
Peach-Colored Trap

"Su Moning, look at what you've gotten yourself into. He has no money, no status, no courage. He doesn't even have the courage to compare himself to me. What do you think he can offer you?" Xu Jianfeng waved his hand to signal his men to stop them. But as those men took a step forward, Ye Chong casually waved his hand backward, as if he had eyes behind his back, and a silver flash streaked through the air!


The flying knife swept past, leaving Xu Jianfeng standing motionless in place, the metallic plate with "FCC. NO.1" suddenly falling to the ground from his neck. Xu Jianfeng looked at the flying knife stuck in the wall behind him without a word, and even those beside him fell silent one by one.

"Mr. Xu, it seems this young man is not to be underestimated," one of Xu Jianfeng's men remarked.

Xu Jianfeng didn't deny it, and after a while, he said, "Let's wait and see. I'll make sure to dig up his ancestors' graves! Su Moning, I'll be waiting for you to kneel before me in regret, begging for my forgiveness. By then, I'll personally peel off that bastard's skin layer by layer!"

After leaving the supercar club, Ye Chong got into Su Moning's Audi TT. A restless hand reached out and rested on her thigh. "Don't frown like that. Miss me?"

Su Moning uneasily removed his wandering hand. "You still can't behave at a time like this."

"It's not my fault. Who made my Principal Su so charming?"

The woman remained unmoved. "Don't think it's all over. Xu Jianfeng won't let you off."

"I'm not afraid of trouble. I have nothing to fear."

Su Moning fell into silent contemplation, seeming burdened with heavy thoughts.

Thinking she was worried about Xu Jianfeng's retaliation, Ye Chong reassured, "Don't worry, even if Mr. Xu is arrogant, he wouldn't dare touch me. I may not be a big shot, but I'm still protected by the law."

She glanced at him. "I'm worried you won't own up to it."

Ye Chong was puzzled. "What did I do? Own up to what?"

With a hint of resentment, Su Moning bit her lip. "I'm asking you, what did you do to me after you got me drunk that night?"

Ye Chong's mind buzzed. "Let's not wrong good people. That night, it was clearly you who wasn't in a good mood and insisted on going out for a drink..."


Su Moning slammed on the brakes, turning to glare at him. "Ye Chong, I didn't expect you to twist the truth like this. Yesterday everything was fine, and now suddenly you accuse me. Could it be you're possessed? You're the one who insisted on drinking with me. How come I seem to have become a victim of rape? Could it be that I've been jinxed recently, constantly associating with the term 'rapist'?"

"We can't ignore the truth. Clearly..."

"You're a man. Of course, you can shirk responsibility, but I'm a woman, and no man has ever touched me."

Ye Chong seemed to understand something and gradually lost his expression. "Just say it. What do you want?"

Su Moning gazed at him and said each word clearly, "I want you to marry me!"

Those five simple words were like thunder, leaving Ye Chong stunned.

Recalling what had happened that day, why did she insist on drinking with him? After drinking, why did she drop various hints? Now, thinking about it, perhaps it was all part of her intentional "trap".

Looking at this quiet and elegant woman, he couldn't understand her, especially what kind of deep scheming lay beneath her beautiful appearance!

So the question arose: if it was indeed a trap, with her conditions, she could easily find a man who excelled in all aspects. Why did she choose him, a poor, powerless construction worker?

And an even bigger question emerged: he had already promised to marry Xu Menglin. Now suddenly there was Su Moning. Wasn't this a beautiful dilemma?

At this point, Ye Chong became resolute. He calmly flicked off the ash of his cigarette. "What's wrong with you today? Why are you suddenly saying this?"

"Don't I have the right to?" she asked.

"Of course, you do. But we'd better be clear. I understand the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But if someone wants to set me up, they've got the wrong person."

"Are you suggesting I'm setting you up?"

Ye Chong didn't deny it.

Frowning, Su Moning looked at him for a while before turning her face away weakly. "Ye Chong, I didn't expect you to be so despicable. Do you think I would use my chastity as bait? Fine, leave then. I never want to see you again."

Ye Chong smirked. "Do you think I'm a blow-up doll? You use it when you need it and kick it under the bed when you don't."

"What... What did you say?"

"Let's be honest. With your superior conditions, anyone would be blind not to want to marry you. But with this sudden move, believe it or not, I don't buy it."

"No matter what happened that day, good or bad, whether you're sincere or not, the fact is you're my first man. Is it too much for me to ask you to marry me?" Tears shimmered in her eyes as she held onto a strand of her hair, looking heartbreaking.

That reason alone seemed enough, but Ye Chong wasn't a fool. He felt things weren't that simple, so he remained silent.

