
God Armour

Indhra having a strange mark on his hand tries to find what the mark means and tries to find out who he is, Surya also having a mark gets to know by an unknown person that he is a prophecy and turns to find other prophecies, Mia a good dancer also having a sign on her hand tries to find the meaning of the sign in last Surya finds all three prophecies and units them, in last everyone gets to know about who are they, why are they and why should they. In last they get to know about a armour known as God Armour by which they can become one of the strongest on the universe. Lets see what happens with them what all difficulties they face, let us see what happens.

DaoistGnpPr0 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Symbol- Chapter 1

"Son go" 

" No I can't go without you " " Sometimes you need to sacrifice, now just go" 

" The symbol in you will protect you, just run" 

Voice echoing " run, run, run"

A sigh came out of him, " What was that, I guess it an another weird dream" Indhra was just sleeping when he had a dream or we can say a traumatising dream it was pretty common for him to get a dream like that. " The symbols in my hand, are they the reason for the dreams that I am getting, naa I am just thinking a lot" Weirdly Indhra had a weird mark on his right hand showing electricity flowing or like a thunder picture perfectly drawn on his hand, whatever happened he thought that he was a special person.

" Huh whatever, but this sign is acting pretty weird" The sign drawn on his hand shined when he got weird dreams like that.

" Who are you?" 

" Oh, so you saw me"

" Sigh, well who are you?" 

" Well I think you don't treat guests kindly, my name is Herupa, I came here to take you with me, I thought I would kidnap you but you noticed me, now what should I do? You tell me" 

" Why are you asking me?" 

" Well I am sorry to disturb you but did you ever notice the fire mark on your hand and thought that you were special" 

" How do you know about the mark in my hand" 

" That tells that I am special, ok now you need to trust me, please come with me to alter mana world" 

" What do you mean by that?" 

" There is no time to explain to you, I can explain it afterward Mr. Surya"

" What makes me trust you?"

" Cause there is no other option, there are three prophecies in this world, every person who has a mark on there hand are called as prophecies"

" So you mean that I am a prophecy"

" You are smart, yes you are, but there are two more prophecies in this world, and I need help to find them I can't come with you to find them, you need to find them and please don't ignore this by telling that this is just a dream, it is but not totally"

Surya wakes up," Prophecies and alter mana world" Suddenly the mark on his hand starts to glow," What! So it is true that I am a special person, I am coming for you two prophecies just wait"

Indhra wore his suit and took a vow," Today I am going to find a job". Indhra started to walk towards the interview place. " At least this time I need to get a job or else I will be broken. 

" So why do we need to take you in the company" 

" Because Sir I am a talented person and I am perfect for this job, I will help this company to grow" 

" You look pretty confident that tells that you are talented, you are selected"

Indhra was as happy as a guy getting to eat food after 20 days. After 2 years of trying to get a job finally accomplished to get a job. 

" So you got a job"

" Yeah Shinsetsu, I am really happy"

" Congrats on getting a job"

" No problem"

" Well Indhra did you find anything about the mark that your hand possesses"

" No, I didn't, I am trying my best to find out about this mark but this is a mystery. Well, let us not talk about it, right?"

" Yeah ok"

" Can we trust a prophecy who doesn't even know about alter mana world"

" There is no other choice, all the prophecies except me and the guardians of the gates and those three everyone are dead"

" Why don't you go and tell everything to Indhra"

" Simple I have more work and guardians of the gates are protecting the gates of shadows, there is no other choice instead of trusting him" 

" The world depends on you, save the world for that become strong my son"

"Sighs, another dream" The sign on his hand glows suddenly and dims after some time," What is up with these dreams? They are getting more and more disturbing, well who cares today is my first day at my job, I will show you, Dad." Suddenly Indhra feels pain in his eyes and his hand," What is happening, did I watch my mobile too much" Indhra goes towards a mirror," Wait, what! my eyes" Suddenly Indhra's eyes pupil turned into the shape of electricity, and he was able to see a dark aura around a man," These dreams, the sign, and now my eyes, who am I?" He questions himself," OK, I am taking an ought to find out who am I" Suddenly a blast occurs outside the window, and the glass shutters Indhra causing a force to fall. " Wha, What the hell is going on" From the smoke a monster appears 

" I assume that you are Tsuki, am I right"

" Are you talking to me "

" Sure humans are dumb, well I came here to kill you, lord Tsuki"

" What do you mean by a lord, uh wait, do you know who am I?"

" What a silly question, you don't know yourself, well, let me help you, you are the reincarnation of the moon god or you can say thunder god your real name is Tsuki"

" Then who is my father"

" I don't know but he is a strong man, it was next to impossible to defeat him"

" How do you know about that" 

" That is none of your business" The monster snatches Indhra and throws him 

" Sighs, what are you"

" You think you can find them"

" No idea, I guess I can imagine what the other prophecies would be thinking about their sign on their hand?"

"They would be thinking that they are special like you were thinking, am I right?"

" Yes you are right, if we need to find them we need to think where would I go if we need to find them."

 Suddenly electricity passes through Indhra's body and reaches his hand, his eyes again showing an electric mark, starting to turn red, and the veins across his head swell up looking like he was using his blood too much.

" What much I can expect from his son"

" What is this power that I am feeling" 

" So you don't know your power"

Indhra tries to concentrate his energy on his hand and suddenly a ball of lightning appears on his hand.

" Woah, this is awsome and cool, now I am going to be showing you my power, now it's my chance."




Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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