

* I don't own Genshin Impact the rights go to Mihoyo, this fanfic well has dark themes and relationships from all walk of life so if your homophobic or hate dark themes then I would recommend not reading this. Those of you that do stay enjoy*

Aether and Lumine had traveled to many words but never have they seen such a beautiful city tucked away in the forest mountains as they looked at the busy city below they heard a deep voice from behind them, Aether was quick to turn around and was scared half to death upon seeing a massive Green deer looking down at them. Aether was shaking and his twin sister stood up preparing to fight only for Aether to notice something about the deer that made him feel safe, he quickly grabbed his sister's hand and Lumine looked at her twin " Aether what are you doing?" Aether looked at his twin with the warmest smile Lumine has ever seen and he simply replied "dear sister I don't think this is a bad creature" Lumine was confused until she heard a chuckle and the deer turned into a young male with short blond hair.

The male was smiling as he looked at them both " you are very smart young one tell me what's your name" Lumine just frowned before answering back annoyed " it's impolite to ask for someone else's name without introducing yourself first" the boy chuckled again before answering " alright then am Chedon the God of Life" Lumine and Aether eyes widen and Aether wasn't sure what to say, Chedon looked at them with a raised eyebrow before Aether coughed and replied back quickly " my name is Aether and the girl next to me is my twin sister Lumine." Chedon just nodded before he walked over getting close to Aether before smirking " have you ever considered being a god Aether?" Lumine gasped in shock and quickly shouted " what on earth are you saying!?" Chedon ignores Lumine and keeps talking explaining to Aether how he can grant Aether the power of the gods, Lumine hearing everything started to become jealous she couldn't understand why her brother gets the title while she was ignored and not even acknowledged by the God of Life.

Aether couldn't help but feel a warmness that he never felt before while he was with his sister and sure he felt happy and safe with her it didn't compare to the feeling he got while talking to the God of life in fact the more Chedon talked the more interested he became, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that his sister was starting to get jealous and a part of him wanted to ask Chedon to give the title of God to his sister instead-but another side of him wanted to stay silent. Chedon noticed that Aether seemed keen on the idea more so than his sister so he decided then and there to offer godhood to Aether, Aether was about to reply back but then his sister voice could be heard " of course he won't take it why would you even offer such a thing."

Aether just frowned before he quickly hissed softly and looked at Chedon and quickly said "please ignore my twin she doesn't speak for me I would like the title of godhood" Lumine was left in shock not only did her younger brother decide to take the offer but he didn't even allow her to speak on his behalf, she became furious and demand to know why Aether took the offer. Aether just frowned even more and he simply said " I will no longer walk in your shadows sister I wish to be myself in this new land without you shadowing over me like in the past" Lumine become more and more furious at her brother, she turned around and once again and demand that if Aether gets a title then so does she. Chedon eyes darkened and Aether was starting to worry that the God of Life was going to hurt his sister but instead Chedon sighs and looked at her " fine you well be given the title of Queen but if you decide to leave this world one day the title will be revoked and a new queen will be chosen," Lumine just smiled happily and nodded her head as Chedon said, " I Chedon God of life declare Lumine to the new Queen of Lamri and Aether to be given the title of newly born God."

Lumine was happy she also got a title and she didn't even bother to wait for her brother as she walked off and Aether just sighed before Chedon turns to look at him and pats his head before he takes Aether hand and drags him away from the busy city below, Aether was confused but he allowed himself to get dragged along as it was clear now that his sister didn't like it when he himself got something better than her and that hurt him a little. He really thought that she will be happy for him but he was wrong and so he made up his mind after he watches her go away that if she chose to leave this world then he himself won't go with her and he will stay in the city of Lamri, as they walked in complete silence Aether noticed that well getting to a forest that's so enchanting that he found himself forgetting about the city below and about the fact that his sister not only disrespected the God of Life but also didn't even bother to wait for him or care that someone took him away from her side.

Aether didn't realize he had sighed heavily and that Chedon had a look of worry displayed on his face and he walked back towards Aether and he reaches his hand out and runs his hand through Aether hair before whispering " don't let her get you down Aether you will be meeting your new family soon okay," Aether just nodded as they continue to walk deeper into the forest until reaching a lake and in the middle, there was a wooden Chinese style house with a bridge allowing people to cross the lake towards the house. Aether was confused as to way Chedon had brought him here and Chedon just smiled and said " this Aether is the home of the other God and Goddess this place is called the silent Domain and every God and Goddess has a choice they can stay here or live in their respected temples," Aether just nodded as they crossed the lake and Aether stop as he spotted something in the water and so he stopped to take a closer look before he gasped and walked backward bumping into something.

He quickly turned around and come face to face with a boy with black hair and dark purple-blue eye and on his right eye was an eye patch, Aether wasn't sure why he wore it but he didn't want to pray and he then heard a splash and a giggle and he quickly turned back to the water to see a beautiful mermaid with light blue hair looking at him with curiosity. Aether was sure he was about to have a heart attack when a hand grabs him and pulls him into a hug causing him to stiffen up as he heard a harsh and cold voice say " it's fine brat she means no harm," Aether upon hearing that quickly turned his head as he frowned and was about to say he wasn't a brat when he saw the person that pulled him into a hug had beautiful snow-white hair causing to stare for a lot longer then he wanted to.

Chedon couldn't help but chuckle at the sight and he thought to himself how the addition of Aether was a wise choice because, with Aether kindness but quick-witted nature he would be able to keep the rest of the gods in check, Chedon knew Aether hasn't noticed yet but everyone was either curious about him or in Otyx case is starting to grow a protective streak even though they just meet. He himself could also tell that Imus was watching from the shadows like he always does and Chedon could tell that he also felt a connection with the blond boy, he kept watching the scene unfold before him before he saw the shadows around Aether move and before he could warn Arether Imus had wrapped his shadow around Aether and Aether panicked for a second until he calmed down upon seeing Imus.

Chedon was about to tell Imus off when he saw that Imus carried Aether towards the house and he sighed before following him as he watched the calm Aether look around, he smiled again and quickly whispered to himself "you Aether well change this world and make everyone whole again."