"Look at me, Ye Chong!" Su Moning raised her head, her eyes serious. "Why was it you who saved me that day and not someone else? Why did fate make me meet you in that situation and not someone else? Why did you become my first man instead of someone else? I don't care about your status, wealth, or position. If I have to choose a husband, other than you, I won't choose anyone else."

Ye Chong's heart trembled. He sighed bitterly. "You don't understand me at all."

"That's why I'll give you time. I'll try to understand you and let you understand me. What I want to know now is, do you or do you not want to?"

With things having reached this point, Ye Chong couldn't say anything else. Should he tell her that there was another woman before her, and he had already promised to marry her? Should he apologize and say, "Sorry, you're out, Get out!"?

"It seems cheating will lead to a burnt mouth, and being lecherous comes with a price," Ye Chong said. Especially after her sincere expression stirred his blood, he forgot everything else. "Only a fool wouldn't want to. Being able to marry a woman like you is my blessing."

With tears in her eyes and a faint smile, Su Moning gently held the man's hand and leaned her head on his chest. "That's all I wanted to hear from you."

With the fragrance of a delicate flower in his arms, her hair tickling his face, Ye Chong felt a bit bewildered and infatuated for a moment. He whispered a few words in her ear.

Su Moning's cheeks flushed instantly. "You... What did you say? You actually want to... here..."

Ye Chong grinned mischievously. "Here's where the romance is."

"No, no, stop it. You... You're shameless."

Ye Chong burst into laughter. "I was just teasing you. Look how scared you got. How could the esteemed Principal Su be so casual? Hahaha..."

Blushing with embarrassment and anger, Su Moning said, "If you say that again, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Alright, alright, I won't say anything more. Let's go back tonight and have some fun."

Su Moning pinched him, turned away, her chest heaving with embarrassment.

After all, Su Moning was the principal. To avoid suspicion, they didn't go to school together but staggered their arrival times.

When Ye Chong arrived at the school, it was time for his first physical education class. He changed into his P.E. uniform and went to the school playground, only to find that not a single student had arrived for class.

He waited patiently for ten minutes, then the students started to arrive in twos and threes, looking listless. When most of them had arrived, he took out the attendance register and started calling out names, marking absentees.

"What's the matter with those who didn't come?"

No one below answered.

He scanned the disheartened students. "Since today is my first class, and you all are being so disrespectful, don't blame me for not showing mercy. From now on, boys will run three kilometers, and girls will run one thousand five hundred meters. Get ready!"

With just a sentence, the students erupted. The fat boy who had been reprimanded by him last time shouted the loudest, "Three kilometers? Damn, it's better to just die than to run three kilometers."

Ye Chong glanced at him. "Li Chenglong, are you saying you don't want to run?"

Since experiencing Ye Chong's prowess last time, Li Chenglong had to look at this new class teacher in a different light. This Mr. Ye was obviously a greenhorn, yet he managed to send Ma Yuechuan, a tough guy, to the hospital with just one kick. Moreover, he hadn't received any punishment from the school, making people speculate about his deep background.

Li Chenglong didn't dare to be stubborn anymore and could only say with a forced smile, "It's difficult for me to climb stairs with this physique, let alone run three kilometers."

Ye Chong nodded. "Well, it's indeed hard for you. How about you stay behind and do one hundred push-ups? Once you're done, you can go back to the classroom and rest."

Ah! Li Chenglong was suddenly speechless. With his physique, he would be grateful if he could do ten push-ups, let alone one hundred.

Although he was furious inside, he didn't dare to say anything and could only vent silently.

Ye Chong glanced at the rest of the students. "What are you all still standing around for? Do you all want to stay behind and do push-ups?"

Although reluctant, the students had no choice but to start running laps. These troublemakers had never yielded to anyone before, but considering Ma Yuechuan's fate, they obediently complied.

Ye Chong turned his gaze to the three girls who stayed behind and frowned. "What's your situation? Do you want to stay behind and do push-ups with the fat boy?"

One of the girls, with developed features and a well-proportioned figure, said confidently, "We have a special situation today."

Ye Chong had long noticed that these three girls were close to the scumbag boys in the class and were not good characters. So, feigning ignorance, he asked, "Wu Xiaojie, what special situation allows you to skip my physical education class?"

A trace of annoyance flashed across Wu Xiaojie's face. "It's a female problem. We're all on our periods. Are you even a physical education teacher? How can you ask such a stupid question!"

Ye Chong looked her up and down. "You said it, not me. If every girl in the class is on their period, does that mean no one needs to attend class? I don't care about anything else, but even if you're on your period, or your aunt Flo, or your uncle Harry visits, you still have to run for me!"