

Is there something you want......? Then it's simple, isn't it? You must fight for it, there's no other way.

KingSeshy · Fantasía
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17 Chs


Zeus: Before learning a God's ability, you must first learn the mantra associated with activating the ability. You must also be near that God in some form while saying the mantra. Keep repeating it, over and over, it will slowly put you in a trance if you can't do so yourself.

Zeus: I'll recite it once, if you can't remember I guess I made the wrong choice.

Zeus: Be the energy you want to absorb... This timeless energy is only yours...

Kano placed a hand onto the floor and closed his eyes. He repeated the mantra.

Kano: Be the energy you want to absorb... This timeless energy is only yours...

Kano: Be the energy you want to absorb... This timeless energy is only yours...

Kano: Be the energy you want to absorb... This timeless energy is only yours...

Kano continued to repeat the mantra... Not even a minute passed and Kano entered a deep state of meditation. In Kano's eyes he was in a room of pure darkness. Just like when he used to meditate on Earth. Once while under the influence he has a visual experience where two giant blue spiritual hands opened his head and a giant explosions erupted from inside and shot out.

The explosion shot up into the atmosphere and on and on until it reached the stratosphere and the stars. He caught sight of a shooting star and it slowly went out and he opened his eyes. However, it wasn't like that this time. This time, it was much crazier.

Kano's room of darkness was lit up by a white light. His body was complete darkness but it was outlined by a bright white light. There was what looked to be another one of Zeus's portals. This one had a purple vortex of carnal energies warping inside. Kano walked up to it and as he got closer the visual he saw changed. Instead of the warping purple energy, Kano reminded himself about his object and he saw exactly what his eyes were seeing. With his eyelids closed, he was still looking around and seeing perfectly fine, maybe even better than using his actual eyes. He focused on his hand... it was on the dark and cold concrete. Kano immersed the visuals in his mind and took his time creating a perfect mental image of one of the block's of concrete. He thought of the feeling, the texture, the colour, everything he could think of. He thought of the materials that were used to create it... Cement, air, water, sand and gravel. 10%... 20%.... 30%..... 40%

Kano felt it. He felt as if liquid cement was climbing up his arm. He looked through his closed eyelids and watching his hand morph. It took on a cement look, his arm no longer looked like it was a human's. He focused on his ability and the property of absorption. He continued to absorb until the cement power reached his elbow on his right arm.

Zeus: You've done it. I'm surprised, that was pretty quick.