
God on Descent

Helsia, a world filled with countless possibilities with countless races............... Gods even. However, where ever there is a higher being there shall be another. A Supreme God one who created the world has descended!!!! All beings whether they be beasts of the forest, dwarves of the mountains, or humans of the cities. They were all alerted of his presence. 18 years have passed and everyone has believed that it was a false rumor but there are still some faithful believers ,but there hasn't been any news of a Supreme God......or so they thought.

Glasses_Dude · Fantasía
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12 Chs

18 years later.............

"18 years have passed and there is still no sign of HIM" muttered a man with a good physique. The man looks to be around 30 years of age but in actuality he is over 80. The only signs of his old age is the whiteness of his hair.

*knock* *knock*

"Sir...." The man turned to the door "Come in." A young man walked in and saluted the old man

" Sir I have brought news which you may not like" t

he old man furrowed his brows "go on."

He hesitated but proceeded " Sir... the young mistress of the Oceana Family"

The old man asked,"Oh, George's daughter ,Yes, what about her?"

"Sir, she has been reported missing....."


Sir-" The old man's aura oozed of killing intent as he shouted at the young man"WHAT!!!! WHY DID YOU ONLY TELL ME NOW!!!!"

"S-s-sir, w-w-we o-only f-found o-out th-three m-min-minutes a-a-ago" as he said that the old man's aura stopped

"Sorry, about that my temper got the better of me" the old man apologized

"Sir, no need to apologize it was our mistake as well ,we didn't keep diligint watch ,I'm sorry" he reassured the old man

*Sigh* "This is a pain in the ass, first I have to look for this so called Supreme God and now this...." the old man complained.

"Sorry, Sir"

"It's fine send a search party for the young mistress and look for signs of anything unusual"

"Understood Sir"

"Alright dismissed"

"Man I should retire...Alright it's decided I'll retire after this mission"


Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the forest a lad could be seen chopping trees.

*Chop* Chop*

"Phew, what a tiring activity..... well the more the better I guess" The young man proceeds to carry the log onto his storage for when it gets cold. "Man, what a lonely life I wish there would be some people to pass by. I wonder why there hasn't been anyone coming by for the last 5 years.... hmm. Let's not think about it too hard, they probably got bored and decided that this place isn't interesting ;which, I partially agree on.... damn its very depressing talking to myself. Welp I have to gather some food if I don't want to starve."

This young man is Kreed who will turn 18 in a week. He is a orphan and lives alone in the woods. His life isn't anything special all he does is chop wood for the fire ,gather meat and herbs for food ,as well as farming. His seemingly ordinary life unbeknownst to him will change.


"Ok, time to go to sleep-"

*groan* Kreed stopped when he heard the groan. Kreed didn't really enjoy scary things nor did he hate them ,but right at this moment this is some scary shit.

"H-hello, anyone there" Kreed looked around hoping to see the person or thing that caused the sound. After seemingly searching for 3 minutes ,which to him felt a century, Kreed decided to give up and go to sleep.

"Man being lonely is making me high-" Kreed was once again stopped in his tracks as he felt a hand grabbing on to his leg.

Any normal person would have screamed and run the opposite direction ,but Kreed isn't a normal person. He could see very clearly in any situation whether it be foggy or if he is dizzy he can still see clearly ,and its not only his sight but his other senses are highly enhanced as well. So being afraid of something you can't see won't work on Kreed.


"Huh? A girl?. She's injured! Crap, she's bleeding way too much. What happened for he to be in this condition. luckily I know how to deal with this or else she would have died from blood loss."

To be continued~~~

Hope you enjoy the chapter and if you want more just add it to your library and put in a comment to support me thx

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