
Jealous Jun Linyuan

Traductor: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Feng Wu asked, "How did you know that?"

Patriarch Huyan said decisively, "Because the Sky Destroyer already contains a divine embryo. When the time is right, it'll turn into a divine weapon!"

Feng Wu was amazed. "Really?"

Master Huyan rolled his eyes at Feng Wu. "Of course."

Feng Wu immediately took out her Fallen Star Sword and showed it to Patriarch Huyan. "Please have a look. Is there a divine embryo inside?"

Feng Wu looked expectantly at him.

Fallen Star Sword? After examining it carefully, he handed it back to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu kept her expectant gaze on Patriarch Huyan.

However, he only patted Feng Wu on the shoulder before walking away.

The look on his face…

Of course, Feng Wu could tell.

The Fallen Star Sword wasn't a divine embryo!

Feng Wu's face darkened.