
Godly Ashikabi Theodeus

Theodeus was created by scientist to be a literal god, to save them but what happens when he decides to just destroy the whole universe and go to the worlds he read about in his long lifetime?

Azuredemon · Cómic
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11 Chs

First of many Wagtails

Peacefulness was what Theodeus was feeling while he was hovering over Shinto Teito also known as Tokyo. Theo found himself in the year 1998 and it was New Year's Eve, only a few months till the emergence of Kamikura Island and about a year before the event known to MBI as the Invasion of Kamikura Island would take place, Theo planned on changing what will happen during the invasion of Kamikura island so that Minaka Hiroto would be focused on his existence and end up making the Sekirei stronger than they were in the original manga. He just had to wait till then, a few months of waiting isn't long for someone that's lived for one thousand eight hundred and eighteen years.

On an Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean stood six people, five were standing in a group whilst the last one was standing on a five meter cliff face. The man standing at the back had grey messy hair that hid a part of his face, he was wearing a turtleneck sweater and sweatpants covered by a white lab coat. He stood one hundred and seventy-three centimetres in height, this man was Takehito Asama. He was the adjuster of the five people standing in front of him.

Takehito stared at them before saying. "You're all perfectly tuned. Now you all have the strength of winged Sekirei. No... your abilities go beyond that. Now go. Protect the chicks and eggs."

"Come onnn! Could they have picked a more annoying time to invade?" Complained the woman with dark purple hair that drapes down to her hips with purple eyes.

Standing at one hundred and seventy centimetres tall she was wearing a tight black leather top, a miniskirt and stockings, over the shoulders wearing a grey haori with the Sekirei Crest printed on it. This was the uniform the current Disciplinary Squad would wear with a slight variation for the only male of the group. This beautiful Sekirei was No.03 Kazehana.

"Stop whining... is that liquor on your breath?" said Sekirei No.05 Mutsu.

Standing one hundred and eight-five centimetres in height, he is the tallest of the group. Mutsu was equipped with a Japanese katana. His outfit consisted of black pants and a long-sleeved shirt of the same colour. The shirt was open in the front showing his well defined chest, only stopping just a few inches below his solar plexus, with crisscrossing bands of leather forming an "X". The sleeves near his shoulders have a single band around them. Sitting almost lazily on his waist was a belt that looks more like an accessory than a functional one. The belt sits slightly askew, the left side riding lower on his hip than the right, the ends were tied together by a leather string. The only other distinguishing features about his clothing were the black fingerless gloves he wears, the orange scarf he wraps around his neck and shoulders, he also sported messy grey hair that slightly covers his face.

"So, this is the army of unknown affiliation? Ku-fu-fu-fu. They can't slip anything past No.02." As she stated she was Sekirei No.02 Matsu.

Red eyes peeking through a pair of round glasses she giggled. Her long plaited red hair that hung over the front of her shoulder. Matsu was also wearing the same outfit as Kazehana. She turns her head to look behind her when she hears another complainer start speaking behind her.

"Fu-fu. It pisses me off. Usually they're so busy fighting each other, but now they come together to conspire against us." This complainer was none other than Sekirei No.04 Karasuba

She had long light grey hair tied in a ponytail and grey narrow eyes. Large bags under her eyes, giving her an exhausted look. Her katana was hanging on the left side of her belt.

"Hmm? You mean how this army of no country is actually a multinational coalition?" Said Matsu.

"You there, please focus on the task at hand, behind us sleep 103 of our sleeping defenseless peers." Ordered Sekirei No.01 Miya as she walked through the group to be in front of them.

This slender yet shapely woman with fair skin and brown eyes, has waist-length purple hair with shorter bangs in a hime style. At one hundred and sixty-one centimetres in height she is the same height as No.02 Matsu. Don't let her looks fool you because on her hips was an odachi.

"Okay." Kazehana said while bits of sweat dropped down her forehead, this was due to being terrified of an angry Miya.

"Very well," Said Matsu smugly as she pushed her glasses up before saying. "Matsu will start things off. Access Search."

