
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Three Course Meal

The day before.

Homura watched as the black hair girl picked up the young boy and ran in the opposite direction to the current fight that's about to break out. Homura then turned to look at the familiar No.38 as she yelled towards him. "Number 107 got away, and it's all your fault. I can't forgive that."

"Number 38, Mitsuha, you cannot win against me." Homura replied while looking up at her while trying to avoid the fact that due to it being a rather windy day as his cloak can attest to, Mitsuha had been constantly flashing Homura the whole time he has been here.

"You're the one calling himself the Sekirei Guardian. An ally of justice or something? So annoying." Mitsuha said with an annoyed tone in her voice.

She then smirked and lifted her whip into the air before continuing "But I know all about you because my master foresaw everything! You're actually an unwinged Sekirei!" Mitsuha yelled as she unleashed her whip toward Homura.

Homura unexpecting such a quick reaction from the rather talkative Mitsuha, got caught by her whip. He tries to break free from his binds but is unable to with strength alone. He decides to try something else instead, as Homura's body temperature starts to rise and fire starts to appear. "I told you, didn't I? You have no chance against me." Homura's fire then travelled up Mitsuha's whip burning it to a crisp as it burnt Mitsuha's hand.

"Ack that's really hot." Mitsuha said as her whips' handle burnt in her hand whilst also burning her hand slightly in the process.

As Mitsuha was blowing on her now burnt hand, her instincts told her that she needed to move slightly to the left. She was glad she did, as just then the crackle of purple lightning could be heard smashing down right onto the spot she was standing at just a moment ago. "Whoa! That was too close. Can't you give a girl a warning?" Mitsuha angrily yelled toward the direction the attack came from.

"We came because we heard you were chasing an unwinged Sekirei and since we have been hired by some rich guy to help protect them, we are here to stop you." Hikari smugly states to the blonde chatterbox.

"You two… Hikari and Hibiki? With that scummy Ashikabi?" Mitsuha asked confusedly whilst taping her chin.

"Don't call him scummy. Even that big idiot has some good points like…" Hikari yelled at Mitsuha as Hibiki held her back whilst saying "Calm down Hikari.'' repeatedly until she also tried to think about Seo's good points.

Unable to think of any good points the two girls fall onto all fours in utter gloom while saying together. "Nope, no good points. Nope, not at all." Mitsuha, unimpressed with how this situation had deteriorated to such an extent, decided she would just leave without saying a thing. Not willing for her to get away, Homura tried to follow her but felt too weak to jump and instead started to walk home.

After only walking two blocks Homura's body felt too hot for him to be able to walk any farther, he turned into an alleyway, staggered into the alleyway by leaning against a wall. Once he walked as far as he could, he fell onto the ground back leaning up against the wall. "That big of an attack makes me unstable. Just by putting out half of my current power… shit… damn this messed up body of mine. Haa, no choice, I'll ask Takami to come pick me up." Homura then grabbed his MBI flip phone to call Takami only to have it combust into flames in his hand. Homura sighed to himself in disappointment as he leaned back into the wall with his body still heating up to unbelievable temperatures. "At this rate I'll be a pile of ash by tomorrow morning. What a world, self-immolation."

Homura suddenly felt a drop of water on his head. He thought that it might rain for a moment, but he got something better than that though. He was suddenly doused with several litres of water cooling his body completely down.

"How careless of you Homura." The feminine voice said disappointedly.

Homura looked towards the voice to see a young-looking woman falling from the sky. This woman stood one hundred and sixty-five centimetres tall, she has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She was dressed in a black dress with a white underdress which shows her cleavage, she was wearing a black choker around her neck, and had long brown boots with black stockings. He stared at the beautiful blonde in disbelief at her sudden timing, though he was grateful for her sudden arrival.

"And you call yourself my rival." She finished as she landed in front of Homura.

"Thanks, Tsukiumi." Homura thanked his rival Tsukiumi.

"Stand up. I can't have my rival die like that." She says as she turns away from Homura.

Homura stood up once he found his strength returned to him. He soon realized that he owed her his life and knew that if she ever needed help, he would help her.

"You're a cool one Tsukiumi, but your panties are showing." Homura said as he chuckled at her.

