
God of Conquest in DXD

Dragonreed · Cómic
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20 Chs


Joseph POV

I heard about a temple there was granting wishes. Little wishes such as wanting to be younger or smarter. So I decided to check Out and What I found Was interesting. I had walked up to the temple and rung the bell. Said a prayer then put a little money on the collection plate. What I did not expect was a response. Asking me if I was willing to fight for what I want. That brings me to where I'm at now. Standing in front of this portal. I had already told the god of conquest that I will go through with this.

POV Ends

Joseph arrived on a big platform with a white background. Nothing as far as his eyes could see. Then a small child appears in front of him and takes a battle stance. "So you want to be a Saiyan? You don't look like much. The rules are simple you have to defeat your opponent. Every opponent you defeat gives you one bloodline point. After you get 50 you are a half Saiyan. At 100 full-blooded Saiyan, at 150 Legendary Super Saiyan, at 200 Ancient Saiyan, at 250 Legendary Ancient Saiyan, and 300 you will become the Origin of the Saiyan race. Good luck with your fights young man the child said." At the same time in another plane, David was going through the same thing only he had fewer fights to go through. As there are only a few choices for a Kryptonian. He had to choose which version of Superman to fight. So while he was thinking about it things are getting interesting back on the island. Drizzt was waiting for the two of them to finish with their trail. He was looking forward to them succeeding so that he could move on with his plan. When a transportation circle appears in front of him. Sirzechs, Rias, and Grayfia Lucifuge all walk out of the circle.

(Drizzt) "So, can you tell me why your here Sirzechs? I wasn't expecting your sister for another hour or so and how is your beautiful woman with you?"

(Sirzechs) "It is good to see you too Lord Drizzt. I am here to find out what kind of help you are Offering my sister. Just make sure it doesn't go against our rules. The beauty with me is my wife Grayfia. Also, we have come to a Decision about you having a temple indie Underworld. We have decided that we allow you to have a Temple there. I wanted to know if...

(???) " Hold on Sirzechs let's not get ahead of ourselves. I also have some things to tell him and Michael is on his way. Nice to meet Lord Drizzt my and is Azazel the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels. If you don't mind can you wait a bit so we all can talk?"

(Drizzt) "Nice to meet you too Azazel come follow me to the meeting room. Ddraig, Kuroka, Cleria, Masaomi, and Rika to come we have guests. Kuroka I need you to make some tea and snacks for our guests. Ddraig I need you to be on stand-by with Rika for any attacks that might come. Cleria you and Masaomi will wait for Michael to come and bring him here. Now then is anyone else coming that needs to be here?"

Both Sirzechs and Azazel Shook the heads no. Meanwhile up in heaven, Michael was getting ready to head down for the meaning. When he was bringing with him, Gabriel, and Dulio Gesualdo. Opening transportation circle they head out to meet up with the devils, fallen angels, and a new god. Michael is looking forward to meeting this the new god and hopes he will be able to help them.