowabout of time, he was able to perceive the Elo within himself. It flowed around his body constantly reaching all the extremities of his body within second.

His view was like watching cars driving on interconnecting highways drive at fullspeed, without crashing and doung so efficiently. He appreciated the sight of this complex working even more, while this image played in his head, he slowly tried to add some kind of influence to this self-sufficient motion, yet these attempts were futile.

He was stationary, so using more Elo would achieve anything except wasting energy.

'How to get this energy to my fingers.' He began thinking. 'Is there some way I can try and learn how to control my Elo without disrupting the flow, instead adding something.'

His eyes were one of the regions that facilitated less, Elo than other areas. This became apparent to him after a simple look.

'Let's change that'

Junya wasn't completely oblivious. He knew it most likely was a result that he never really used Elo in his eyes. He thought of it as being blocked off since his Elo never circulated like that, his body must have not allowed this fully.

This caused caution to grow within his mind but never doubt. That would only stop him from advancing as a Mobster, being scared now would make becoming a Mobster no less than suicide.

While not having any tangible way of controlling his Elo. It almost like gaining control of a muscle he hadn't before, like raising your eyebrows.

Despite this, he still tried it continuously. Soon he was able to perceive small dots of Elo cycling into his eye, with a limited amount, which definitely took some time. Yet after enough dots of mana, his eyes began shining bright blue.

Using this same movement pattern, he did so with the palm of his hands.

Junya already gained little understanding of the movement of Elo, yet expelling the Elo was still quite hard.

'This must be one of the reasons people don't use pure Elo to fight, this would just make dying even worse. It's definitely tempting, but evil often hides behind a veil'

His full focus sharpened and more dots of Elo started appearing between his palm. Calmly he acknowledged his success without getting overly antsy. His newfound goal slightly deviated and decided to try his hand at controlling his Elo.

He wriggled his fingers as he tried to move the ball of Elo in his hands, for now, it only accumulated into a ball the size of a fingernail. His first attempt was to make his small, fingernail size ball of Elo turn.

This was another difficulty that was a lot different from the circulating Elo into his eyes. This was instead a little harder and he couldn't quite grasp the concept and started breaking out into cold sweats as his bodily limits started catching up to him.

He had no idea what amount of time had passed.

"When you kill a Mob, Its energy goes to you because you are stronger. That's the same at birth, Mobs are stronger than us naturally, which is the reason they are blessed with this at birth. To even have a chance of using Elo you have to be worth and promise, only then can you absorb Elo and utilize it."

Some voice spoke out to Junya who he never had time to recognize. He could easily infer that there was something he should have gotten from that statement yet he wasn't sure.

'Elo leaves from one stronger body to another. Do I have to show my worth to utilize it? I'm just trying to move it… How can I show my worth? This hardly makes any sense'

He tensed his fingers when he felt fatigued making him unable to continue any longer. He could perceive the ball of Elo moving erratically and quickly opened his eyes.

He could immediately tell something was going out of control and needed to fix it, yet what he saw, was something he could undo.

The Elo was swirling erratically in all directions, like coins rattling on the floor. Its size was now the size of a tennis ball and spinning out of control. His attempt to move set it into an erratic uncontrolled motion.

"Dammit, the curious ones are annoying." Mr Bink walked up to him and snatched the ball within his hand. He covered his hand with the ball and allowed it to explode, light shone from the creases of his fingers, however, the explosion was contained.

Upon opening his hand, he simply dusted them off before reaching for his flask, which he found was empty, this made him grunt angrily and also affected his annoyed expression.