
chapter 31:hospital visit (part 1)





Job: Musician

MONEY: 100,202,000 HGF

POPULARITY point (p.p): 380,300,000

Fame point (f.p): 138,000

SINGING: 1/100 « legendary »

GUITAR: 92/100 « GREAT » 

CREATIVE: 79/100 « GREAT »





«February» (last week)


★ third person p.o.v★

After frank have send away his assistant he got his jacket and waited for the band in his office.which did not take long because they rushed to the office after hearing the massage send by the assistant.

"Frank why are we going to the hospital?"-jake

" it danger mom she is not improving but instead her health is degrading."-frank

"But last week when I went to the hospital they said that she is doing ok, what changed."-dante (worried and concerned )

"Don't worry we will get answer when we reached there. So get ready and meet me in the parking lot we will be taking the company car."-frank

" ok "- everyone

---10 minutes later (in the parking lot)---

Wait in the parking lot was frank and his assistant who are guarded by some security so that they reach there destination safe and sound.

After what seem like ages his friend finally arrived and they all got inside of the car and took off to the hospital ( author:it a floating car)

" so frank when will the treasure hunt end, because it have been months and the only top group close to the final piece are the 'hidden leaf' and 'Goldilocks' (author: the Goldilocks group is jason groups name)."-jerry

"After the last piece is discovered"-frank

" also boss when are we going to talk to web net because they have send some of there employees to talk to use about a exclusive deal were they get any of your new song fist before any other platform , while also they will provide marketing for free if we signed for 5 year."-assistant

"How about the other platform have they contact use yet because we have been hot lately and they have to have notes."-frank

" there are other platform but I am planning to have them meet use  with all the other platform on the same day that you agreed to talk to the web net employee/ representatives "- assistant

"Good work mike"-frank

" but any way driver have we reached yet "- Frank

" we are 5 minutes away boss"- driver

After frank talked to the drive he try to make the atmosphere in the car more lively because everyone is depressed about dante mom so frank started to tell some funny story he hear online and asking everyone about there day, as to hide his own worry and fear form his friends because he suppose to be the lead. And a leader don't cry before his follower when thing don't go as plan, he need to persevere and envelope so that he can better solve the problem and not break down crying because of all the mental strain and stress that he is facing because all of use even the author of this book have mental problem and we just need to smile and laugh even doe deep down it hurts like hell and people don't seem to understand use and think that are life is all butterfly and Rainbow but it not it just dark clouds and shitty weather, plus a dose of depression.

(Author: just broke the 4th wall, but he is right we all have are own depression and some people own are great then other but we just need to smile and make other smile and be happy while we are in a mental battle with are self.

P.s: sorry if I make some people depressed but it the harsh truth and we all suffer with depression in as own way and even I suffer form depression and some time it hurt a lot because some time I want to cry but I can't,I want to smile bit I can't, and my greatest fear is to be forgot by my friends and to lost a friend because it hurt like a bullet that just hit my heart and soul.

P.s.s: sorry again I have just been depressed for awhile and I just want people to hear my cry for help because it hurt it really do and some people just don't know how some of use feel internally and I hope my book can help people know how we kids in generation feel.)


Arriving at the hospital the band left the car and went inside to meet with the doctor who is responsible for the treatment of date mom.

"Excuse me nurse can you please help use find doctor son."-frank

"Shore, he is in the 3rd floor in room 3-D"- nurse

" thank you"- dante

"You welcome"- nurse

---2 minute later ----

" hello is this room 3-D"-frank

"Yes and who are you and how can I help you today"-dr. Son

" we are looking for doctor son, will you know we're he is because a nurse told use he will be in room 3-D."-dante

"I am Dr .son"-dr. Son

" we can to see ms. Jefferson,because we got a call form you informing use of the decline in her health so we can to talk to you and see how she is look are self."-frank


" ok then follow me to room 3-F, that we're she has been transfer because of her condition."-dr. Son

"Ok then lead the way doc"- Jerry

---arriving at room 3-F---

" ms. Jefferson you have visitors today."-dr. Son

"And who will they be doc"-ms. Jefferson (in a weak voice )

" it use aunt Jefferson."-jake (running to hug her )

"Ooh my, jake how are you doing dear, how is the family"- ms. Jefferson

" they are ok aunt"-jake

"We can to visit you today because the doctor said that you are not getting well so frank told use to come asap"-jake (still huge her)

" oooh is that so mr. West"- ms. Jefferson

"Yes aunt"-frank

" how are you doing mom, is your head still hurting "-dante

" am ok dante, just fighting"-ms. Jefferson

"That still not good mom"-dante

(trying to hold his tear, imagine naruto when he was small when be was crying because of how the people treated him, picture below if you are in wattpad)

" so what have you kid been up to , and how is your band that you created"-ms. Jefferson

"It great aunt, we have become famous and we even own are own company and we are making hundreds of millions of HGF monthly and we are planning to make are own movie, anime, comics, books, and so much more aunt."- Jerry

" just ask frank , he is the one who made his all happen and even got you to be taken care off in one of the best hospital in the galaxy"- jake

"Is that true frank my boy "- ms. Jefferson

" it true aunt , but I could have never did this with out my friends and the fans who have been supporting use "- Frank

" so what the band name "- ms. Jefferson

" it C2H4"-frank

"So you are the people in the news this couple of months."- Dr. Son

" yeah"-frank

"I am big fan of your music can you sign my coat and take a picture with me please"- Dr. Son

" shore, it won't hurt "- frank

" but before we do that doctor can you please explain more about her conditions now please"- frank

"Shore mr. West "- Dr. Son

" as you know hepatic blood deformation is a medical condition that was just discovered by scientists recently that affect the patient's blood and course it to mutate and deform, resulting in the blood not being able to carry oxygen and nutrients. furthermore, the condition also increases the increase in carbon dioxide, and also the blood is constantly destroyed by the white blood cell, cause the red blood to be destroyed because they are outnumbered causing the immune system to be  weakened until it is destroyed and that will result in the patients passing."-dr. Son

"We understand that the other doctor told use that"-frank

" but he did not tell you the whole truth "- Dr. Son

" can you explain doc"- Jerry (everyone getting a little worried)