Her Sekirei power activated, allowing her to hack the satellites orbiting their current positions. "Enemy's armoured unit division: twenty-eight tanks, fifteen APCs. Aerial Division: twelve helicopters. Two transport vessels and one destroyer off the southwest coast." She explained to the group.

"Oh, is that all? Hardly a match for us." Kazehana said Looking up at the helicopters before using her wind element attack. "Flower Whirlwind" Suddenly one of the helicopters smashed into one right beside it before exploding.

Mutsu lifts his sword and was going to smash it onto the ground when he was suddenly interrupted by a hole appearing in the sky. Everyone looked up at the hole that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, a few moments later they saw someone walkout of it. What they saw was a tall person in a black cloak that had long sleeves that covered the whole body and was hooded. What really stood out was the symbols on the cloak, multiple blue spirals that looked like galaxies all over it. They tried to look at the person's face but it's completely shrouded in darkness from the hood of the cloak.

Mutsu was the first to speak. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

They all stare at the person in anticipation.

"I am-." Was all the being got to say before a shell from the destroyer was fired.

He then casually turned toward the shell before reaching out with his right hand, catching it in his hand. Once the shell was caught the cloaked figure threw it back at the control tower of said destroyer killing everyone inside once he caused the shell to explode upon contact.

The Cloaked being then turned towards the group of Sekirei and said. "Give me a moment I have to deal with a group of annoying bugs."

He turned back towards the army pointing at the force and said. "Micro Black Hole."

Suddenly a black hole so small that only the five Sekirei could see it off in the distance formed above the three ships. The massive warships began to be ripped apart at an ever increasing pace.

Then turning to the left-over helicopters, tanks, APCs and soldiers the being said "Atomic Disintegration." When the group looked around, they saw everything scatter into dust, with their jaws dropped, shocked by the power this person demonstrated. They instinctively took a step back once they noticed the man was lowering himself to the ground.

They stared at him with extreme caution, no words were spoken whilst the group were sizing him up for several minutes, until their adjuster Takehito spoke up.

"What are you?" he asked the man in front of him.

The man gave zero response, getting impatient Karasuba gets ready to attack him.

"Since he won't answer I'll just kill him." Karasuba declared.

Her declaration seemed to get a response from the cloaked figure because as soon as she declared to kill him the man in the cloak had lifted her into the air with a hand grasping her throat before they even knew what happened. Karasuba tried to look at the face of the person that had her by the throat only to see darkness.

He turned towards the Sekirei behind him before saying. "I'd appreciate it if you four didn't think about attacking me because if you did." Karasuba felt the hand tighten around her throat slowly cutting off her supply of air.

"Sir, can you please let her go?" Takehito politely asked.

Instead of dropping her the cloaked figure threw her over to Takehito, with a loud thud she landed right in front of the man.

"Thank you, sir, for not harming her too badly. Is there any reason that you showed yourself to us today ?" He asked the man cautiously.

All of a sudden the group could feel the atmosphere become light and joyful. "Hehehehe. To be honest I was bored and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. To my surprise I found an island with six people on top of it ready to fight an army. It was quite the site to behold from where I was watching. If they didn't interrupt me, I would have let the five of you kill them."

The six people stood there in shock at the sudden warmness to which the figure spoke to them. Their shock however didn't last long when a loud laugh could be heard coming from behind Takehito. With all eyes now looking towards the laugh as it got closer they could now see a slender, bespectacled man with tall and spiky white hair appear from a door. He was entirely wrapped in the colour white as he's wearing a pure white suit with a white shirt underneath, a pair of white pants, gloves and robe. He stood one hundred and ninety centimetres tall although his shoes look like they give him extra height. This man was the CEO of MBI Minaka Hiroto.

"Well done everyone, what an amazing show that was." Minaka said with a large smile then looked towards the cloaked man and asked.

"What are you?" Minaka also asks the cloaked figure.

"Hmm me? I'm just a traveling god from another universe. Why do you ask?" The cloaked person responded politely.

This got Minaka freaking out slightly, not from being in front of a god but because they actually exist. "Are you saying the gods exist?" Minaka asked excitedly.

