
God Reincarnated In TBATE

A man who was born in the murim world, where power is law, and possibilities to achieve power far beyond your imagination. Yu Moon, the man called “The God Of Murim”, was the first person to achieve power that would deem him, God. Yu Moon, woke up one day to an odd environment that he wasn’t used to and the first thing he thought about was “reincarnation”. “How was I reincarnated? I was immortal, I was a GOD!” ___________________________________________ This is all for fun so there’s nothing serious about this fanfic. I also have bad grammar. The story will also be very fast paced in a way

TheUnderestimated · Fantasía
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12 Chs


'I don't like these people their annoying but Jasmine doesn't seem to talk a lot.' Yu said before he went to the carriage.

Yu picked up a stick and used Wind Palm on it and right when he used it the stick exploded from the inside.

When Yu was trying to rest he heard fighting outside and noticed Arthur spar with Adam.

'That kid's strong for someone my age he's also pretty good with swordplay.' Yu said observing the fight.

When the fight finished everyone but Arthur's parents were shocked at how good Arthur was with the sword.

"Yuna does your kid train as well?" Adam asked nearly out of breath.

"Yes, he's been training for a while now," Yuna said.

'Training for a while at a young age. I wonder how strong he is.' Arthur thought.

After a few minutes, everyone was getting prepared to leave when they were suddenly attacked by bandits from on top of the mountain.

"Everyone prepare for battle and whoever can't fight to stay inside the carriage," Adam shouted.

While they were fighting Yu was inside the carriage waiting for everything to finish.

'I can try and escape now since everyone's distracted and I can possibly become stronger on my own.' Yu thought.

Arthur was protecting his mom when they were attacked by a mage from the mountain when he was about to fall off a mountain Arthur threw his mom away from the collapsing cliff on the mountain Arthur threw a knife with a mana string on the mage and brought him with him off the mountain.

When everyone was distracted by Arthur falling Yu ran off the mountain and he noticed Arthur on the ground passed out.

Before Yu hit the ground he used Wind Step to stop his momentum. He found the other mage dead on the ground so he left him there.

'Arthur he's an interesting person I guess I'll stay with him for now.' Yu said before he climbed a tree and waited for Arthur to wake up.