

Is there something you want......? Then it's simple, isn't it? You must fight for it, there's no other way.

KingSeshy · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Convincing Cupid

Zeus was chuckling in Kano's head.

Zeus: Give me a second Kano, I'll be right back.

Zeus's purple spirit flew out from Kano's head and he zapped his way into Cupid's forehead.

Kano did not know it, but at that exact moment... Zeus was travelling faster than light as he travelled from forehead to forehead effortlessly.

Less than a minute went by and Zeus, once again moved faster than light and entered Kano's mind once more.

Cupid: Oh... so HE'S chosen you.... I guess I should've known, I've made a great folly. My apologies... your name was Kano?.... my apologies Kano, you are indeed a God Tier combatant. You have passed the initial test. At each end of the hall there is a large portal. You can walk through and you will be teleported to the next level or stage, whatever you prefer.

Cupid had a very unpleasant look on his face.

Kano: Thanks, I hope we can meet again...

Kano decided to wait around before going through to the next stage. He wanted to wait for Musashi first.

Kano sat by Musashi and undid his concrete arm. He decided to wait in silence. He closed his eyes and entered a deep state once more. He decided to spend his time learning more about his new ability, ABSORB.

Zeus decided to wait a bit before interjecting.

Zeus: Kano.... Kano...

Kano: What happened?

Zeus: I know you just unlocked your first ability but there is another ability that I can give you easily. It is an overarching ability that can help you develop your other powers. Are you interested.

Kano: Redundant question, of course I am.

Zeus: You can learn this ability while we're waiting for Musashi to finish. It looks like he'll take a few more hours to develop his ability. This ability is much easier to get than the absorb ability. All you have to do is open your heart, truly trust me and do not try to fight back, that is all, now become free and calm.

Kano relaxed all the muscles in his body, he felt free and one with his surroundings. It felt as though even a slight breeze could carry him up and away.

Zeus: I admire your trust, it didn't take you long.

Kano: What is there to hesitate about? I'm stuck here with you, might as well trust you you're my only companion at the moment. Musashi may become close to me but I've just met the man. My intentions are not so pure either... I didn't choose Musashi just to make friends. I'll continue to pursue Musashi because I know of his masterful sword technique. However, it does help that he seems to have a good vibe, I can usually tell if someone is genuine and kind or if they are not.

As Kano was speaking a bright blue-white light bathed over his spirit body that took shape in his mind. Soon enough, his entire mind was flooded with this light and little by little, it slowly dispersed. Kano felt as though he was filled with inexplicable love and warmth, almost like a DMT experience or something similar, no... it was something even better.

Zeus: I'm done, do you feel any different?

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