
Chapter 194

Upon hearing what Jeremy just said.

Ethan leaned against his car, watching Jeremy with a faint smirk. He could see the point Jeremy was trying to make—showing off his wealth and status—but Ethan didn't take it seriously.

without being told he could tell Jeremy had grown up surrounded by luxury, so perhaps this wasn't meant to be condescending. It was probably just the way he talked, a byproduct of his upbringing.

At that moment Jeremy clapped his hands loudly, breaking Ethan's train of thought.

"Alright, time to roll!" he announced with a wide grin.

Without wasting anymore time he slid into his car, revving the engine before leaning out of the window. "Follow me from behind," he called out.

Ethan sighed, slipping into his own car.

'This should be interesting.'

he thought as he pulled out of the driveway, trailing Jeremy through the city streets.