
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Helping Yukari and Shiina

"Big brother, I want you to be my Ashikabi." With that she kissed him.

Green petal-like wings sprout from her back. While Kusano kissed Theo the flowers in the garden grew more beautiful and larger than they normally were. After the brief kiss between them Kusano re-took her spot on his lap as they stared at the even more beautiful than normal garden. Thinking of the Sekirei plan Theo thought that it was about time to start working on his plan for the future of the Sekirei. But first to deal with No.107 and Yukari and bring them under his protection and help them grow stronger faster.

Later that day Theo, Kusano, Akitsu and Musubi took a nap after shopping for clothes for everyone so they didn't have to wear their combat clothes all the time and painting with Kusano once they got home. During their sleep Izumo Inn received a visitor, this visitor was none other than Seo the very Ashikabi that helped Homura protect Kusano. Seo was here for two reasons; one of those reasons was because even though he had been paid by Takami for helping last night it was only enough so that Seo and his Sekirei had a place to live for the next month. So poor Hikari and Hibiki must continue to do odd jobs otherwise they would starve. The second was to check on the Ashikabi that came to get No.108, he wanted to make sure the Ashikabi wasn't some sort of creep but coming from someone that Miya calls trash regularly he is the last person to be judging someone.

Seo wouldn't have to wait too long though, because ten minutes later Theo walked into the Tatami Room and sat down at the Chabudai next to Miya. She poured him a cup of tea and gave it to him to which Theo thanked her. Theo sat there next to Miya drinking the tea, not even paying any mind to Seo as he already knew that Seo would be here today. Seo, unable to stand being ignored, couldn't handle it anymore after a few minutes and asked Theo what was on his mind.

"You're the Ashikabi that came to claim No.108." Seo said to Theo.

Not taking what Seo said to heart responded. "I don't know what you're trying to imply but yes I am the Ashikabi that Kusano reacted to, my name is Theo. Although I may look calm right now, I'm furious by what Minaka did to alleviate his boredom and I don't doubt he will do it once again in the near future."

Surprised by hearing Theo say that, Seo decided to ask. "How many do you have? Because if I had to guess that you have three, otherwise you would have brought more with you just in case you would be too heavily outnumbered."

"No, I have four as of right now." Theo responded to Seo's guess.

"Well who is the fourth then?" Seo asked, confused about why he would only bring two if he had three.

"I'm his third official Sekirei." Matsu said as she entered the room to sit next to Theo leaning her head onto his shoulder.

Seo, baffled by this, sat there for a minute not saying a thing. "This is why I didn't bring my third Sekirei as you know Matsu isn't the greatest when it comes to actual combat." Theo said to Seo.

"Now Seo I have a proposition for you. I know that you have no job and right now have no stable income. And that to stay afloat you as well as Hikari and Hibiki have to do odd jobs." Theo stated to Seo.

"You're not wrong about that. I guess Miya told you all of this. And what's this proposal?" Seo answered as he investigated Theo's rainbow eyes, finding them rather intriguing.

"You're right she did when I asked her about who would be the best person to hire for this specific task. I want to hire you, but this won't be a normal job. It involves you and your Sekirei going out and looking for Ashikabi and Sekirei that I want to bring under my protection and have them help each other out until we can't help but fight each other. You need to be discreet about it though I'll be giving you burner phones so you can hand them out to people I recommend. These burner phones will have one number on them, and it will call my other phone's personal number, not this MBI made phone that Minaka can track and hear any and all conversations going down around them. Not to worry though Matsu has made sure that this place is safe from people trying to spy on our conversation which I undoubtedly believe he would try. Of course, you won't be doing this for free, I'm willing to pay you ten million yen per Ashikabi that ends up calling me on these phones." Theo explained to Seo as the walking trash bin of an Ashikabi stared at Theo in utter shock from the number Theo was willing to pay them but before he said yes, he thought he would ask one more question.

"What's the catch? This seems too good to be true. What is it you really want to do with this Alliance?" Theo smiled for the first time during this whole conversation, though it wasn't a happy smile it seemed more sinister then even Miya's when she was angry.

Nervous by what he might hear he listened to what Theo had to say. "I want to make Minaka suffer for what he is putting all the Ashikabi and Sekirei through just to satisfy his increasing boredom. To allow these Sekirei to find their fated partners only to be taken away from them due to being terminated most likely never to be seen again. Last night showed us all what he is willing to do. I want to create a force that can stand up to him so that he can be taken down much easier than doing it alone." Theo replied, still smiling at Seo. Seo on the other hand felt like he would be walking into the pits of hell if he got on this guy's bad side. Immediately after, Theo said that Seo agreed to Theo's offer.

