
Chapter 1

Omnipotent Being- hello long time no see Johnie!

Johnie - do I know you?(wait he Looks like one of my characters from my Video Game!)

Omnipotent Being- that indeed you do.... Your world might end one day so I'm going to give you A Chance too get God Powers or weak Powers..

Johnie- wait your a God?

Omnipotent Being- you could say that( drops a Roulette wheel..) what ever this hand lands on is what Power you get

Johnie decided too test his luck and try too Roll it...

Johnie-(please let me get something Good)

Roulette -(Ding...God Level Edit)

God- wow you got the Best One yet.....all your stats are ♾️ ...

Johnie- wait I'm Immortal? And what is God Level Edit..

God- as the Name suggests....you can edit anything you want.....if you don't like a crappy car or the world you can edit them ....and a Good thing is you'll Never Die ..

Johnie - so I can do literally anything I want?

God- yes


God of all Gods- wait why did you give him that Power?

God- that's what he rolled on boss!

God of all Gods- really?

God- yes and he is Now one of us but he's 100x more Powerful than us!!

God of All Gods- crap

Johnie- who the Hell are you?

God of All Gods- I'm Leader of all the Gods

Johnie- Except for me right?

God of All Gods- sadly but yes

Johnie- I'd watch my words if I was you.

God of All Gods-(fear) uhh y...y..ye....ye..ye...yes s.....si....si.....sir

Johnie - alright Leave me you two

God- yes sir

God of All Gods- yes sir



Johnie looks at his old Phone

Johnie-(let's Edit my Phone)

Johnie-(Edit: iPhone XR , capable of doing anything the user wants., if it gets lost or Stolen it will always return too the user)

A.I. Heather- configuration Required! Y/N

Johnie- Yes

A I. Heather- Configuration Completed

A.I. Heather- hello Master

A.I. Heather- how can I help you?

Johnie- you able too do anything that I want?

A.I. Heather- yes Master

Johnie- Good Create Me a Bank card with Infinite Money..

A.I. Heather- The Bank card With Infinite Money was Successfully created..... it's on your desk..... If it's lost or Stolen it will always return too the user

Johnie see's his Black Centurion Bank Card With Infinite Money on His Desk.....he picks it up and Puts it in his Wallet...

Johnie-(alright it's 7 p.m. time too clock out for today)

Johnie clocks out for the day and heads home

Johnie- (well I'm Beyond Rich...I think I'll Buy the Company I'm CEO in..... Apple)

Emily- Johnie?

Johnie- oh hi .....do I know you?

Emily- it's me.....Emily

Johnie - oh I'm sorry I didn't recognize you...

Emily- what you been doing all these years?

Johnie - I've been Busy Working

Emily - where you work at?

Johnie - I work at Apple Inc.

Emily- Wow!!!

Emily- I have an interview with them Tomorrow at 2:30 p.m.

Emily- what's your Position with them? If I may ask!!!

Johnie- let's just say nothing important is allowed too pass by me