
God Of Necromancy

WSA 24 entry What good is necromancy in a world where Knights and Mages reign supreme? *** Zemfry Klassen was bestowed with a gift that seemed like a curse, he was a Necromancer. In a world where Mages could cast cool spells and Knights could shatter mountains with a fist, talking to spirits didn't exactly seem impressive. As such, Necromancers were often bullied and discriminated against. Zemfry was set to live his life as an average Necromancer, coping with the prejudice and hate from society until he finds a treasure that suddenly makes the Knights and Mages seem like thrash. Filled with nothing but hate for the other classes, Zemfry walks a path filled with chaos, destruction, and murder. ... "I'm sorry Brendnecker, but I'm not just an ordinary Necromancer, I'll become the God of Necromancy!"

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

Low-key Hero

Very soon, some of the Mages and Knights had already done the physical exercise. Asides from the Kinght who could life a weight of about two hundred kilograms, there wasn't really much of a highlight.

Very soon, it was time for Tiana to lift the weight. She had seen now Zemfry was disgusted about the knight showing off, so she decided to be low-key, like he liked.

She stepped out and grabbed the weight for about fifty kilograms, and after a slight show of difficulty, managed to lift it.

When she went out she wiped some sweat off her forehead. "Forget how those things look like, they're actually quite heavy"

"What was your first clue. The label that said fifty kilograms or that fact that no one else carried something heavier?" Alder asked with a mocking tone.

"We'll actually, Tiana could've carried a hundred kilograms, she just isn't like those show offs who like to brag and display all of their trump cards" Zemfry said.

Very soon, Alder stepped up. He scoffed when he saw the fifty kilograms weight and was almost tempted to move towards the one that weighed a hundred kilometers when he heard what Zemfry said about Tiana being able to lift it. Then he considered the fact that no one else could lift it.

In the end, be decided that he would rather be average than go for spectacular and end up embarrassing himself.

He bent towards the fity kilogram weight and picked it up. After a couple of seconds, his face changed. It seemed that it was actually going to take him all his strength to pick up the weight.

He looked at Tiana in disbelief. If she could do it relatively easier, why couldn't he.

What he didn't remember at that moment was that Tiana was at the peak of the Apprentice realm, while he was just at the fourth level of the Apprentice realm, the fact the he could actually lift the weight was considered an incredible feat.


Alder let out an ear piercing roar as he bent down and picked up the weight. His hands trembled a bit as he struggled to lift it above his head.

"What a weakling!"

"And they wanted to be classified the same as us!"

"Bunch of arrogant pricks!"

The knights immediately went into an uproar when they saw how much Alder struggled to carry the weight. They immediately started swearing at him.

The Mages on the other hand were angry at him. They felt bad enough about the significant 'discrinination', now Alder had to go and give them a reason to rub it in.

While the knights were ridiculing Alder and the Mages were feeling angry at him, the burly man was looking at him with a bit of astonishment in his eyes.

Zemfry on the other hand had an unsightly expression on his face.

'This little shrimp just had to go and ruin my master plan' Zemfry thought to himself as be shook his head.

He planned to bring Alder to the Capital, have him try to gain admission to the Academy and then have him fail and send him on his way to the village so as to dispatch him.

Him doing so well was going against all the plans that Zemfry had made.

The main person in question didn't seem to think that he did well, he looked slightly embarrassed as he walked over to the crowd of Mages.

Zemfry patted his shoulders. "You really made all the Mages hate you and came to stand beside us. Are you really trying to dig our graves? You could've stayed away from us until everything blew over"

Alder stared at Zemfry in disbelief. He opened his mouth as if he was about to talk, he closed it soon after.

After a few more people went over and attempted to life the weight, it was Zemfry's turn.

He walked over to the fifty kilogram weight and stared at it briefly before walking over to the one hundred kilogram weight. He also stared at it briefly before walking to the one hundred and fifty kilogram weight.

The knights weren't happy with Zemfry's behavior. Some of them could only lift the one hundred kilogram weight so they weren't happy that a Mage teasing the fact that he had more ability than them.

"What the fuck is this wanker doing!"

"Just lift your fifty kilograms and get the fuck out of here!"

"You fucking prick, you really think you're something don't you?"

Zemfry stared at the knights who were screaming at him and sighed. He originally planned to be low-key, but since they insisted on vexing him, he had to show off.

He didn't have unmatched self control, he was only a teen after all.

He walked back to the fifty kilogram weight and lifted it easily. After lifting it, he dropped it on the floor and walked over to the one hundred kilogram weight.

He looked at all the knights present and smirked as he lifted it from the floor. He played around with it for some seconds before dropping it on the floor.

After lifting the one hundred kilogram weight, he went over to the one hundred and fifty kilogram weight and lifted it.

This time though, lifting the weight seemed to take quite a bit of effort. After lifting the weight, he dropped it immediately.

He stared at the two hundred kilogram weight with a bit of temptation, but then walked away. He heaved a large sigh of relief when he walked back to Tiana and Alder.

The burly looking man looked at Zemfry with interest in his eyes. He wrote something down on his notebook and smiled.

After a few more minutes, the physical test was over.

"Alright, that concludes the physical test. All of you have acceptable physical strength that reaches the barest minimum, all of you except for a select few". His gaze hovered between Armani and Alder. "With time at the academy however, that can be rectified".


A puff of red smoke appeared in the center of the room and a short middle aged man appeared.

"The next thing on the agenda is the Mana affinity test!"