
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

Gathering of Champions

"Hello, my name is Theodeus, I have come here to offer your people a way to change the course of you and your people's destiny." Theo explains to King Leonidas whilst smiling at him.

King Leonidas looks at Theo for a moment before saying. "What do you mean our destiny?"

Theo smiled before explaining to the confused king. "Well you are most likely going to die by fighting the Persians. I know this because I have come from a far distant future and you and your men always die at what would be called the Battle of Thermopylae. I have come here to give you the chance to be more than a king that dies before his time." Theo then stands there and looks at him quietly.

King Leonidas looked at Theo then at his men then back at Theo and began to speak. "It sounds promising, but we Spartans aren't afraid of dying on the battlefield. So, what if we die in battle at least we die like real men, unlike someone like you that seems to just want to hide."

Theodeus was very pleased with King Leonidas' courage. This was the King he expected when he came here. Expecting it to be difficult to persuade the ancient Greek king but if strength was what he required then he was looking forward to what he was about to do.

"Well then since you don't want to run away, what if I fight with you and show you that there are more powerful people than you think out there." He spoke gladly as the Spartans laughed at him.

King Leonidas then said to him confusion evident on his face. "You fight me? You know that I didn't just become the King of Sparta because I was next in line but because I earned this with strength."

"Yes, I know that. But this is the only way that you will believe and perhaps follow me if I win this fight. You can use your weapons I'll fight without, so I won't accidentally kill you." Theo then gets into a basic Muay Thai stance preparing for any attacks he will receive from Leonidas.

Leonidas then tells his men to move back so that they can fight, he gets into his stance and looks at Theodeus. 'What is this young man doing? Why does he stand like that?' The Spartan king rushes Theodeus and strikes at him with his spear only for Theo to dodge with ease. Theo then throws what appears to be a slow punch at Leonidas, seeing the punch coming Leonidas prepares to block with his shield only to find himself flying back when the punch makes contact with his shield completely shattering it. He yelled as pain shot up his entire arm landing meters away from his men. Confident that the fight was over, Theodeus walked up to Leonidas and started to heal his shattered arm. Whilst his arm was being healed King Leonidas just stared at Theodeus wondering what just happened, he was about to ask when Theo beat him to the punch.

"You're probably wondering what I just did to you? There isn't a reason to tell you what I did. You wouldn't understand what I'm saying since it's too advanced for the current you. So instead I will just say that I am someone with the power to kill you all if I so choose, is that more than enough for you to understand for now?" he says before finishing healing the king and standing up looking at all of the men, women and children staring at him. Theo then gave his hand to Leonidas to which the King grasped to be lifted by Theo.

"How did you fix my arm? No mortal can do that?" King Leonidas asked.

Theo with a smile explained. "I am almost two thousand years old. I'm immortal even though I don't know the full extent of my powers yet. There are many things I can do though, including heal a broken arm. Now that I won, are you going to follow me or not? If you do decide to follow me you get the chance to fight things more powerful than humans. I also plan to give your Spartans the chance to become stronger and live longer than normal humans." He turns around and creates a portal behind him and finally says. "It's your choice King Leonidas but you only have five minutes to decide." He then walked through the portal.

When he arrived back in the capital city of Terra Nova now called Nerva, he was met with the Androxian lead Naval Architect Hectil Tobias and Human General Arna Dellbaird. They both bow in respect to their god, Theodeus reluctantly nods in acknowledgement and continues to walk towards the two.

General Dellbaird is the first to speak. "Welcome back Lord Theodeus. Did the trip go well?"

Theo sighed before saying. "Arna how many times have I told you that you don't have to call me Lord Theodeus, just Theo is fine."

This time it was Hectil that spoke. "But Lord Theodeus it feels disrespectful for us to call you anything other than Lord."

Theo once again sighed and said. "Fine if that's how it's going to be. I order you to call me Theo and nothing else otherwise you will be banished from the system."

Both gulped and bowed before saying together. "We will now call you Theo from now on."

Theo then looks towards Arna and asks her. "How many residential buildings have been completed as of now?"

The young woman looked at her notes on her tablet-like device in her hands and responded. "As of now Nerva has an area of fifty thousand square kilometers and can house an estimated population of one hundred million people before we would have to expand. For now only twenty million people live here as you have requested. Theo I still don't understand why you have only allowed twenty million to live here even though we have the capacity to hold far more than that."

Theo smiles at her and explains. "Arna, that is because we will be here for one thousand years before the start of this universe's main story starts showing its ugly head. Our population will expand by then and there are only three liveable planets in this system. Anyway I have just come back from the past from recruiting the legendary Greek Spartans so that they can train our soldiers and become my main strike force of our military."

Arna being human shows excitement and yells. "Theo, did you really recruit Spartans?"

"Yes, I did... You seem rather excited." Theo said to Arna.

"Theo you don't understand, my ancestors were Greek, and Norse. I have always wanted to meet the Spartans." Said Arna to Theo whilst jumping up and down.

Theo chuckled at her whilst Hectil just shook his head. Theo felt someone go through the portal, so he turned around and saw King Leonidas, Queen Gorgo and their son Pleistarchus walk through the portal only moments later other people slowly started following behind them. Leonidas and Gorgo walk up to Theo and his group and bow to him. Gorgo spoke to Theo before Leonidas could get a word out.

"Thank you, Lord Theo, for saving us from a future we don't want to be a part of. We are ready for whatever you decide for us to do." Gorgo said with her head still bowed.

