
God Of Thunder. {A Peerless Martial God fanfic.}

What would happen if an hitman is reborn into the world of PMG with a very familiar martial spirit? Read to find out!

Sohioe · Cómic
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3 Chs

God Of Thunder.

In the Nine Clouds Continent, there was a small region on the outer edge of the Continent called Xue Yu. This region consisted of many countries and empires, all-powerful in their own right.

In Xue Yu, there was a small-sized kingdom named Xue Yue. This was one of the more unimportant parts of the region but it still held a great deal of notoriety among certain groups and contained many powerful sects.

One of those sects was called the Yun Hai Sect located in the Yun Hai Mountain Range. It was one of the most powerful sects in the Region, garnering respect from even the Royal Family themselves.

It was in this sect that a young man, about 15 years old, laid on the ground as blood flowed endlessly from his corpse. He was a disciple of the sect and had managed to cultivate to the fifth Qi Layer. This was the requirement for any cultivator to join the sect so one could imagine that he was at the absolute weakest in the hierarchy.

Which was how he arrived at the current situation. He was beaten to death by an unknown assailant in a treacherous area of the sect known as the Stormy Gorge and left for dead. Unfortunately, no one even tried to save him as he crawled through the dense forest.

The Yun Hai sect was surrounded by eight extremely high mountain peaks. In the middle of the Yun Hai sect's mountain peaks was the Stormy Gorge which at the deepest point had the depth of a few hundred meters.

It covered an extremely vast area and was divided into several sections like an underground city. The gorge was vast and many different landscapes could be seen within. If you entered it, maybe you'd end up in the middle of a forest or possibly a desert oasis.

As time went on, something strange occurred. A mystical hammer engraved with runic carvings on both sides appeared over the body of the scrawny young man and teleported it into a recently abandoned cave close by.

His tattered black robes and long blonde hair flew madly in the wind that the hammer seemed to be generating as it laid his body carefully down on the ground.


The hammer started spinning rapidly, absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth in the process while sending a drop of blood into the young man's body.

His eyes snapped open and a golden light surrounded him as the Qi of Heaven and Earth rushed madly into his dantian from the hammer. Normally, the Qi would be absorbed at a slow pace but since the hammer absorbed it first, it seemed to have bolstered it somehow and increased the speed at which it could enter the young man's body.

His body shook madly as the drop of blood reforged his entire being from head to toe, skin to cells. Even his hair was being strengthened strand by strand.

The clear blue skies above the cave started to darken as thunder clouds appeared. The young man's body floated out from the cave and into the middle of the thunder clouds. Many cultivators saw the clouds forming but they didn't worry too much about it as this was the Stormy Gorge.

Strange phenomena happened daily.

As one might imagine, amid the thunderstorm, the body of the young man was being struck by lightning continuously. If one looked closer, one would notice the lightning bolts were being absorbed by his body. It was as if he was immune to the element.

Time went on as minutes, hours, days, and eventually, weeks passed by as the storm only grew. Now, some more cultivators were paying attention to the phenomenon but still, no one took action as this could just be another random occurrence.

A month passed by.

The hammer continued spinning rapidly, sending the Qi into the body of the young man. Suddenly, it started absorbing the thunder clouds and at the same time, rushed into the center of the young man's brows. That was when a certain word that was engraved in runic symbols appeared on it: THOR.

The thunderstorm immediately cleared up, causing the sun to shine upon that particular part of the Stormy Gorge once again. The young man's now incredibly muscular body plummeted towards the ground with no way to save himself.

Even a cultivator at the top of the Qi Layer wouldn't dare to jump off a high cliff without finding a way to slow his fall. So imagine the danger one was in if he fell from the troposphere. It was a death sentence!


It wasn't long before the young man landed in the forest, destroying some trees and forming a small crater as he did. His clothes were completely burned to a crisp, leaving him naked on the forest floor. But, strangely enough...his body was completely unharmed.

The young man's eyes slowly flickered open as he struggled up from the ground. He seemed to be confused about his current whereabouts as seen by the bewildered expression on his face.

"Where am I? Who am I?"

The young man slowly climbed up from the crater and trudged his way through the forest. As he looked down, his cheeks turned a bit red but once he noticed the lack of clothing, he took a deep breath and continued for the time being.

His thoughts raced as he tried to remember where or who he was. The last thing he remembered was that he was floating in a void and a white figure appeared before him. Everything after or before that point was a mystery, a blur.


A bloodcurdling scream rang out from the eastern side of the forest, causing him to abruptly turn his attention there. Amidst the occasional roaring of wild beasts, the sound of swords clashing and men screaming could be heard.

His ears perked up and he immediately rushed towards the sounds of battle. Although this endeavor was dangerous, this was the only way he could gain information at this current point in time.