
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Meeting Uzume and Moving into Maison Izumo

"What are you and why have you come to my home?" The cold ruthless voice demanded.

"Aren't the stars beautiful tonight? What do you think of Miya Asama otherwise known as Sekirei No.01?" Theodeus replied nonchalantly as he turned to face her.

Miya looked at Theo with pure anger, not hatred as she wasn't sure what he was doing here. If she deems him a threat after what he says she will kill the young man.

"Are you going to answer the question Theo? Is Theo your real name?" Miya questioned furiously.

"My Name is Theodeus. In Latin it would be God of Gods. My people call me a god, I hate it when they do." Theo replied to Miya. Theo then did something completely unexpected, walking towards her, Theo allowed her sword to go through his neck. "Can you please lower your sword? You can't harm me, so why keep yourself armed? If I wanted to harm you don't you think I would." Theo calmly spoke to Miya.

With a sigh she pulled the sword out of Theo's neck as a result she saw that there was no blood on the blade. She looked at the sword with a stunned look on her face as she couldn't understand how there was no blood on the blade.

"If you're wondering how there is no blood on the blade, I can give you an explanation. I can control the very atoms in my body. I can make even a sword go through my neck without it drawing blood" Answered Theo calmly.

"I saw the blade of my sword go through your neck. How is that even possible?" Miya questioned rather perplexed. She suddenly found herself looking at what looked to be Earth but only half of it, like the other half was in complete darkness. She then looked at her feet and all she could see was a white rock under her feet.

"We aren't on Earth anymore Miya." Theo calmly said to Miya as he looked at Earth.

"How did we get here?" Miya replied with a slightly calmer tone.

"I teleported us to the moon. I did this to show you the power I wield. Though it really doesn't cost me any energy to teleport us here." Theo calmly said to Miya.

She then found herself looking at a galaxy from really far away.

She freaked out slightly and before she could ask Theo spoke first, "I have brought us to the outer regions of the universe. Where we are right now is so far away from Earth that the light from this galaxy will never be seen by Earth."

Theo then raised his hand and said "Null Void"

Miya looked at the galaxy that Theo was pointing to to see that the galaxy was completely disappearing. In less than ten seconds the galaxy was completely gone.

Miya then looked up at Theo in complete disbelief. "Miya there are many things that I can't tell you for now. But I know everything about the Sekirei plan, I even know how your husband was killed by MBI. As your Ashikabi, I promise to avenge Takehito Asama." Theo proclaimed looking back at Miya.

"What do you mean by Ashikabi?" Miya responded while grabbing at her sword just in case Theo tried anything.

"You know what I mean. I felt the same reaction with you that I felt with Musubi and Akitsu. Haven't you wondered why you could never find your Ashikabi before?" Asked Theo while not breaking eye contact with her.

"I guess I have, I did want Takehito to be my Ashikabi, but I never reacted to him." Miya confirmed.

"I guessed that only someone stronger than you could make you react. My hunch was correct the instant I saw you for the first time, I won't force you to emerge but when you're ready I will make you my Sekirei." Theo explained to Miya as he smiled at her.

"Thank you for not forcing me, I really appreciate you doing that. Can you tell me anything?" Miya responded with a sigh of relief.

"In the universe I come from this world was my favourite manga to read. One of my favourite characters was you Miya. You really cared for the people that stayed at Maison Izumo, you acted like a mother but thought you were more of a big sister. Even willing to go kill Minaka if Homura asked you to do so. I have seen many different outcomes for this universe and all end badly. This dead end is because the you in this universe is so much stronger than in the other universes, you end up killing every Sekirei because you are just too powerful. I have come to stop that from happening, I will change the fate of this universe before I leave with my Sekirei and any other sekirei that want to follow." Theo told Miya.

"You plan on going back to the universe you are from? With the Sekirei you have become the Ashikabi too, why?" Miya questioned with confusion all over her face.

"I'm going back to the universe I came to before this one because they still need help, but I won't tell you what happens there until it's time to leave." Theo corrected.

"Now back to explaining what my powers are. In short, I can do anything I want in any of the Universes as I can control the very forces that make up the multiverse." Theo showed Miya what he meant by turning his hand into a blade and back. "I plan to protect all the Sekirei and Ashikabi so they can choose their own paths just as it should have been. But I'll also give them a choice to come with me or to stay here and protect the earth." He said whilst looking out into space before teleporting them both back to the roof of Izumo Inn.

"So, what's your plan Theo?" Miya asked him.

Suddenly she found herself inside a room only lit by multiple screens, shocked she looked at Theo and was about to ask Theo what he was doing. Running footsteps came closer only to leap into Theo's body. The shadow kissed Theo; suddenly yellowish light wings appeared from her back. Theo brought his hands up to her waist to hold her, emotions he only feels with Musubi and Akitsu once again emerge for his third Sekirei.

