
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Origins of a God

The year was 2300, humanity had started to advance at an extreme pace. In the last two hundred years they have started to explore the galaxy and colonize multiple planets thanks to Warp Drive technology. Now don't get me wrong, humanity had colonized Mars, The Moon, Pluto, Europa and Titan by 2130, but that was as far as they could go with the current technology. By the year 2150 Humanity's population had reached ten billion on Earth with another three hundred million on each of the solar systems colonies.

In 2156 Warp Drive technology had finally been invented, it wasn't for another fifteen years that humans could put it to use. In 2171 Humans had finished building a fleet of five Ark spaceships, one Dreadnought, three Destroyers, twenty Cruisers and fifty Frigates with the ability to warp through space, to start exploring the closest habitable planets. By the year 2230 humans had colonized five more planets within twenty light years of Earth. With the population of humanity reaching thirty billion humans by the end of the century.

But in the year 2311 humans met their first Alien species. This species named Andromadians wanted to subjugate Humanity into one of its many allies. Humanity didn't want this to happen so with their fleet of twenty-five Dreadnoughts, eighty Destroyers, one hundred and ninety Cruisers and over three hundred Frigates, with thousands of Fighters. Humanity set out to stop this alien race, but alas humanity soon realized how powerful this race was. Within twenty years three of the planet's humanity colonized had been taken over.

The year is now 2356, the only remaining humans now exist only in the solar system. But this is the year they believe they will be able to fight back, this is due to a two-hundred-year-old secret project that scientists on Earth had been working on for the last hundred years, a project named Project Deus. They created a Human with extraordinary abilities, this human could control the Four Interactive Forces. The Four Interactive Forces are, Gravity manipulation, Electromagnetism manipulation, Strong Force manipulation and Weak Force manipulation. He has several other abilities such as supernatural senses, absolute combat, supernatural strength, supernatural speed and reflexes and finally time manipulation, but Theodeus only ever showed the scientists his skill with gravity manipulation because over the hundred and seventy-five years of his life he has come to see how horrible humans can be.

Today Theodeus was going to be released after his final test, this was going to be his first time outside the facility. But before he goes to his final test, he wants to finish off his favourite manga for the two-hundred and fiftieth time. This manga is Sekirei, this manga was released before he was created by the scientists. The main reason he loved this manga so much was because he could relate to the main characters, he loved almost all the characters, except Minato Sahashi he despised Minato. He never liked Minato as he always thought that anyone else could have taken his place and the outcome would be the same.

The year is 2358 on the Dwarf Pluto a boy that looks nineteen standing one hundred and ninety centimeter's with pitch black scruffy hair, his eyes vibrating the colours of the rainbow. This boy is Theodeus, in the last two years Theo had been tasked to exterminate the Andromadians from the solar system. In the past two years he had killed three billion Andromadians and several hundred thousand humans, this was his mission that was given to him by the scientists.

In the void of space, he is unimpeded, he hasn't found anything that is close to his power, Theo even went as far as to fly through the sun to see if he could be hurt this was when he found out that unless he allowed something to hurt him, he couldn't be hurt. This is due to his manipulation over molecules, he can change everything about them from the density of matter to what can be burned. This discovery made Theodeus sad beyond belief, but this encouraged him to learn even more about his capabilities.

Year 2838 it's been almost five hundred years since Theo started his mission to destroy the Andromadians and in those several hundred years he discovered a lot about his enemy. The main thing he had found out about them is that the Andromadians aren't just one species, they are a collection of five different species that came together when they went to war over four thousand years ago with another race in their home galaxy. These five species did this due to being outgunned and outnumbered when they would fight on their own but once they started working together, they were able to slowly destroy their opponents and a thousand years later they won and subjugated this race. Theo also learnt that they have control over the Andromeda Galaxy and Triangulum Galaxy and now plan to take over the Milky Way Galaxy.

To stop them Theo had to kill seventy-two billion Andromadians be it combatants or civilians, due to his mission and he hated it he felt guilty for doing so. Recently he found out that there are seven hundred and eighty trillion Andromadians in all three major galaxies in the local group. This year he has decided to go into hiding to see what these lifeforms will do to each other if left unchecked. But because of Theo's help humanity truly started to thrive once again. Their population had even skyrocketed due to the need of manpower and in these five hundred plus years humanities population is now over ninety billion people over twenty-three colonies.

