

“My Existence is a bully to the word Existence itself." Quote from Patrick. Patrick, a regular arrogant kid with extremely attractive looks and a high IQ, lived in the alternate version of Earth. But in this alternate Earth, there were awakened humans who possessed abilities beyond the scope of human knowledge. Yet, despite living in an awakened world, Patrick didn't awaken any ability. But just when he was annoyed with his unawakened life, he acquired an unknown entity called a system. With that, it opened a gateway of infinite possibilities that caused the existence of the story "GOD OF ALL SYSTEMS."

Lordflash · Ciudad
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198 Chs

A Stupid Decision!

1000 Immortal Cycles ago in the Immortal Realm.

Somewhere in the Immortal Realm, an adult middle-aged male figure sat at the peak of an enormously towering pillar as he stared below. The male figure had short black hair with green eyes; he had a slightly muscular build, as one can see his muscles tightly fitting in his clothes. The man wore a long black robe and pants. Hovering to the man's right side was a black blade; this long black blade exuded an extremely thick black, killing aura around it, causing the space to vibrate every three seconds as if the blade was a breathing organism.

"Excited, are you? Don't worry; you will eat as many souls as you want when I join the war."

The man spoke to the blade as it vibrated with excitement. Then, slowly standing on the large, towering pillar, the man inhaled with closed eyes, slowly exhaling; he stepped from the pillar and free fell from the air.