
God of Velocity

In this riveting tale, an ordinary man finds his life turned upside down when he makes an extraordinary deal with the Speed Force. The agreement? To step into the shoes of Barry Allen, the beloved speedster from the CW series. Thrust into a world of super-speed, time travel, and dangerous villains, our protagonist must navigate the challenges of being The Flash, all while grappling with the reality of his new identity. He's no longer just an average man; he's a hero tasked with safeguarding Central City. As he learns to harness his powers and tackle threats, he also grapples with the complexities of Barry's relationships and the weight of his past decisions. From battling metahumans to mending friendships, every day is a test of his fortitude and resilience. But can an ordinary man truly fill the shoes of an extraordinary hero? Can he uphold the legacy of Barry Allen and keep Central City safe? This gripping narrative explores the journey of an everyday man, transformed by destiny, and his quest to honor a hero's legacy while carving his own path. #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · Cómic
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Humiliated

In chapter 7, I have changed from buying a company to making a new company.

Sorry and have fun guys


Barry, freshly out of the shower, was drying himself off when his phone buzzed with a new message. Opening it, he saw a distressing image: Iris tied to a chair.


As the video begins, a figure emerges, grasping Iris's face firmly, addressing Barry Allen with a mix of bravado and threat. "Barry Allen, you showed quite the nerve taking down my subordinate. I know you're angry, but here's the deal: I'll give you this girl's location, but you better come alone. If we catch a whiff of backup, she's history. Catch you later!" With a casual wave, the figure exits the frame, ending the video abruptly.

Barry sighs in frustration. "This is probably about the money I raked in at the casino," he mutters to himself, glancing at the location sent by the unknown number on his phone.

"Time to suit up," Barry decides, making a beeline for the nearest clothing store. After selecting a sleek, all-black ensemble reminiscent of Aiden Pierce, he adds full gloves to prevent leaving any fingerprints behind.

"Ready to roll," Barry declares, sprinting towards the designated location. His suspicions are confirmed upon arrival.

"Called it. This place is a total setup. About twenty of them," Barry observes grimly as he swiftly incapacitates each assailant, effortlessly taking them down in the darkness he creates by destroying the lights.

One individual, seemingly the ringleader, escapes Barry's blows, only to find himself stripped of his clothing.

Disarming his foes and discarding their weapons in nearby foliage, Barry ensures their unconscious forms remain clothed, opting to simply remove their weapons.

The ringleader is left bewildered and shivering in the sudden darkness and chill, an experience he won't soon forget, stripped not just of his clothes, but of his power and control.

Suddenly, a deep voice whispered in the guy's ear, "Where's the woman you took as a hostage?"

"Who are you? Are you Barry Allen?" the guy asked, still terrified, finding himself tied up without warning.

"No, I'm Batman, and from now on, I'm the one asking questions. Where is she?" Barry demanded.

"I don't know," the guy tried to deny.

"Tell me before I take action," Barry warned. "This is a promise."

"I don't know," the guy continued to deny.

"Then I'll put one of your unconscious comrade's dick in your mouth. I'll start counting to ten," Barry began counting.

The guy, sweating with fear, protested, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Nine, eight, seven, six," Barry continued counting, dragging one of the unconscious people toward the guy.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell," the guy relented.

Barry stopped dragging the body.

"She's at xxxxxx," the guy confessed.

"Is that true? If not, I'll be back, and you'll face consequences worse than death," Barry warned.

"It's true, please don't do that," the guy pleaded.

"Good, but that's not enough for me," Barry swiftly knocked the guy out, securing each person to wooden poles.

Barry rushed towards the location, taking a moment to survey the area. Spotting Iris, he repeated his earlier actions with the other guy, stripping them of their clothes and securing them naked to the wooden pole he had fashioned.

As the boss regained consciousness and locked eyes with Barry, who was kneeling down and staring at him, Barry delivered a stern message.

"Next time, think twice before attacking me. I won't kill you, but I'll make sure you're so humiliated, you'll wish you were dead," Barry warned.

"Who do you think you are?!" the boss retorted.

"I'm Barry Allen. And good luck trying to scrub your naked pictures from the internet," Barry replied with a smirk, proceeding to render the boss permanently incapacitated and unable to speak or hear.

As the boss trembled in intense pain, Barry headed inside the house to rescue Iris. However, to ensure her safety, he delivered a swift punch to her face, ensuring she remained unconscious.

Later, Barry brought her to the West household, placing her on the sofa before departing to his own home.

As he arrived to his home, he put his mask and hat on a table, then headed straight to the toilet and wash his face on the sink.

"I shouldn't done that my eyes hurt but I have or not they would not change" Barry said as he stare at the mirror for few seconds.

Then he turn the water pipe and head upstair change his cloth and sleep for the day.

The Next Morning,

Barry rose at 5:00 AM, splashing water on his face before making several trips to gather the items he needed for his new home.

Following this, he conducted his due diligence by patrolling the city, simultaneously honing his leg strength to improve his speed. His patrol became a rigorous roadwork session, sprinting at full throttle.

Amidst his routine, a news report captured his attention, detailing the humiliation of a notorious gang leader on television—an event that had become the talk of the town.

Barry chuckled at the news before continuing his activities until it was time for his boxing gym class. Upon arrival, the coach instructed Barry to warm up before hitting the pads.

