

Is there something you want......? Then it's simple, isn't it? You must fight for it, there's no other way.

KingSeshy · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Finally Here pt. 2

Kano noticed that the swordsman continued to get closer and wouldn't stop. The swordsmen opened his mouth and a soft but soothing voice came out. "You look like you're strong. Would you like to spar?..... The name's Miyamoto Musashi, but you can just call me Musashi.

Musashi had a big grin on his face, he looked to be quite excited.

Musashi leaned in and pulled his lower eyelid down.

Musashi: You see, we have the same type of eyes. The eyes of a swordsman, but I can tell a skilled one from an imposter, I'm quite versed in the art.

Kano was a bit flustered with all the information flooding him but it was in that moment that he noticed who was before him.

Kano: Ummm.... Musashi?

Musashi: Yeah...?

Kano: You're from Japan aren't you? You're also known as the "sword saint", aren't you the one who's had over 60 battles and has yet to taste defeat.

Musashi: So you've heard of some of my tales? Yeah, I suppose that is me, although I get called by many names, way too many to keep up with. I guess even death hasn't defeated me.

Zeus butted into the conversation and intervened in Kano's head.

Zeus: You're wondering why it's him in a younger form. You're wondering why he isn't dead right? I'll tell you why. Depending on the Gods abilities, they can choose any being they want, even at any time. The God that chose Miyamoto Musashi has chosen Miyamoto's mind at its peak, and put that mind into his body when it was also at its own individual peak. In other words, you're looking at the highest peak Miyamoto Musashi has ever reached. In all aspects, this is the strongest version of him. From what I can recall, Musashi was one of the greatest swordsmen to ever grace Earth. It would be a blessing to bring him to your side.

Kano: I'm already thinking about it, but you should know that.

Zeus: Hmm, yes I very well do.

Kano put out his hand in front of him for a handshake.

Kano: Well Musashi. I'd love to spar but right now I'm not strong enough. Give me a bit of time and I'll give you a worthy fight.

Musashi also put his hand out and firmly shook Kano's hand. Kano was surprised. The man didn't look to be very solid but his hand and forearms told a different story. They were like weapons of their own. Hardened by the blood, sweat and years of dedication he's put into his craft.

Musashi: I'll give you some time. I know that those eyes will not let me down, I will not be deceived I'm sure of it. Oh, by the way, I never got your name.

Kano: You can call me Kano from now on.