For another few minutes they discussed Seo's first target was a girl named Yukari Sahashi daughter of Takami Sahashi and her soon to be Sekirei No.107 Shiina and what they looked like, but Theo didn't tell him that she wasn't his Ashikabi yet otherwise it would cause Seo to ask too many questions. What he did say was that Yukari was Takami's daughter and that he wanted to bring her under his protection and that Shiina was someone very close to Kusano. Once they were done discussing the details Seo was about to head off when they got a knock on the door, when Miya opened the door, she saw Hikari and Hibiki standing outside wearing aprons looking ashamed as normal.

"Umm… you wouldn't happen to have seen our idiot?" Hakari asked with the feeling of shame dripping from her body.

"Hey. Thanks for coming." Seo said without a care in the world as he walked outside only to be assaulted by Hikari and Hibiki.

"Always causing trouble Seo." The two yell at Seo as they punch and kick him.

"Seo, I hope you complete your work. I'll send you five hundred thousand yen for your work to help protect Kusano." Theo said to Seo, making the two furious Sekirei stop and look at Theo.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get it done. Come on girls let's go, we have work to do." Seo replied whilst casually walking away.

"We are sorry Miya for Seo coming around once again to ask for food. And we thank you as well for sending us money, we will pay you back when we can." Hikari and Hibiki say to Miya and Theo as they both give a deep bow toward the two before running after Seo to ask about what he and Theo were talking about.

"Theo, are you sure you want Seo to do this job for you? Couldn't you just do it yourself?" Miya inquired looking up at Theo's one-hundred-and-ninety-centimeter frame.

Theo turned to look at Miya holding one of her hands in his and looking into her eyes before saying. "Yes, that is the plan, I already know where they both are. Seo will just be a scapegoat. But I have lived a long time and I know when people are in need of help and are scared for their lives, they will follow anyone that is willing to protect them. I want them to decide for themselves I will only give them the means to request that help whether they request said help is up to them. I know what I'm doing is manipulation but sometimes it's necessary, you will understand that in the future what I'm doing now will be for the benefit of all those under my care. Now my future queen I must go for a bit. I need to find Shiina and tell him where he can find his Ashikabi." Once Theo kissed Miya's forehead, he disappeared from her site leaving Miya to think about what he said.

'Theo, I hope you're right about all of this.' She thought to herself while smiling about how sweet of a person he was before heading back inside as it was her turn to cook dinner.

Elsewhere a young-looking boy was wandering around Shinto Teito looking rather lost, the young boy was just looking for his little sister Kusano, this boy was No.107 Shiina. Shiina stood one hundred and fifty-five centimetres in height and has a rather slim build for a male Sekirei, with a feminine face, silver-green hair and grey eyes, Shiina is the definition of a pretty boy. The only thing helping anyone identify his gender was his long-sleeved white zip up shirt and brown jeans that have been rolled up to sit above his knees. He has been walking around for hours now but was starting to get tired. Just as he was about to find a bench to sit on he felt a hand rest on the shoulder. Frozen in place Shiina felt frightened by the hand gently resting on his shoulder, as he tried using his powers on the person behind him to no avail.

"Go north-west to find your Ashikabi and when you find her you will soon find your little sister." A distorted voice whispered from behind him.

As sudden as the hand appeared it disappeared. Shiina turned to look for the person behind him but couldn't see anyone there or anywhere near him, it was like a ghost revealed itself to him. Now though he had a destination in mind to not only find his Ashikabi but little Kusano as well. And with newfound determination Shiina started walking north-west.

Miya had just started to cook dinner when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her midsection. Surprised by the fact someone snuck up on her, she soon realized only one person in this world would be able to do that and with that thought she relaxed slightly before saying.

"Rather bold of you to be holding me like this aren't you Theo?" Miya said whilst she cut up the vegetables for dinner.

"I'm only this bold because it's you Miya. I know you aren't ready to be my Sekirei yet, but that doesn't mean I can't get to know who you really are and not just what I read in my original world. I also thought I'd give you a little bit of the affection that you so deserve, after all you have been training my other Sekirei and for that I'm grateful for as that means I don't have to reveal myself to them just yet. I want them to enjoy the peacefulness they have for just a little bit longer." Theo said to Miya before letting go of her to find where his other girls are.

