
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Matsu's Newfound Power

The next morning everyone slept in rather late, Theo however decided to buy the next two houses over for five times the value just so they could get a new place to live. Once he bought both houses, he helped the families pack their stuff up and even called some of his employees to help. Theo even paid for the families to stay in the best hotel for three months till they could find a house of their own. After sending the families their money and helping them move all their stuff into a storage unit, Theo then locked off the block and contacting a construction company to build the new restaurant that he planned to use as a cover for himself and any one else that planned to join up with him. He wasn't certain of what to put on the menu but decided to work on it with Miya when she woke up.

Afterwards Theo made a training facility two metres underground that was attached to the main house, the facility had a height of one hundred metres and an area of ten hectares. He made several rooms one for each Sekirei, he wasn't ready to introduce them to this facility yet. He would once he revealed his identity, only then would he allow them to use the facility. Lastly, he would need to create another set of rooms but that was just another thing he would work out with Miya.

Pleased with his progress he decided to make everyone pancakes for breakfast . When everyone did wake up he was finishing making all fifty pancakes, they had a relaxing breakfast well that was until Matsu spoke up.

"Theo what you made last night was incredible that dessert was the best thing I ever tasted in my life." She exclaimed, everyone else nodded in agreement as they remembered the taste of last night's dinner.

"I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I wanted you guys to relax and making a delicious was the only way I could think of doing it. You all slept for twelve hours easy." Theo replied while looking at everyone and smiling.

"Well thank you for that Theo I haven't slept like that in a long time," Uzume said to Theo.

They all thanked Theo for breakfast and last nights meal even the forever scummy Seo said words of thanks to him. Hikari and Hibiki were the most grateful though as they had been stressed out about looking for work.

After a few minutes of quite relaxation Theo explained his plan to Yukari and Shiina, they agreed to move into Izumo Inn today and to help Seo search for Ashikabi in need of help. Musubi, Ku, and Akitsu were to go with them just in case they were to be attacked again and to also help them pack their stuff up.

With them gone Theo decided to spend some time with Matsu, so here he was sitting in her room with Matsu in his lap with his arms wrapped around her midsection. Matsu was currently enjoying this silence between them, they didn't have to talk, they could just enjoy each other's company. She was currently using satellite footage to watch over Theo's Sekirei while they help Yukari and Shiina.

Matsu leaned back into Theo's chest slightly and asked him. "Theo why did you make all you the girls go, just Musubi would have been enough to protect them."

"Matsu can't it be because I wanted to spend time with only you?" Theo replied to Matsu's question with a smile.

Matsu sat up and straddled Theo. Looking into his eyes Matsu kissed Theo firmly on his lips. After thirty seconds they separated, Matsu still looking him lovingly in the eyes she said. "Theo as much as I love that it's just us and no matter how badly I want you to take me right here I know for now that isn't happening. I want you to be honest with me, I want you to know that I will love you no matter what you do, and I'll always be by your side. I believe you can save us from our "Dead End" as you call it. So please tell me what you want from me and I'll do whatever it is that my master needs."

Hearing her sincerity he sighed, looking into her eyes he said "I need to check your Sekirei core to understand what its comprised of. If possible I plan to run some tests on your Sekirei core so that I can make changes to it." Responded while not breaking eye contact.

"What type of changes?" Matsu asked curiously.

"There are plenty of things I want to test out, but for now, I want to see if there is a way to make you guys stronger for when you guys travel with me to any universe I go to. I want to try and unlock your limiter that stops any potential you have and since your ability is telepathically accessing electronic devices yours would be less noticeable. I also want to see if I can mutate your powers slightly, for you I would not only try to buff the strength of your access ability but also see if you could use actual telepathy. If you can access your true telepathically abilities, you would be a far scarier existence." Answered Theo excitedly.

"I like the sound of that Theo… sometimes I feel useless, I'm only able to access electronic devices, I can't even control them to do whatever I want or need them too. I can't even fight, anyone that isn't a brain type like I am can terminate me. I prided myself for my knowledge, but you took that from me and are even more knowledgeable then I am. I love you Theo, but I feel like I'm not needed." Matsu said sadly, she wrapped her arms around his midsection and rested her head on his chest to feel his heartbeat which was beating at a steady pace.

"I'm sorry that because of my interference in becoming your Ashikabi instead of Minaka's son Sekirei I've caused you to feel useless. But I don't regret my decision so far. This world is doing better than in the original timeline. But do you regret becoming my Sekirei?" Was Theo's response to what Matsu had divulged to him.

