
chapter 27: sponsor




Job: Musician

MONEY: 300,202,000 HGF

POPULARITY point (p.p): 380,300,000

Fame point (f.p): 343,000

SINGING: 1/100 « legendary »

GUITAR: 92/100 « GREAT » 

CREATIVE: 79/100 « GREAT »






★third-person p.o.v★

After the post was sent that the company was looking for workers, the fame of the band has been spreading throughout the galaxy like a plague and it has been noted by news reported, who are doing constant research to know who this singer is and why their song is so unique because nobody has heard of this kind of music and it causing young adults, teens, children, and even adult are falling in love whit this genre of music and the most famous of the songs are 'crystal express' and 'clock strike ' because they are the oldest song from the band.

Furthermore, music studio companies all around the galaxy are trying to reach and talk to the band to sign with them, but they are all rejected by the band because they have formed their own company and will be producing their song and others in this studio henceforth. And this news of the band starting their own company reached their community and caused some very heated discussion, with some agree with the band and others disagree because they think that the band is too young and need to take thing slow before everything blow up in there face.

So when the news was reported and bloggers started to hear this news that the band is starting their own company they started to write a news report and blogs on big news and blogging platforms like CNN, fox, n.w.c, etc. resulting in the band becoming more famous for there song, which catches the eye of a small company looking to sponsor the band.

The first was a company name 'blue biotech' which produced very flexible clothing that has a mix of technology and fabric. and they are plan to make special clothing that can form Samurai armor by causing the pieces of the samurai farmer to stick to the clothing like magnets when the singer wants to wear them/aka it like Iron Man when his metal mech suit started to farm around him when he is walking.

So after a long time of constant searching for the band email and address of their company they were able to get it and was even able to contact the general manager of the company to set up a meeting with the CEO of the company and the band to see if they can talk.

--1 week later---

★first-person p.o.v(frank)★

These couple of week has been very stressful because I have to go to band practice while also managing a whole company, and today there is no difference because according to my company calendar I am supposed to have a meeting with fellow small businesses that just recently started up and they want us to sponsor there new clothing brand, which have a mix of both fiber and technology.

*This is so exciting because if any scientist from my past life was to hear about clothing mixed with the technology they will vomit blood.*

So after reaching my office, I sat down and tried to hold my excitement because this is going to be a business meeting, not a science conference where people show their inventions and you start asking a question about how it works.

*even doe I want to ask so bad, but business first and question later*

----1 hour later ----

After waiting for approximately 1 hour, I got a call from, my assistant, that the CEO of blue biotech has arrived.

"Bring him up to my office, and make sure he gets a good welcome."

"Ok boss"-assistant

--5 minutes later--

-bang bang-

" yes who is it "

"It me boss, I am with the CEO."-assistant

" ok let him enter "

★third-person p.o.v★

As the door was opening frank got up from his seat and shook hands with a CEO of blue biotech and they both sat down opposite each other with their repeated lawyer whom they called to come into the room.

"It good to meet you mr. west, I have heard a lot about your brand and I am very shocked to find out that at such a young age you produce some great masterpieces and now even open your music studio, while at my age I was playing video games and thinking about college "- ??

" thank you, but I could not have done it without my band, who you can see are not here because they are practicing but I will be representing them as their leader mr green"-frank

"I can see "- green

" ok let get go back to business because I know that you did not come here to keep time because you are a busy man just like me."-frank

"You are correct mr. west because I came today to see if you will sponsor our first and newest clothing brand for our company because we don't have the marketing strength, and there is a lot of other clothing company blocking our advertisement form reaching the new and old user.

This is causing us to lose a lot of money and if we are not able to make a profit by next month we will have to close down and this company is my greatest work and I will not have anything else if it shut down. So I came in behalf of my company and myself to see if you can please sponsor our clothing because your fan base is huge and is growing constantly because of the news and social media platforms."- green

" There is no problem sponsoring your clothing because to tell you honestly I am very excited to see and wear your clothing because if you don't know me and my band came from a very poor and crime-infested planet.

Furthermore, what will you give us in return when we sign this contract."-frank

"The first thing you will get is free access to all our clothing now and in the future if our contract it's extended, second you have access to our team of scientists and researchers to be able to produce your clothing style and clothing brand using our company, third you will get 5% share of the company."-green

" ok, I see but I will need to change something first because the first 2 are ok but the last one I want you to change to 30% and I have the option to buy more shares in the future, plus I'll be the first person you notified when you want to sell your shares."-frank

"Ok if we give you 30 percent and option to buy more share in the future, that means that you will have to spencer are the company for 20 years instead of the 5 years planned "-green

" that cool with us, but because in the future I will owning your company I will be sending money to support the company monthly as a shareholder until you can make me a profit.so I will tell my assistant to send your company 200,000,000 HGF as a welcome and a beginning of a good friendship Mr, green"-frank

"Thank you but you don't have to give so much Mr west, we will be ok with just 40,000,000."-green (crying small)

" no company of mine will go bankrupt, so I hope you use the money wisely and upgrade the company building, buy the new set technology, get more staff and last more clothing painter's so that production is fast because I will be making new music soon and I want to have the Samurai suits to be ready by then for me and my bandmates because we will be planning to release our first video for that song and I want your brand to be shown.

Because I will promise you this, your brand will explode in the market and people will want to buy your clothing, so I will send you the design of shirts, pants, hoodies to print out and store for the time when our platform is updated and we add the shopping function."-frank

"Also I will be advertising your company using our community platform, so don't worry about marketing because our the company will deal with it."-frank

" thank you Mr.west"-green

" so let sign this contract already it getting late and I need to go practice before I become rusty."-frank

"Sure thing boss"-assistant