Miya let out a sigh of relief once Theo left because she could feel her own affections for Theo grew larger by the day, seeing how caring Theo was to not only her but his Sekirei and seeing the lengths he will go to protect as many Sekirei as possible makes her heart beat faster each day. She is now noticing that her affection for Theo was slowly catching her love for her late husband, although she didn't seem slightly concerned by this fact after all Theo is her fated partner.

It's been two days since Theo told Shiina where he would find his Ashikabi and until now he had no such luck in finding her. But currently he was in a very girly room. He wasn't in this room alone however right in front of him was a slim young woman just slightly taller than he was, at one hundred and fifty-eight centimetres tall. This girl was sporting short black hair and blue eyes. She was wearing her college uniform which consisted of a brown long-sleeved blouse, white long-sleeved shirt, black skirt with a brown belt holding her skirt up and a ribbon tying her left side bangs in place. Shocked about the fact that he was suddenly in this girl's apartment when only ten minutes he was being chased by two Sekirei who's Ashikabi tried to claim his sister, he said nothing to the girl as she tried to catch her breath.

'She protected me… why?' Shiina thought to himself.

Whilst he was asking wondering why she did this Yukari herself was panicking. 'I picked up the beautiful boy, ran, ran some more, got on a train, got off… then brought him all the way to my apartment… ran, ran and kept running. What the hell am I doing!? Seriously!?' Yukari screams to herself inside her mind.

She looked up at Shiina and chuckled before getting a proper look at him. 'Wow. He really is a cutie. Those slim shoulders, slender waist and so light, lighter than me even.' She thought to herself before she heard the voice of this angelic voice.

"Uh… umm." Yukari heard the voice say.

"Y-Yes!" She responded flustered by his cute stutter.

"I'm definitely, your Sekirei." Shiina finally said as he tried to kiss her, only for her to pass out from a sudden but intense nosebleed.

The next morning Yukari and Shiina found themselves walking around Shinto Teito. They were heading to a clothes store as Yukari didn't have any clothes for Shiina, as she was after all just an eighteen-year-old college student. Due to this Yukari forced Shiina to wear one of her dresses to disguise him from the people that were trying to capture him, in this dress Shiina truly looked like a girl. Shiina didn't wear the dress because he wanted to, Yukari really did force poor Shiina to wear the dress. She had a nosebleed the whole time she watched him change whilst fantasising about what she wants to do to him, she surely is one hell of a pervert. As they were walking hand in hand downtown, they didn't notice they were being watched by the very person they were trying to hide from.

Mikogami silently watched them as he just happened to come across the pair while looking for Sekirei to wing.

"What is it, Mikogami?" Mutsu asked Mikogami to which the rich teenager replied. "All I've had my mind on is that another one got away yesterday and it seems that fledging still isn't winged."

"Winged? Did you spot a Sekirei?" Mutsu asked.

"Just seeing him makes me want to have him." Mikogami said to Mutsu whilst staring intently at Shiina.

"That's a bad habit of yours. Well, do as you please." Mutsu said as they both started to follow the unwinged Sekirei.

Yukari and Shiina, unaware of the two people keeping a safe distance from them, stopped at a small park. "We sure have been walking around a lot today. How are you? Tired out?" Yukari tiredly asked Shiina.

"I'm okay." Shiina quickly responded.

Smiling at Shiina, Yukari followed up with. "Lemme get us some drinks. There's a vending machine just over there. Just wait here. Okay?" She then jogged toward said vending machine.

Just as Yukari ran around the corner, Shiina heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey. You alone?" The voice asked Shiina.

Shiina looked towards the voice and saw a young boy looking at him.

"Can I sit here? Whoa. You sure are cute up close." The boy asked as he placed a hand on Shiina's left shoulder.

"U-Umm. I'm actually with someone." Shiina replied not moving.

That was till the hand on his shoulder gave a slight squeeze, looking towards the hand he heard the young man speak once more to him.

"Your body. It's getting warm. It's starting to "React" Yeah? What a horrible Ashikabi you have. She just leaves you to keep heating up and doesn't even bother giving you wings." Shiina's eyes now wide realize just who this person was.

"You are an Ashikabi." Said to the boy that was smiling at him.

"Become mine. Okay, Number 107?" the boy said to Shiina.

Yukari on her way back from getting drinks from the vending machine was having a conversation with herself. "So, what do I do about that… "Proof" did he call it? I mean, I know that he's waiting for it, but now that I missed the perfect timing for it. It's like, how do I avoid another nosebleed? Guess this'll be my-" she was saying to herself when she suddenly heard.