"Well then, stop looking at them." Tsukiumi replied, not amused with Homura looking at her panties.

"What about your Ashikabi Tsukiumi? Find one yet?" Homura asked her in the hope that she had.

"No but… when I do, they'll come to regret it." Tsukiumi replied in frustration as she began to leave. Shaking his head, Homura decided to head home.


"Hello? How did you get this number?" The young male voice asked.

"A guy named Seo gave us a phone with your number on it. My name is Yukari and my Sekirei is Shiina." Yukari responded.

"Oh, it's you two. So, he found you? That's great! I'd love to meet with you guys today if that's okay? By the way my name is Theo. I'll introduce you two to my Sekirei when you get here. We can then talk to you about why I needed to get a hold of the two of you." Yukari and Shiina, stunned by the sudden request to meet him, didn't need to think very long.

"Yes, we would be glad to. But before we meet up, I would like to confirm something Seo told me and Shiina." Yukari asked politely.

"If it's about Kusano then yes I am the Ashikabi she chose. She has told me a lot about Shiina, and I look forward to meeting the both of you. I'll send you the address of my place. You guys might want to grab a pair of clothes because I'll be cooking a three-course meal tonight and you won't be able to move afterwards. See you two soon." Theo explained before hanging up.

Theo got Matsu to send Seo him the money knowing full well that he didn't find them, but he sent the money to Seo for his two Sekirei. He didn't want Hikari and Hibiki to always look for work anymore while Seo stuffs about. Those two really have a scummy Ashikabi, but they love him. Once he got Matsu to send Seo the money with an invite to eat here he went to talk to Miya about a renovations to expand Izumo inn and too also have a small restaurant as a cover, this would allow is Sekirei meet new people and interact with normal people more often. Theo wanted Izumo inn to be his base of operations, but he would need more room for when there would be more Ashikabi and Sekirei living there and a restaurant would be a great cover for Izumo inn's sudden expansion. With very little convincing Miya allowed Theo to renovate the inn if it didn't interrupt daily activities of Izumo Inn. Smiling, he made his way to the kitchen as it was starting to get later in the day and he thought he would start prepping each dish.

An hour later Seo, Hikari and Hibiki turned up to Izumo inn while receiving a warm welcome from Musubi and Kusano. Hikari and Hibiki followed Musubi and Kusano into the backyard to eat some of the sample foods Theo made while everyone waited for dinner, Seo on the other hand headed to the kitchen to talk to Theo about the million currently in his account. Seo may be scum, but he hates getting money if he hadn't completed his job so was going to talk to Theo about the money. When he walked into the kitchen however, he realized his mistake when he witnessed Theo so focused on cooking, Seo couldn't tell what exactly Theo was doing but it looked magical. It was so magical that Seo forgot why he came into the kitchen and continued to watch as Theo worked his magic in the kitchen.

Five minutes of standing there doing nothing but watching Theo's magic Seo continued to be mesmerized. Hikari and Hibiki came to look for Seo but also got trapped in the magic of watching cook. It wasn't till Miya came looking for them ten minutes later did they manage to break free from their imprisonment, they asked Miya what happened to them. Miya explained that whenever Theo was cooking, it was forbidden to go near the kitchen due to everyone including Miya would get trapped in watching him cook. Miya guided the three of them into the tatami room where they would be eating dinner tonight, when the four of them entered the room Seo was surprised by the amount of people in here. Uzume, Musubi and Matsu were talking about what divine dish they get to try today Akitsu sat patiently for Theo to call her into the kitchen to help him bring the food into the room, while a familiar looking girl was gushing over how handsome Kagari was and little Ku was sitting in a young boy's lap happily talking to him.

Five minutes earlier Miya just finished tending to her garden when she heard a knock on the door. When Miya opened the door, she saw a young woman and young boy holding hands dressed casually as requested by Theo in the message that had the address. They both held a bag with what we could presume to be clothes, realizing who was at her door Miya invited the two in.

"You must be Yukari and Shiina? Theo is just making the entrées so we will wait for him to finish with everyone else." Miya said while smiling at them, then getting them to come inside.

"Can we go say hello to Theo quickly?" Yukari asked politely.

