
Chapter 23: Meeting My Halfing GF's Parents!?

I felt it was a little strange, but it seemed that the royalty of many kingdoms indeed had a certain thing called a chastity confirmation. When I searched it on my phone, it seemed pretty grim, but when I showed Flora, she just giggled and said it was done with magic.

We sat beside each other on the comfortable sofa, with Flora climbing onto my lap and leaning against my chest, showing a relieved face.

Silly me...

"So your father received a proposal for your hand in marriage. Because you weren't asked first, and he set up a huge banquet that will happen tonight, which feels extremely convenient that you just so happened to speak to me yesterday..."

"Rai... I messaged you for days. The time between our worlds is bigger than you think."


I had just presumed that the dungeon world and mine were at the same time, and only a few hours passed because whenever I returned, the clocks had barely moved!