"Please stop. No! Let go." The voice yelled suddenly.

The now very alert Yukari looked towards the yelling voice. Noticing it was Shiina, Yukari threw the drinks she bought at the boy holding Shiina hitting him in the back of his head.

"Get away from my Shiina. You punk." Yukari and Shiina both run towards each other.

"Yukari." Shiina called out as he ran to Yukari.

"You okay? That guy do anything creepy to you?" Yukari worriedly asked Shiina.

Just behind them Mikogami could be seen wincing in pain as he goes to touch his head only to feel two large lumps on his head.

Furious that he received an injury on his perfect body, Mikogami yelled at the two behind him. "A bump. You dare give me a bump on my head? Unthinkable, Unthinkable! Mutsu! Kill her!"

Mutsu, hearing his master Mustu walked towards the two grabbing the hilt of his sword as he said. "I'm sorry… but here I come."

"Yukari. I know we only just met, but I love you Yukari." Yukari, who was hugging Shiina whilst watching the guy named Mutsu walk towards them, heard what Shiina said.

Surprised, Yukari looked down at Shiina and said "Right back at ya. Umm… this will be my first, my first kiss." She then leaned in to kiss Shiina.

Mutsu, not willing to have another Sekirei taking right in front of him swung his sword towards Yukari intent on killing her before the two could kiss. That was until someone appeared in front of him stopping the sword with one finger.

"Now, now Mutsu. It's impolite to try and kill an Ashikabi whilst they wing their fated Sekirei. Don't you think?" The voice of the person in front of him said.

Once Mustu got a proper look at the person he noticed a very familiar black outfit that obstructed the face of the person to avoid having his identity discovered. Recognising who this person was, Mutsu suddenly started to sweat.

"W-Why are you here? A-After twenty years why show up now?" Mutsu nervously asked the cloaked figure as he sheathed his sword hoping that he nor Mikogami would suddenly be killed. "This girl and her Sekirei are under my protection. If you try to hurt them, I'll kill you as well as your Ashikabi." The cloaked figure said to Mutsu.

Mutsu sighed in relief that they wouldn't be killed. That was until he heard Mikogami open his big mouth. "Mutsu. What's taking so long that Sekirei is about to be winged just kill the person in front of you r-." Mutsu, unable to react fast enough to stop Mikogami from speaking, watched as the cloaked figure disappeared right before his eyes. Hearing that Mikogami was unable to finish his sentence. Mustu turned to look behind him, what he saw however frightened him beyond belief.

Mikogami was being lifted from the ground and was now struggling to breathe with a hand wrapped around his throat, terrified all Mustu could do was stare at the person slowly applying more pressure into his grip.

"Please stop. He is just a kid, please don't kill him." Mutsu yelled towards the being holding his master in the air.

"That girl behind you is only a kid too, but you were willing to kill her just now." The person stated, Mutsu realising his mistake started sweating profusely, before saying. "Please don't kill my Master. We will leave right now and never attack them again. If we see them under attack by anyone else, we will even help them out in your stead. Just please let us go."

Hearing the sincerity in Mutsu's voice he threw Mikogami toward Mutsu whilst calmly saying. "Piss off now, before I change my mind." Mutsu nodded once he safely had the now passed out Mikogami in his arms.

Yukari and Shiina, who once they finished their kiss, watched on as the cloaked being held the young boy in the air. When the other Ashikabi and Sekirei left they stared at the cloaked figure silently for a moment till Shiina recognized the voice and asked. "You're the person that told me where I'd find my Ashikabi aren't you?"

The figure looked towards the two and in his distorted voice replied. "Yes I am. I'm glad you found her." Bowing towards the figure, Shiina said. "Thank you for doing that for me and thank you for protecting us. Would you also happen to know where I can find little Kusano?"

The figure stood there for a moment then lightly threw something towards them so they could catch the object and said. "Call the number on the phone. The person that will pick up is the Ashikabi of Kusano. When he asks who gave you the phone say it was a guy named Seo and that he had two Sekirei with him. It's best to not mention my name as he could be in danger if he knew about me, okay? He has been looking for you away." With that the cloaked being disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Standing up straight and now holding the phone in his hand he looked towards Yukari who gave an encouraging smile nodded to Shiina. Shiina then called the only number on the phone, after two rings a voice could be heard from the other side of the call. "Hello? How did you get this Number?"