The year is now 3838 and Theo has been experimenting with his wormhole abilities finding dozens of other universes. This is when he discovered that worlds from popular media and alternate history universes existed, he set out to find as many universes as possible. Till now he has found over six hundred different universes while also finding universes that he wanted to help or visit. Although watching both the Andromadians and humans kill and enslave each other, Theo had decided to do something huge. He decided he would destroy this universe, but he wouldn't kill everyone from this universe as he was going to save all the slaves as well as some military, scientists, engineers and worker personnel as he will need people to maintain the spaceships he plans to create. This year he secretly started to save over two and a half billion slaves from Humanity and another ten billion from the Andromadians. He then would bring these people to a planet that Theo would terraform to suit the new inhabitants he then created housing for them so that they all had places to live.

Amongst these new inhabitants were people with all types of specialties, from officers in their respected military's to farmers. The most important person he found was an Andromadian Naval architect and his construction team, when Theo saved him, he asked him to design several ships including an Ark class ship with the capability to house several hundred million civilians such as teachers, farmers, construction workers etc. The Naval architect said that if he had the materials, he could but without them it would be impossible, Theo explained that he can create said materials and as many as he needs if he can design the most advanced spaceships this universe has seen. The Naval Architect then said that he can design the ships, but he would need people that can create new technology for both military and civilian purposes. Theo then went to various planets to find these specialists, after three months of going all over the three galaxies Theo had gathered the greatest group of scientists this universe had ever seen.

Within five years all the technology and ship designs for the ships had been created and construction is now under way. There will be six Ark class ships that will house two hundred million civilians each of these ships are twenty-five kilometers in length five kilometers tall and seven kilometers wide these will be the largest ships in the fleet, these will be the last ships to be built and these six starships have to be built on the planets three moons as the low gravity will help create such large starships. The next class of ships to be made are thirty Dreadnought class ships that will be the main military force of Theo's army, these starships will only be six kilometers long with a height of one kilometer and two kilometers wide, these will also be made on the three moons. Next are ten Carrier class ships; these will be the same size as the Dreadnaught class starships but will carry five thousand one-man fighters per carrier compared to the Ark class number of one hundred and Dreadnoughts number of three hundred whilst cruisers only had twenty. These carriers will be built on the planet as then they can be easily filled with the fighters once they are complete. The next class of starship he wanted created were cruisers and one hundred and fifty were to be constructed, these cruisers would be one sixth the size of dreadnaughts and would be built on the planet. Next would be frigates there would be over four hundred meters and six hundred of these would be built over the next ten years. These will be some of the first ships built for Theo's army as these starships will be protecting the planet. Fighters would also be made alongside frigates; these fighter ships would be fifteen to twenty meters in length one-man ships and two hundred thousand of these ships were to be constructed with sixty-two thousand of these ships distributed between all other ships with the rest being used for various rolls from protecting bases to protecting whole planets.

It has been twelve years since the start of Theos plan for creating his military, he had been waiting for his ships to be completed whilst finding which universes he would be going to first. He had decided that he would go to a mass effect universe that Commander Shepard failed to stop the Reapers in. With two billion people ready to move universes, Theodeus created a portal one hundred kilometers in diameter he then over the comms he told everyone to proceed forward. It took half an hour for all ships to pass through the portal. Once all ships were greeted with a picture of the solar system they arrived in. Theodeus had explained that they would reside on the planets called Loki, Terra Nova and Tyr whilst the planet Borr will be a military base that half of Theo's military power would be stationed at. He would terraform them so that they would be liveable for all his people. He had arrived in the Mass Effect universe one thousand years before the start of the mass effect story.

It's been five years since Theo has arrived in the Mass effect Universe and the planet Terra Nova has been declared as the main home for Theo's people that have decided to keep their race names of Humans and Androxians but have decided to make Theo their god. Theo didn't like this idea but decided not to say anything as it made things easier since they would do anything, he asked them he then told his people that he had to go get some people so that the military will become even more powerful than it already is.

Once he arrives in Sparta through a portal, he is quickly surrounded by spartan soldiers that have raised spears at him. After about fifteen minutes a someone he presumes is King Leonidas steps forward and exclaims. "Who are you and what are you doing in my land? Answer or be cut down where you stand."

"I have come here to offer your people a way to change the course of your people's destiny" Theo explains as he looks King Leonidas in his eyes.

I am Reuploading this because my files on my old laptop have been currupted so i plan to re upload all the chapters before continuing the story but know that i now work and I stream so im becoming even busier now so bere with me.

Azuredemoncreators' thoughts