Once they let go of each other, Theo looked down at the Sekirei before saying "That's one way to introduce yourself Matsu."

"Yeah, I know… sorry. But as soon as you arrived, I've been feeling super-hot and seeing how sexy you are I just wanted to try all sorts o-wait how do you know my name?" Miya stood there in disbelief over the fact Matsu just emerged right in front of her after nineteen years of being unwinged as Theo smiled and spoke.

"That is a long story Matsu Sekirei No.02. I was the one you met at Kamikura all those years ago." he replied mysteriously.

"Come on Musubi you need to work on your power control throughout your whole body." Miya said as she dodged Musubi's double cross high kick combo.

"Okay landlady I'll try doing that." Musubi said with vigor.

She released another flurry of attacks Miya's way. Whilst Musubi was sparring with Miya, Theodeus and Akitsu were sitting next to each other with Akitsu had her head on his left shoulder while his arm was pressed firmly in between her abundant chest.

"Hey there Theo, how are you this morning? By the way, how long has she been going at it?" A chipper womanly voice said from down the hall.

Theo turned his head to look at where the voice was coming from to see a well-endowed young woman with long, dark brown hair with brown eyes, standing one hundred and sixty-three centimetres in height wearing a pink and violet belly top and blue Capri jeans walking towards them.

"Morning Uzume or should I be saying good evening since it's almost four pm. Did you sleep well?" Theo joked with the busted late sleeper

"Yeah, I did thanks, anyway, back to my question. How long has she been at it?" Uzume repeated.

"This is her second go around. Akitsu just finished her turn. I'm surprised Miya is better than them by this much, it's almost like she isn't a human." Theodeus said with a thoughtful look on his face.

Uzume stares in horror wondering if Theo figured Miya's secret out, she knows he is a genius so she was worried he would figure out Miya's secret, until Theo spoke again. "But that isn't right she couldn't possibly be anything other than a human. Just because she houses Sekirei doesn't make her one, she did say her husband worked at MBI before he died which would explain how she knows what the Sekirei Plan is."

Uzume released a huge sigh when she heard Theo say this. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, her chest pressed up against his back and her head on his right shoulder. They stayed like this without saying a word for a few minutes.

"Sometimes I hate being a Sekirei Theo." Uzume said depressingly.

"Why is that Uzume?" Monotoned Akitsu.

Surprising Uzume as she had only heard Uzume talk a handful of times and mainly to Theo never once to her. "Well Akitsu it's because I realized a while ago that I don't know what I would do if I had to be forcefully taken away from my Ashikabi, so I hate having to do it to others. But because of Minaka Sahashi we are forced to fight each other in this stupid game of his. Which also means that no matter how much I love you guys we will one day have to fight." With that she stood up and started to continue to walk when Theo spoke.

"Uzume, I'll be making Beef Bourguignon tonight and French Crepes Chocolate Hazelnut Butter for dessert. Would you like me to save you some?" Theo told Uzume.

"Oh! you're the one cooking tonight? Yes, please that would be great, you're the best Theo." She beamed at him but before continuing down the hall only to be stopped once again by Theo.

"Uzume, one last thing… Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help and brave enough to ask. We will always be here to help you Uzume, Izumo Inn is the closest thing I have to a family and I'll always help my family." He said without facing her knowing full well the meaning of what he said and how it would affect the cheerful Sekirei.

After a brief pause Uzume and a quick wipe of tears from her face she left without saying a word.

It's been two day since Theodeus and his Sekirei moved into Izumo Inn and a lot has happened from meeting the Sekirei Uzume, Musubi and Akitsu sparring matches with Miya to Theo cooking most nights.

Once Uzume left, Theo sat on the porch of the house with Akitsu he started to think about how they met Uzume.

Musubi was sitting in the Izumo Bathroom washing her hair when soap got in her eyes. "Eeeep. Soap in my eyes." She then heard the door slide open and saw a fully naked Uzume come in.

"Ahh. I don't think we have met. Did you move in or something?" Uzume said surprisingly.

"Yes. Theo, Akitsu and I moved in just yesterday." Replied Musubi rather happily.

"I'm Uzume. I'm in room 203. Nice to meetcha." Uzume said cheerfully whilst thinking 'What a nice rack it's bigger than mine'.

"I'm Musubi. It's nice to meet you as well." Musubi replied as she sat down moving her hair round to the front to wash it till she heard from behind her.

"Ahh! The Sekirei crest. You're a Sekirei. See? I'm one too." Uzume excitedly turned around to show Musubi her mark.

Theo and Akitsu were outside looking at the garden till they both heard a loud crashing sound coming from inside the house. 'I guess Musubi has met Uzume well. I guess I should get into position.' Theo thought to himself.