Shaking her head then resting her head once again on to his chest Matsu answered. "No, I don't regret becoming your Sekirei. I love you so much, you truly care for each of us… I even believe that Miya will also become your Sekirei soon, once she lets go of Takehito and realizes how much she likes you that is when she will become your Sekirei. I know you will change this world and make it better for both Ashikabi and Sekirei, but it still doesn't help this feeling. But if I can get other powers that can make me a more serious threat then please help me, Theo."

Theo then teleported them into the underground facility, Matsu looked around excitedly only to have Theo ruin her good time by making her lay down on her back on top of the massage table. When she laid down and was comfortable Theo told her that she might feel a bit of tingling inside her mind due to how far into her core he might have to go but truthfully, he wasn't even sure if it would hurt. He put one on hand on her head and one on her stomach lightly touching her body. He then located her Sekirei core and started to check the very atoms that make up the core he was also checking her body's genetics.

He did this for five minutes before he had a breakthrough, what Theo discovered was that her body was practically an ordinary humans body only slightly stronger and all her powers do come from her core. He also discovered that her body was connected to this powerful strange force that he hypothesized is either the Jinki crystals or the floating island Kouten itself also, he realized that she was connected to him and three others. As he hypothesized Theo discovered that her core had limiters on it that had to be broken for the Sekirei to get stronger, he noticed that out of the twelve limiters inside her core only five had been unlocked. Theo theorized that three limiters were unlocked by Takehito when he adjusted her, one limiter broke due to the kiss between Sekirei and Ashikabi and lastly one broke due to her pushing her limits when hacking security systems telepathically. This hypotheses would explain why Matsu never got any stronger in the manga compared to the others that fought harder fights each time, as a result, they either unlocked their limiters or got closer to the next one, he wasn't entirely sure but he would find out soon.

Theo then checked on her actual powers, what he found was that she had two major powers specific to her and one minor power that he believed that all Sekirei had this was "Enhanced Conditioning" this would explain why all Sekirei could jump from buildings without fear of hurting themselves. One of her two major powers was "Electronic Interaction" which gives her the ability to interact with all forms of technology. The other one, however, was locked by some sort of genetic modifier so that she couldn't unlock her full potential. He guessed this was so that Minaka could keep the Sekirei under his control so they would not get too powerful like Miya has become. Theo forcefully unlocked this second power, to reveal "Psionics". But more specifically "Psychic Constructs" and "Psychic Communication" as of now, although this alone gave Matsu plenty of combat power.

Lastly, he checked out what the deal was with Norito's, Theo understood that it had to do with the genetics of Sekirei but not what causes the reactions. Just as he was about to check what causes Norito's, Theo suddenly found himself in some sort of space. Curious he walked around for a bit only to stumble upon Matsu, this, however, wasn't his Matsu she had old looking clothing as well as different styled hair.

Matsu was looking at him curiously for about ten seconds before she said, "You can't be here Theodeus."

Theo curious as to why he wasn't allowed to be here asked, "Why can't I be here Matsu?"

"If you continue any farther Matsu will be forcefully terminated. The Kouten doesn't want anyone to understand how Norito's work, otherwise Kouten would lose its authority over Sekirei." Matsu replied with a sad look on her face.

Theo wondered why she had this look but decided not to ask, he did however but instead asked, "Kouten controls them doesn't it and it can make Miya believe that she is in control of it, correct?"

Matsu nodded before saying, "That is correct he controls her through the Sekirei connection to Kouten, but Kouten isn't the floating island Theodeus. Kouten is the creator of Sekirei. He plans to use them to create his perfect body. The Jinki are the key to stopping his plan I know that much but even after all this time I'm not sure how they work properly."

Hearing this Theo thought for a moment before he decided to ask one last question. "Matsu, can Kouten intercept what I have said to Miya?"

"No, he can't take over her mind completely. All he can do is give her suggestions which make her act a certain way. He normally only does this because he feels threatened, if too many of the Jinki crystals are in the same area he will force Miya to start attacking them without a single care in the world. So, when you get them you must not have them grouped up without preparation." Replied Matsu to Theo's questions.

"I'll consider that. Thanks for the information Matsu." With that Theo left Matsu's body having learned more than enough for now.

"Before I go Matsu. Are you the same Matsu as the one that's my Sekirei?" Theo wondered.

Smiling Matsu explained. "I am, but I'm also not. The Sekirei have existed long before today. the Kamakura period of Japan was when we first arrived on earth but once we die we revert back to fetuses' and our previous selves memory would get locked into the very genetics of our cores. Each version would then merge with all the previous ones, this is why I can speak to you here as I'm a genetic memory of all previous Matsu."