"Firstly, Theo is just fine. I don't like being called Lord. Secondly men will be enlisted into our army, the strongest will be recruited to become a part of my strike force named Irukandji. This strike force will consist of two hundred thousand soldiers, male or female as long as they are strong they will be recruited. Irukandji will mostly consist of humans as they have the largest population. Leonidas, you will be the Admiral of the Irukandji and will not be part of the army anymore because your work will be far more important than just being a soldier. You are my second in command as I have high expectations of your abilities. Gorgo you my fair lady will be someone of high value as well, you will become the Governess of my nation that I will create. Meaning you will need to find capable people to help you with managing my nation." Theo declares to the two legendary figures shocked expressions appearing on their faces.

"Theo, we thank you for this opportunity you have given us, we shall not let you down." Leonidas said to Theo.

"Leonidas, how many children between the ages of six and ten do you have?" Theo asked politely to which Leonidas responded.

"We have roughly ten thousand boys and eight thousand girls as of right now." answered Leonidas curiously.

"Good tomorrow I want you to bring them all to the main hall, I will be unlocking their genetics so that they can fight the alien species of this universe." Theo explains.

"Theo, what do you mean by that?" Gorgo asks Theo, the confusion evident on her face.

"This galaxy… you guys don't even know what a galaxy is do you?" Theo asks them.

"No Theo, we don't know what you're talking about." Gorgo replied to Theo's question.

"It's fine but for the time being you will need to learn some things to help you understand what is going on, can you step forward please." Theo says to the former king and queen.

When the couple step forward Theo places his hand on their heads before a light dimly shines from his hand, once the light appears the couple start grunting in pain for ten seconds before Theo removes his hands from their heads.

"Before you ask, I have just unlocked your mind's potential to learn faster. I'll be doing the same thing to the kids tomorrow. Now I would like to introduce you to my Naval Architect Hectil Tobias, he is an alien as you would put it from my original universe." Theo explained.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Admiral Leonidas and Governess Gorgo." Hectil says politely whilst bowing.

"And this is General Arna Dellbaird, she will be training the main force, but I would like Leonidas to give her some drills she can implement into the training." Theo said, introducing the last of the two higher ups.

"It's an honour to meet you two, I am a descendent of ancient Greeks. I have always admired you two for the way you handled Sparta." Said Arna while giving a low bow.

"Okay now that introductions are out of the way I have things to do so Arna you bring them to the house they will be living in." Theo said while turning around to walk away.

Year 1237 CE

It's been one hundred years since the Spartans joined Theodeus' forces, a lot has happened in this amount of time. Firstly, the current number of soldiers in strike force Irukandji has reached fifty thousand. These soldiers had been modified at a young age, making sure they could grow into their bodies. Theo had unlocked multiple new abilities from their genetics such as enhanced senses, enhanced combat, superhuman strength, superhuman reflexes etc. These kids had then grown up perfecting their new skills making them easily the strongest current force other than theo himself. Due to their new powerful bodies these children ended up growing taller than most people, now standing at average height of two hundred and ten centimetres tall or six foot ten inches. Because of this, when members of Irukandji ended up having kids with non Irukandji members, they had a high chance of unlocking these genetics, kick-starting them into becoming a member in the future.

In the year 1257 CE Leonidas, Gorgo, Pleistarchus and Arna had been put into stasis pods as directed by Theo believing that they would be valuable assets during the main story of mass effect. Leonidas told Theo that he wanted to experience fighting beings such as Geth, Collectors and Reapers, Theo expected this from the former king. Before Gorgo was put into stasis she had gotten a lot done, she had set up a working government that would actually get things done. Although Theo would have final say on anything major, the governing body had accomplished a lot in one hundred years. From building schools to hospitals, because of her hard work all three planets under Theodeus' rule started to prosper.

Theo had checked out the planet Borr and found a large amount of helium-3 but hadn't decided to mine it yet as he wanted to go to the neighbouring system of Utopia and mine the planet Arcadia of its helium-3 after quadrupling the amount found there compared to the original story. Theo decided this was necessary as he didn't want his subordinates to rely on him forever, now the miners that came over with him had jobs. He planned to then sell his helium-3 to the Human Alliance once they colonized Eden Prime.

For the next ten years, one hundred thousand miners would be mining helium-3 whilst being protected by a fleet consisting of three Dreadnaughts, one Carrier, fifteen Cruisers and sixty Frigates; this fleet, dubbed Alpha, was the very first fleet assembled by the government. There were eleven fleets in total, ten consisting of normal soldiers and one fleet was for SFI. These fleets were named, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Theta, Kappa, Rho and Sigma whilst the SFI fleet was named Omega. The reason SFI only got one fleet was because if it was sent on a mission, death would be the only option for the target.

It should be mentioned that after fifty years the government had decided to change the names of their collective races to share the name Humadrox obviously it was a mix between the two former races' names. They decided this was for the best, they felt that this was what Theodeus had intended when he rescued them to become one race working together. They also did this as they had started to become a new race entirely and would eventually become a race of both Humans and Androxian. They also decided to officially name the members of SFI, Spartans. This was due to them being descendants of the Spartans that Theodeus' migrated over.

One year later Theodeus had decided that it was now time to head over to the Sekirei universe. He told the government that he would be gone for a mere moment for them but in reality he would be in the Sekirei universe for several decades as he wanted to blend into their world, he didn't want to seem suspicious if anyone tried to investigate him. With everything in order he opened a portal to the Sekirei universe and walked through whilst being sent off by as many Homodoxians as possible.