"Should we go find out what that noise is?" he said to Akitsu to which the silent girl nodded in response

They headed towards the noise only to stop outside near the bathroom. Suddenly a body came flying out of the bathroom, both Akitsu and Theo watched as the person landed perfectly on the fence and re-tied the towel that threatened to fall and expose herself in front of them. She looked at them and suddenly a light went off in her head.

"Hey. You must be Musubi's Ashikabi, is that correct?" Uzume asked hurriedly.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" Theo replied rather convincingly as he knew what was about to happen.

As expected of her Uzume jumps down next to him and tries to wrap her arm around Theo's neck only to notice how much taller he was compared to her and the woman standing on the left side of him she then pulls his free arm into her cleavage and asks in a rather sweet tone.

"Thing is… I don't like fighting. So be a sweetheart and ask her to stop please." Right after she asked Theo, all three of them could hear Musubi yelling from the bathroom.

"Ah! Get away from Theo right now!" She then jumped out the window and stood in front of the three of them rather angrily. "I said get away from Theo!" she said, throwing a punch in Uzume's way.

Just as the punch was about to land a purple haired blur appeared out of nowhere and stopped the attack with the lid of one of her kitchen pots.

"Come now." She said hitting Musubi with the soup ladle in her other hand before she continued. "A girl your age shouldn't be running around like that. Have you no shame?` She reprimanded Musubi.

"Right… I'm sorry." Replied Musubi whilst rubbing her head.

"As long as you understand "heeheehee. You made her." Uzume said while chuckling to herself.

Miya then turned around pointing the ladle at Uzume. "You too Uzume. I don't particularly care who caused this but know that I will not tolerate any violence here at Izumo Inn. Understood?" she said as a demon mask appeared behind her scaring Akitsu and Uzume.

Theo smiled as he finally got to experience the demon mask that Miya was famous for while Musubi didn't react as she seemed to be immune to the mask due to being such a big airhead.

"Landlady, you're so strong, would you please train me?" Musubi asked hopefully.

"Why do you want me to teach you?" Miya asked back rather interested in the sudden request.

"To be honest I don't know why I asked. But my instincts are telling me to have you train me." Musubi explained why she asked Miya.

"Alright then I'll train you every two days from now on. What about you Akitsu? Would you like me to train you too?" Akitsu replied with her usual nod.

Pleased Miya walked back inside and said. "Dinner will be ready shortly so be ready to eat by then. And I advise you two girls to get dressed right now."

"Miya sure is super scary when she is mad." Uzume said to Theo.

"You two better go get dressed before Miya comes back Akitsu and I will be waiting for you both." Theo said to Uzume and Musubi, both girls promptly head inside to get dressed.

"Those two will be a handful in the future." Theo spoke as the girls left his sight.

"That they will Master." Akitsu said in her natural neutral tone, as she followed Theo inside.

"Help me, Please Big Brother." Theo suddenly woke to hear the voice of a young girl, after taking a small nap while watching Musubi train with Miya.

As he regained his senses, he noticed his head was on something soft and warm. He looked up to see Musubi looking back at him lovingly while playing with his hair.

"Sleep well Theodeus?" Musubi said lovingly staring down into his eyes.

"Yes, I did, thanks for letting me use your lap as a pillow Musubi. Your lap is really soft." Theo said in a dazed voice.

"Anything for you Theo. Your hair is really soft." Musubi replied softly to him.

"How long have I been asleep in Musubi?" Theo asked Musubi.

"You were asleep for about an hour Theo. You fell asleep and Akitsu placed your head on her lap so when it was her again to spar with the landlady, I thought I would do it too." Musubi replied in a pleased tone.

"I'm truly glad to have you two in my life Musubi, I have felt alone for all my life with no-one I felt at home with, but with you and Akitsu I feel like I belong. I truly thank you for that." Theo said sadly to Musubi.

"Theo I'm not sure what you have been through, but as long as I'm here you won't ever feel alone. I will win the Sekirei plan and make sure we can be together forever." Musubi replied happily to Theo before leaning down and kissing him.

It was eleven at night and Theo was visiting Matsu in her room privately with Miya there as well. She said she was there to make sure Matsu didn't try to have any untoward fraternization with the opposite sex.

"Theo what's with this night visit. If it was so I could experiment on that amazingly sexy body I wouldn't be complaining, but seeing as Miya is here that isn't why you're here, is it? Matsu asked Theo rather perverted fashion.

"I'm here to ask you to look into the city park for me. As I know my next Sekirei will cause a large commotion there tonight." Theo replied to Matsu rather amused at her antics.

"Okay, let me see… Oh wow! The park looks like a giant jungle. Theo, what is about to happen there?" Musubi asked Theo and as if on que Theo's phone buzzed and a message appeared on it saying "Who will get the Girl of Green."