When he opened his eyes and looked down at Matsu who was now opening her eyes, he smiled at her. Matsu noticing his gaze locked eyes with him and smiled at him as well. Theo leaned down and gave her a kiss, Matsu taking advantage of this wrapped her arms around his neck to hold the kiss longer then Theo was going to give her. After two minutes of kissing Matsu let go of Theo, he explained all that he discovered even when trying to figure out what causes Norito's. Matsu was shocked to hear of the information that Theo was telling her. However when she heard about her Psionic powers being unlocked, she became ecstatic, to say the least. He worked on helping Matsu understand powers for the rest of the day. He would show her ways that she could utilize her new skills, then would have constant sparing matches to test her combat power.

After hours of training Theo decided to stop as he was happy with Matsu's progress, she was now able to create many different Psychic Constructs, ranging from barriers and armor to even a bow that fires arrows that follow the target as long as Matsu can see them. She was able now able to react when Theo would punch her at twice the speed that Musubi could punch. Due to her strategic mind, she would be able to predict what her foe would do in a fight and plan countermeasures. With excessive practice she was now able to talk to Theo telepathically in a thirty-kilometer radius, to which for now they would keep between the two of them.

Theo and Matsu decided to enter through the front door to avoid suspicion from his other Sekirei about where they were. When questioned about their whereabouts Matsu told them that Theo wanted her to have a fun afternoon as she hasn't gone outside much in the last few years to which he confirmed to reduce suspicion. Even when everyone went to bed and Miya asked Matsu behind Theo's back she answered with the same story and with her newfound psychic abilities told him what she told Miya, before telling Theo to sleep well.

When Theo woke up the next morning however, he was rather surprised that all four of his Sekirei were using him as a pillow. Musubi had his left shoulder while Matsu had the right-hand side, Akitsu had her head on his crotch and little Ku had wrapped herself around Theo's right leg. Theo was debating whether he should or shouldn't wake them up as he was rather enjoying the feeling of three pairs of giant breasts all over his body. However just as he was about to wake them up Matsu started to stir then slowly opened her eyes.

"Morning Matsu sleep well?" Theo asked her.

Matsu hearing his voice looked up at him and smiled before crawling on top of him and going for a kiss when suddenly Musubi's head shot up and blocked it and the two busty Sekirei ended up kissing much to Matsu's surprise.

"Huh! I'm not Theo." Musubi said after they broke their kiss.

"I wonder what the joining of two Sekirei could produce?" Matsu said out loud with a rather perverted look appearing on her face.

Theo smiled at her before giving the two Sekirei a good morning kiss. Matsu then headed to her room to do some training, Theo made a teleporter connected to her room in the training facility. Musubi went outside to train while Theo went to make breakfast.

Later that day Miya decided to go downtown to visit her husband's grave and asked Musubi to water her garden for her, being Musubi, she was happy to water her for her. Later as Musubi finished watering the garden Kusano and her both start to mess around with the hose only however not did they get soaked with water but also someone that just came through the entrance of the garden. Musubi hearing that someone sounded rather surprised, looked over to see a now completely drenched Karasuba, otherwise known as the Black Sekirei. Karasuba was now the leader of the disciplinary squad that MBI uses to hunt down runaway Ashikabi and their Sekirei. Musubi, however, wasn't conserved about this person's identity but that she just wet her with the garden hose.

"So sorry Karasuba I didn't see you there." Musubi apologized to Karasuba.

Smiling Karasuba responds, "You're as scatterbrained as ever Musubi. I have heard some rumors about you lately, but aren't you happy to see me?"

Musubi as cheerful as always said "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? But quick let's get you inside and get your clothes dried."

As they all walk inside Theo turns the corner and walks towards them. Theo knowing that she would be here today walked to Musubi and with his best acting asked, "Musubi who is this?"

Musubi cheerfully answered. "This is a friend of mine, her name is Karasuba, she is also a Sekirei. Karasuba, this is my Ashikabi Theo. He is the best cook in the world by the way."

The two people that Musubi was talking to then shook hands. When Karasuba grabbed Theo's hand she felt a strange feeling journey up her legs to the rest of her body. Karasuba didn't panic as the feeling didn't raise her instincts warning signals so she decided to ignore it for the time being. Theo, the person that was causing Karasuba to feel strange acted normally before letting go and taking her towards the laundry room whilst talking to Matsu through her link about Karasuba's strengths and weaknesses. The two then planned to test Matsu's newfound power on Karasuba once she leaves the safety of Izumo Inn but first playing the role of a clueless Ashikabi that Karasuba expects him to be.