
God of this Simulation

A man from the Soviet Union is taken to an Alternate world. Forced into a storyline and removed of his memories, when the system assigned to this project decides to take things to their own hands.

Le_Serene_Doge_ · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The Room

They drive for 10 minutes until reaching a small restaurant located a couple of blocks away. As they pull up to the restaurant, Vladimir removes his seatbelt and unbuckles his.

He holds out his hand, offering to help Darka off the car. She takes his hand in hers and climbs out. Once outside, the two walk to the entrance.

"Hello," the hostess says. "Table for two?" She points at the sign.

"Just us, please," Vladimir responds.

"Wonderful! Follow me, please," she leads them to a table by the window. Vladimir and Darka sit down and look out the window.

Dusk is starting to set in. Darkness envelopes the entire city, and the moon shines brightly.

"What would you like to drink?" the hostess asks.

Vladimir looks over at Darka.

"Do you want anything?"

Darka looks over at him, contemplating for a moment.

"Uh, maybe water?" she answers.

"Ok." the hostess nods. "I'll get you two whatever you'd like to order."

"We'll have a bottle of water and..." Vladimir trails off. "Can I get a salad and a side dish?" he asks.

"Yes sir!" the hostess answers before leaving them alone again.

"What were you thinking, Vladimir? Who orders a salad?" she smirks.

Vladimir smirks back. "Who knows what my sweetheart wants."

"Ick." Darka giggles.

After ordering their food, they enjoy their meal, talking about random things and catching up. After about twenty minutes, the waitress brings the bill, which Vladimir pays, while Darka goes into his bag and pulls out her phone.

"Are you ready to pay?" Vladimir asks Darka as he puts money on the table.

"No, no, I'm not supposed to pay for it all," Darka says, looking at her phone screen.

"Why?" Vladimir asks.

"Because it's common sense." Darka shrugs.

"But this is your first date."

"Exactly!" Darka replies.

"By that logic, I'm supposed to play. Let's pay together." Vladimir suggests.

"Fine, if that makes you happy."

Vladimir smiles at Darka before pulling his wallet out.

[Defensive // Confrontational // Dismissive]

When Darka sees him paying, she gives him a suspicious glance.

"Why does it take you so long to pay for everything?"

"I don't think anyone ever asked that question before," Vladimir says with a smirk.

"Whatever." Darka sighs.

'What are these options?'

[Well, since you deviated from the pl... story so much, this is a plot point. You are forced to choose at these points.]

Seeing how silent Darka is becoming, Vladimir decides to speak again. "So... What's your favorite color?"

"Um, blue," Darka mumbles quietly.

"Mine's green."

"Hmm," Darka hums. "Why are you asking these stupid questions."

Vladimir lets out a chuckle. "Sorry."

Darka rolls her eyes.

"It's all right; let's change the topic."

She turns her attention back to her phone and types something.

"Say, do you want to go to my house?" Vladimir asks.

"What, like a date?" Darka asks.

"Yeah, of course, that's what dating is." Vladimir smiles.


[Load up that game, I dare you.]

Darka puts down her game system on the table on Vladimir's study table. His room is enormous and spacious, with multiple bookshelves lining one wall. In front of the bookshelf stands the desk that Vladimir uses to work on his homework. There's a black leather couch, two chairs, and a bio bookshelf beside the sofa. Next to the bookshelf, there is another chair where he sits.

"This is nice." Darka comments.

"Come here," Vladimir beckons with his hands. Darka gets closer to him.

"Lean over so I can give you some kisses on the cheek," Vladimir instructs.

Dumbfounded, Darka does what Vladimir asks. Vladimir places his arms behind Darka, trapping her between his arms.

"Well, not really..." Vladimir scratches the back of his neck.

"Then why did you make me lean over?"

"I thought it'd be fun to kiss you under different circumstances." Vladimir smiles at her. "But I wasn't expecting this reaction." He scratched his nape

"Let's play the game," Darka suggests.

She grabs the headset. It looks like a giant helmet that covers her entire head.

Darka puts the headset on and looks at Vladimir.

Vladimir smiles and gently moves a finger up and down Darka's arm. "Go on."

"Ready?" Darka whispers.

"Let's do it!"

[Press F to start!]

Darka jumps awake. Her breathing is ragged, and she looks around in confusion for a few moments before remembering where she is.

'Hmm, it looks like the world in the game is almost the same as the real world.' she thinks before she gets up from the bed and heads out of her room.


As Darka approaches the stairs to enter the dining room, a voice echoes through the air.

"And I am telling you, this is a terrible idea. It will not end well."

Darka stops walking when she hears a male voice.

"Choose your interface," Vladimir says.

"The fuck?"

"Look for the panel with the picture of an apple. Do you see it?" Vladimir says.

Darka raises her hand and searches through the menus.

[Selecting Interface.]

Suddenly, a small icon appears at the top of the menu.

"Oh," she murmurs.

"Pick an apple."

"Oh, right!" Darka presses the icon, and a panel of pictures appears above the fruit option.

[Choose a Fruit!]


Walking in a field with Vladimir, they watch the apples slowly fall down a hillside.

"That's funny. Why do they keep falling?" Vladimir asks.

"Maybe because the apple tree is dying." Darka points out. "Maybe it's the weather?"

"Or maybe, the tree doesn't want any fruit anymore." Vladimir chuckles.

'Looks like the voice in my head is also here. It's as if the world is a game. Though I can't remember many details.' Darka scratches her head.

"Are you okay?" Vladimir asks.

"I'm fine." she smiles softly.


Vladimir is lying in his room. After playing the game, Darka was taken home by Vitomir. He hoped something more would happen that night, but nothing seemed to happen.

He sighs as he sits up. He stares into space for a while, not knowing what to do.

Until a voice in his head appears.

[Greetings, Human.]

He sits up and looks around; not knowing where the voice comes from, he begins to get nervous.

[My name is ####.] the voice continues. [If it is not too much trouble, I would like to discuss the game.]

A shiver runs down Vladimir's spine as he speaks. "Okay," he responds. "What exactly do you need to talk about?"

[I want to give you access to a room.]


[Please come into my room.]

"Why do you want me to come into your room?"

[There are many reasons, but the most important is that I could use some company. And you are the only one who understands me.]

Vladimir thinks for a moment. "All right."

He is transported to a dark room; a creature sits in front of a monitor, its nine eyes glowing.

"Hello, Human." it greets Vladimir.

"Hello. My name is Vladimir." Vladimir replies.

"See, this is why you're not getting any girls." the creature's eyes twitch and look in different directions. The liquid squelching sounds were deafening, making him want to puke.

He was transported here, and it was abrupt; now, a horrid creature was talking to him.

"Do you want to experience it?"