"I wouldn't recommend it otherwise you'll be stuck there watching him cook till it's completed. Trust me on this we all got stuck there watching him for a whole hour. So, while he is cooking, the kitchen is off limits. Now come on, let's introduce you to everyone." Miya warned the two newcomers.

Yukari and Shiina then followed Miya to the room they would stay in then had them follow her downstairs and into the tatami room where Uzume, Matsu, Musubi, Kagari and Akitsu were already waiting. After a brief introduction they went to find a seat when Shiina heard a voice from behind him. "Big brother Shiina, I missed you."

Shiina turned around only to have a blonde-haired girl jump into his arms. "I missed you too Ku. Has your Ashikabi been treating you well?" Shiina asked worriedly about Kusano's Ashikabi.

"Big brother is the best. We play games, he has been teaching me how to read and write as well as count. I can count to forty-six now without any trouble now. I'm becoming a big girl now." Ku proudly says to Shiina whilst puffing out her chest. Shiina smiles and sits next to Yukari who has now started to gush over Kagari and listens to Kusano talk about what its like to live here.

Now that we are all caught up, I shall resume. Seo sits down and starts talking to Kagari to try to save him from Yukari. Just as they start to talk, Akitsu was suddenly called into the kitchen. Miya, Musubi, Matsu, Kagari, Kusano and Uzume, knowing what was about to happen, they all suddenly went quiet in anticipation. When they could smell the food as Theo opened the door and walked into the room, all the group could do was drool onto the floor. They patiently watched as each person received their own dish, only when everyone had their own food including Akitsu and Theo did Theo speak. "Hello Yukari and Shiina, it's a pleasure to meet you both. I'd like to tell you why I invited you here, but we can talk after dinner. Now what we are about to eat is Pasta with Basil, Mozzarella and Parmesan sauce, enjoy guys. When each person took a bite of their meals Theo could hear multiple moans escaping the girl's mouths, Theo closed his eyes as he listened to the sounds of the group eating.

In his two thousand years of life nothing is truly as great as listening to people enjoy his cooking. Theo believed that if didn't want to save dead end universes he would just go to the shokugeki no soma universe and have fun cooking with all those great chefs. But he still enjoyed these times when everyone was enjoying themselves. It didn't take long for everyone to finish their entrées, even Musubi who had the largest entrée out of everyone. Theo then grabbed all the plates with Akitsu's help and headed back to the kitchen. Akitsu didn't return as she would be watching Theo cook the main meal as she loved watching him cook.

"You guys get to eat like this every day?" Yukari asked as she let out another moan thinking about what was to come next.

"Miya cooks some days as well, but no offence Miya your cooking is great, but nothing compares to his food." Matsu said, looking at Miya apologetically.

Shaking her head Miya replied, "No offence taken Matsu. I have come to terms with the fact Theo is an amazing chef, but that entrée was the best thing he has ever made for us. It makes you wonder just how great his skills are in the kitchen." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before making conversation while they waited for the main dish.

They didn't have to wait for more than twenty minutes before Akitsu and Theo walked into the room with the next meal in hand. Once everyone once again had a meal in front of them Theo explained what it was that was about to assault their taste buds. "The next dish is Lemon Chicken Piccata with Red-Wine and Mushroom Risotto, let's dig in."

Once again, the room was filled with moans as everyone took their first bites of the dish. This time however the moans were slightly louder than last time. Once again after everyone finished their meals Akitsu and Theo collected the dishes and headed back to the kitchen although this time Akitsu came back to the room as she seemed tired from that meal. It wasn't just her though everyone seemed sluggish after that meal, this was due to everyone feeling that their muscles were too relaxed.

After another ten minutes however, they sat up in delight as they looked at the final dish of the night, this however looked like it would be the best dish of the night. This thought scared me but made them excited at the same time. "Finally, we have Chocolate Semifreddo with fresh Raspberries with a Raspberry sorbet." This time there weren't moans that filled the room but tears of joy as everyone ate their meals. Once each dish was finished Theo was the only one still awake as everyone else had fallen asleep with big smiles on their faces. Theo, glad that his plan was a success, gathered all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen before taking everyone to their rooms then setting up a tatami mat for Seo, Hikari and Hibiki to sleep on before heading to bed himself to sleep with his four sleeping Sekirei.