The masked man didn't answer him but turned around and created a portal before saying. "It was a pleasure to meet you guys, but I must go now." With that he disappeared into the portal.

It has been twenty years since then, Theodeus was walking near the train station when he heard a scream coming from above him.

"Please watch out." The voice from above yelled out.

Theo looked up and thought to himself 'Right on queue' before something landed on him. When he opened his eyes, he saw white panties in front of his face before they started to move off of him.

"Truly that was far too high to jump from." Exclaimed the young beautiful voice.

"Umm... are you ok?" Theo asked genuinely worried even though he knew that she would be fine.

"Thank you so much. You broke my fall for me." She said with the most beautiful of smiles.

When Theo got a good look at the girl, he saw that she had brown eyes and hair. Her hair was home-styled; it has short bangs, chin-length strands surrounding her head and framing her face, a single antenna-like strands that hangs just above her head, and hip-length hair at the nape of her neck. Her most noticeable physical trait was her firm and well-endowed chest which was the second-largest he had seen so far, second to only Kazehana. She was wearing a white gi with a red string decorating it that resembled the traditional clothing worn by a miko with the addition of a short red skirt, mid-calf brown boots, and upper thigh-high white stockings. She was also wearing a pair of red combat gloves that she would only take off for more social events. She also looked like she was only as tall as Miya and Matsu were but couldn't really tell as he was still laying on the ground.

He just stared at her in disbelief, just looking at her made him completely shocked by her beauty that the manga just couldn't do her justice. He couldn't speak, he was just so mesmerized by her beauty.

She suddenly tackled him to the ground while shouting, "Watch out!"

Theo felt an explosion right next to him. Theo landed on his back while the girl's breasts covered his face. The girl got off of him quickly to look at where the explosion came from, when he looked in the direction as well, he saw two girls that looked identical to each other with the only physical difference between the two being that one of the girls' bust was significantly larger than the other. They both stood at a height of one hundred and sixty-six centimetres tall. Appearance wise both girls have long black hair that they wear in two ponytails with their hazel eyes. One was wearing a violet S&M suit, while the other was wearing a purple S&M suit. These two were Sekirei No.11 Hikari and No.12 Hibiki.

"It's no use running, be a good girl and fight us." The Sekirei in the violet suit demands.

"I cannot fight yet." Says the girl next to Theo as she grabs his hand and bolts away from the S&M girls.

"Wait you!" Demands Hikari as both girls chase the girl and Theo.

As the two Sekirei chase after the girl a new Sekirei appears in front of them. This Sekirei was wearing a long black coat with a mask to disguise himself, he had grey hair and brown eyes. Standing at one hundred and seventy-three centimetres tall he stood over the two girls.

"What use is there in fighting a masterless one? Well?... I will be your opponent should you pursue her any further." Said Sekirei No.06 to Hikari and Hibiki.

The two girls stop before Hibiki says. "Homura! It's you again"

Followed with Hikari saying. "You're always getting in our way."

Homura responds with, "A flower's life is fleeting enough, you mustn't destroy a yet unformed bud. You two sure are persistent, only going after those without wings."

"Sh-Shut up. Who cares as long as we win!" The twins stay together.

"If you're itching for a fight then how about another with me?" Homura says as he makes multiple fireballs in his left hand.

"This is bad Hikari. He'll burn us to crisps again." Said Hibiki as she holds her sister back.

"Fine pull back Hibiki." Said Hikari.

As he watches the two girls run away Homura sighs in relief before turning towards the direction the Sekirei he was protecting ran towards and says to himself, "That Sekirei, I hope she finds her master quickly."

"Haa...Haa...Haaa." Unable to talk, heavy breathing was all the girl was able to articulate tired from all that running. She looked down at him and said. "We should be fine at this poin – Kyahhh! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, are you alright?" she asks Theo as he looks dizzy.

"I'll be fwine." He replied slightly dizzy from being dragged halfway across the city.

"I'm really sorry for getting you involved. Come to think of it, I should have just run away alone. I wonder why I grabbed your hand." She said while sitting next to Theo.She suddenly stands up and says, "How rude of me. I'm Musubi."

