
God Of Necromancy

WSA 24 entry What good is necromancy in a world where Knights and Mages reign supreme? *** Zemfry Klassen was bestowed with a gift that seemed like a curse, he was a Necromancer. In a world where Mages could cast cool spells and Knights could shatter mountains with a fist, talking to spirits didn't exactly seem impressive. As such, Necromancers were often bullied and discriminated against. Zemfry was set to live his life as an average Necromancer, coping with the prejudice and hate from society until he finds a treasure that suddenly makes the Knights and Mages seem like thrash. Filled with nothing but hate for the other classes, Zemfry walks a path filled with chaos, destruction, and murder. ... "I'm sorry Brendnecker, but I'm not just an ordinary Necromancer, I'll become the God of Necromancy!"

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasía
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16 Chs

About Grenfal

"Do you know why only two stages of strength are known for Necromancers?" Zemfry asked Alder with a smile.

Alder shook his head.

Zemfry smiled as he started climbing down the mountain. Tiana followed, and after seeing that Zemfry had no intention to come back up, Alder followed him as well.

"Uh… earlier, you asked a question" Alder said. He felt a bit embarrassed to be asking Zemfry questions like that, especially since he had insulted him so much earlier. "Do you think you could tell me the answer to the question?"

Zemfry stopped walking and turned around to face Alder. "I have no idea" he said, stunning Alder.

"Where are you going?" Alder asked.

They had almost gotten to the foot of the mountain. It was obvious that they were leaving and Alder didn't need a soothsayer to tell him that Zemfry wasn't headed back to the village.

"The Capital. The academy will soon start recruiting students" Zemfry said. "I wish to join"

"The capital?" Alder furrowed his brows and muttered under his breath. He had heard of the academy before, but he knew nothing about the capital. In fact, he knew nothing about how the world looked like except for a few kilometers beyond the village.

Zemfry had an amused expression on his face when he saw Alder's confused look. Don't tell me that those illiterates didn't tell you anything about the country.

Alder shook his head. With a small sigh, Zemfry began to explain everything to Alder.

"Now, the continent that we live in is called the Southern hemisphere. Beyond the southern hemisphere is the boundless sea and somewhere in the middle of it is the Northern Hemisphere. No one really knows what's in the Northern Hemisphere. Everyone that tried to each it either ended up lost or returned without finding what they were looking for. There are also some rumors about there being an Central Hemisphere, but no one really knows the validity of the statement" (I am drafting out a map for those that may be confused, and don't think of the continents as literal hemispheres).

"Inside the Southern Hemisphere, there are three empires. There is the Supreme Demon empire which is co inhabited by humans, elfs, goblins and other races, there is the Heaven Saint empire and there is the Heaven Monarch empire. All the empires contain Continents which are made up of three or more countries. The countries can also be divided into Kingdoms which are split into five or more Counties. From there on out, we have Cities, towns and the lowest form of existence, villages"

Alder felt a bit angry when he heard what Zemfry used to describe the village, but after further thought, he realized that Zemfry was right. He had been thought by the elders of the village his entire life as they classified him as a once in a lifetime genius. Even so, it turned out that out of everything they thought him, some were basically shallow knowledge while others were straight up wrong.

'We're in the Heaven Monarch empire, Grenfal Kingdom which is located in thr Blue Wind country to be precise. I really don't know much about the location of the village, but we're headed towards The Capital, which is in Grenfal County"

The trio reached the foot of the mountain and stared at a forest in front of them. Alder looked at Zemfry waiting for him to make a move and followed him one he started moving inside the forest.

"How do you know the way to where we're going?" Alder asked.

Zemfry shrugged. "I don't, there's a city just beyond this forest. We're going to hitch a ride with the merchant caravan and from there on out we'll be on our way to the The Capital"

Alder furrowed his brows. "Then how are we going to get those merchants to give us a ride"

While he certainly didn't know much, he at least deduced that merchants wouldn't just allow some bunch of kids to hitch a ride with them.

"That's where you come in love" This time it wasn't Zemfry that answered Alder, it was Tiana.

Alder's heart rate increased when he realized that she was standing just behind him, he could feel her breasts scrape against his back.

"Stop playing around" Zemfry chuckled. Hearing Zemfry, Tiana pouted. "You're no fun" She said.

"You see, every merchant travelling a long distance has a common fear, bandits. If a mage comes to them and offers them protection, they have no reason to refuse"

Alder furrowed his brows. "So why did you bring me along?" He nudged his head towards Tiana. "She's a mage, why didn't you use her for your little plan"

"The last time she volunteered, the captain of the caravan wanted to murder her. He wasn't too at home with her element. Kept calling servant of the Demon Lord" Zemfry said. "That wouldn't have been a problem but he was quite strong as well"

"Oh…" Alder said. All of a sudden, he felt depressed. It turned out that he was just a failsafe to them. They couldn't risk another incident where Tiana's life would be in danger and it wasn't as if Zemfry could go screaming he was a Necromancer as well, hence, he came in to play.

"Don't feel bad" Zemfry clasped his shoulder. "Think of it this way, you get to help me hitch a free ride and you actually make it to the Capital"

Alder smiled bitterly. "It wasn't as if I wasn't headed there in the first place" He muttered loud enough for Zemfry to hear him.

"Even if you went, then how did you plan on reaching your destination?" Zemfry raised an eyebrow.

Alder opened his mouth to talk but closed it back soon after. Zemfry was actually making a point. He didn't have any idea how he was going to he was going to get there. Up until a few minutes ago, he didn't even have any idea that the academy was in the Capital.

Suppressing his comment, he let out a depressed sigh before following Tiana and Zemfry.