Barry enthusiastically threw punches with full force, impressing the coach with his dedication.

"Left, right," the coach called out, holding up the pads for Barry.

Barry executed a jab and a straight punch with precision.

"Good, engage your hips more," the coach advised, adjusting the pads.

Barry incorporated more hip movement into his jab.

"Excellent work," the coach commended.

For the next 30 minutes, they continued the pad work, with Barry wiping the sweat from his face with a small towel.

While this unfolded, Iris, newly awakened, felt a dizzying sensation overwhelm her.

"Where am I?" She surveyed her surroundings, surprised to find herself at home.

"Am I hallucinating?" Iris questioned, her confusion deepening. "Perhaps I had an intense dream that's leaving me disoriented."

Iris proceeded to the washroom to splash water on her face.

Meanwhile, in another location, a man dressed in a white suit engaged in a phone call with an associate.

"This situation poses a significant challenge," the man remarked.

"Yes, initially, we underestimated our opponent, assuming he was just an ordinary individual. But it seems he orchestrated the humiliation of Ricardo's people to disrupt our operations," the other man on the line commented.

"One of Ricardo's subordinates mentioned Batman's involvement, but I'm skeptical. Why would the Dark Knight be in Central City?" the man in the white suit pondered.

"Let's avoid mentioning that name; it's taboo. Countless individuals have faced severe consequences for invoking it. We need to tread carefully with this man named Barry Allen. Let's convene with the others tonight," the associate advised.

"Agreed, I'll arrange the meeting," the man in the white suit affirmed.

Meanwhile, Barry focused on training his neck muscles, executing wrestler neck bridges.

"Are you considering going pro?" the coach inquired.

"I'm not entirely sure," Barry responded.

"Give it a shot, at least," the coach urged.

"Alright," Barry agreed reluctantly.

The coach's face lit up with excitement. "Fantastic! I'll have you ready to compete at a professional level within three months."

"Three months? Isn't that a bit rushed?" Barry questioned.

"With your natural talent, it's achievable," the coach reassured, giving Barry's shoulder a pat. "Let's focus on more conditioning before you call it a day."

Barry smiled as he collapsed to the ground, feeling the strain in his neck.

Suspension from a bar, Barry endured as the coach delivered blows to his abdomen until Barry's endurance waned.

"Keep those muscles tight," the coach instructed, prompting Barry to engage his core.

"Yes, coach," Barry affirmed, pushing through for a maximum of 20 minutes before releasing his grip on the bar.

"You're impressively skilled for a beginner," the coach praised.

"Well, I've watched my fair share of boxing videos," Barry admitted.

"Watching is one thing, but executing is another. With dedication, you'll be unstoppable," the coach assured.

"Will you ramp up the intensity of our training then?" Barry inquired.

"Absolutely," the coach affirmed with a grin.

Following this, Barry proceeded to his scheduled meeting with the building owner to finalize the purchase.

Barry managed to strike a deal worth $200 million to acquire the vacant building, set to receive ownership along with the necessary certificates in the coming weeks.

"It's a start," Barry sighed, contemplating his next steps. "Now, I just need to establish this company, and I'll be on my way."

Heading to the library with his laptop, Barry delved into research, outlining the equipment needed to establish his animation company.

Determined to revolutionize the animation industry swiftly, Barry meticulously selected the necessary items, calculating their costs, which amounted to approximately $500 million for both acquisition and initial operational expenses.

Left with $300 million for personal use, Barry deliberated on his approach. "I'll bootstrap it at first, then expand once I can hire staff. But first, let's get the company registered," Barry muttered to himself. "Let's call it Eclipse; I aim to eclipse everything."

Barry successfully registered his company as Eclipse Enterprise, a process that took some time. However, he realized he had a Taekwondo class to attend.

Hurrying to his Taekwondo class, Barry arrived to find his instructor waiting, a stern expression on his face.

"Where have you been, Barry?" the instructor questioned, placing a hand on his hip.

"I got held up," Barry replied with a sheepish grin.

"I understand you have other commitments, but you've booked this lesson. Be punctual next time," the instructor admonished.

"I apologize, I'll do better," Barry assured him.

"Change into your Gi; today, we're focusing on a different kick," the instructor instructed.

"Got it," Barry acknowledged, swiftly changing into his Taekwondo uniform. Emerging from the changing room, he approached the instructor.

"You're not exempt from discipline. Get into a leg split position," the instructor ordered.

Barry complied, gritting his teeth against the pain as he stretched into the split.

"You'll hold that position until I tell you otherwise," the instructor declared before moving on to instruct other students.

"This is torture," Barry muttered under his breath, enduring the discomfort.

As another person emerged from the restroom, Barry recognized him as his sparring partner from the previous day.

"Running late, huh?" the newcomer teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "Gotta work on that punctuality."

"Zip it, Larry the lobster," Barry retorted.

"Coming from a guy named Bartholomew, you've got no room to talk," Larry shot back.

Barry conceded with a nod, but before he could say more, the instructor intervened. "Larry, if you have time to tease your friend, you have time to join him in a leg split."

Barry couldn't help but chuckle as Larry begrudgingly assumed the leg split position beside him.

"Dumbass," Barry remarked with a smirk.

"Bartholomew," Larry retorted.

"Larry the lobster," Barry countered.

Despite the initial banter, they soon found themselves laughing heartily, their friendly exchange lightening the mood.

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