"Oh, I'm Theo Deus." He also introduces himself.

"Theo. Once again, I must thank you for helping-." She suddenly collapsed, Theo however was expecting this and caught her before she could hit the ground.

When Musubi awoke she found herself on a bed alone as she rubbed her eyes a very pleasant smell attacked her nose, she followed to her nose to see Theo in the kitchen with an apron on.

"Wow! What is that smell?" Musubi said walking into the kitchen.

"It's lemon and garlic chicken with mushroom risotto. You collapsed when we were down town, so I brought you here since your stomach growled practically the whole way here." He said whilst dishing up two helpings of the meal one huge one for Musubi and the other much smaller one was for himself.

He walked over to the table and placed both plates down and helped Musubi into her seat, once seated Musubi started to devour her food and started to cry. "Hey, you okay Musubi?"

Theo asked worriedly. "Truly I owe you my life Theo. First you save me, now you have given me the most delicious food I have ever eaten." Musubi said as she failed to hold her tears back.

"Don't worry about it, just eat your fill okay there is plenty more." Theo replied.

"Okay." Musubi says as she continues to cry.

After two more helpings Musubi finished her meal happily rubbing her food baby. Theo took her plate to the sink so he could wash it.

Musubi walked in and said, "I hope my Ashikabi is someone like you Theo."

"Ashikabi?" Theo asks as if he doesn't know what it is.

"Yes! I've been looking for mine. But I haven't found that all important person." She explained as she grabbed Theo's wet hand and put it on her left breast over her heart and continued.

"You see, all of us were born for the sake of our Ashikabi. To guide our fated masters to Kouten, the highest promised land." Suddenly out of nowhere both of them started feeling really hot, each step Musubi got closer to Theo their bodies would heat up even more till she pushed him to the ground. Grabbing Theo's hand, Musubi placed it on her chest, moaning slightly. They looked into each other's eyes before they moved closer and kissed. As the two kiss Musubi's back starts to glow with light wings exploding from her back her Sekirei crest Shines brightly before fading away along with her wings.

"I've found you, I've found you! My Ashikabi." Musubi says as she happily jumps into Theo's arms.

Theo's phone then goes off. 'Minaka works fast doesn't he?' Theo thought to himself before answering the phone. "Hello, Theo answering." Theo spoke with a monotone voice.

"Ohhh, it's number 88! Hope you're doing well." Minaka says completely ignoring Theo.

"Hi Professor! I found my Ashikabi!" Musubi says as she hugs Theo's arm between her breasts.

"Theo Leoni Deus is a very interesting name you have there." Minaka says to Theo.

"Yes, my parents thought it would be funny to make a pun out of my name, I planned to change it when I turned eighteen but when my parents died in a car accident when I was fourteen, I decided to keep the name in honour of my parents." Theo responded Musubi looked down towards the ground upset.

Minaka, not caring, moved on to the reason he called. "Now I would like to let you know that you are now a part of a game I created called 'The Sekirei Plan' . That's the name of the game. Rules are as follows: one hundred and eight Sekirei have been released! Those Sekirei will fight, fight and fight! The last one remaining can guide their Ashikabi to Kouten! Then Ashikabi will face their destiny! And hold the fate of the world in their hands! Now before I go, I will let you know that this is a top-secret project. Like it or not, you are now sworn to confidentiality. Should you leak any of this information to anyone, I will use the full extent of MBI to do unkind things to you."

Theo didn't like the idea of being threatened and got really pissed off because of it. "Oh, really now? You think threatening me is a good idea Minaka? You have just made a huge mistake, I don't do kindly to people threatening me not one bit." Theo told him while a dragon appeared behind him, making Minaka sweat drop.

"W-Well I got to go now. Musubi I'll have spare clothes delivered to you asap." Then he hung up.

"That bastard better be careful from now on otherwise I'll just kill him." Theo mumbled to himself.

"Theo, I'm here to fight for you. I'll definitely be the last one standing. And we can go to the promised land together!" Musubi exclaims with a fire burning in her eyes then continues saying, "We will be together forever." Then she leans up and kisses Theo once again.