
God on Descent

Helsia, a world filled with countless possibilities with countless races............... Gods even. However, where ever there is a higher being there shall be another. A Supreme God one who created the world has descended!!!! All beings whether they be beasts of the forest, dwarves of the mountains, or humans of the cities. They were all alerted of his presence. 18 years have passed and everyone has believed that it was a false rumor but there are still some faithful believers ,but there hasn't been any news of a Supreme God......or so they thought.

Glasses_Dude · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Unknown Creature Spotted!

Three days have passed and Aurora's wounds are almost healed completely. Kreed was mildly uncomfortable living with a girl ,but he didn't mind it much since it's a normal reaction for a male who was gone through puberty. During those days Kreed had spotted a creature lurking in the shadows of the trees. No normal person would have seen it ,but that is a different case for Kreed.

After the 3 days Kreed decided to tell Aurora about it.

"Hey, Aurora, can you come for a second I need to tell you something."Kreed asked.

"Mmh, ok."Aurora agreed."So, what is it you want to talk about?" Aurora asked after sitting down.

"Aurora, were you followed?"Kreed asked.

"Hmm? No, why do you ask?" Aurors said

"That's because I saw a creature hiding in the shadows."Kreed said

"......" Aurora was silent "Kreed, listen carefully what does this creature look like."

"It was a humanoid wolf but there was something strange about it. There was ooze coming out of it like it's being controlled."Kreed said

"Kreed, what you saw was a lycan. It's different from a werewold because it's very smart and is very dangerous for its stealth ability. I don't know how you saw it but I won't question you since you saved my life but we need weapons to defend our selves. We need to shoot it's head many times as well as cutting his legs so he won't be as fast to evade attacks."Aurora said as she summoned a gun in her hand.

"Woah! How did you do that?"Kreed exclaimed.

"It's a weapon I was gifted after I reached F-rank." Aurora said

"Hm? F-rank?" Kreed said with visible confusion on his face.

"I will explain it to you later."Aurora said."But, do you have a weapon that can slice with ease?"

"Hm...something that is light and quick with precision and can slice through dense fur...." Kreed said whilst thinking what he has that is able to do those things."Oh I have that."

"You have a something like that?" Aurora asked curiously .

"Yes, in fact, when I was little I cleaned the house multiple times ,but I didn't go to the attic," Kreed explained while searching for the weapon."I decided to go up in the attic since it would be too dusty and I might be able to use the room ,and whilst cleaning I found a katana. Aha! found it!"Kreed said as he unsheated the katana.


"Beautiful." was all that Aurora said.

"This will have to do right?." Kreed asked.

"Yeah let's get ready."Aurora said with firm confidence

To be continued~

Sorry for the late upload I had trouble doing things between class time and writing/puplishing chapters. Once again sorry for the late upload.

Glasses_Dudecreators' thoughts