

Bernard simply gave him a pass to kill the people from the Star Group. Even Theo didn't expect this.

"Of course. If you can settle everything peacefully, it's better. However, I can't ask you to keep sparing the other party's life until they kill you. At the very least, I have always told Maya to not offend anyone from both companies, so it won't be my daughter that needs to be killed. I can't ensure your safety though."

Theo contemplated for a moment and asked another question. "So, can I expect their help too?"

"Yeah. The condition is basically the same. If your opponent is too strong, they can abandon you too."

"How about people from other influences?"

"If they're friends, just act friendly. If they're enemies, beat them up."

Theo fell silent for a moment.

"Anything else?"

"Can I leave the country while working for the Star Group?"