
God Armour

Indhra having a strange mark on his hand tries to find what the mark means and tries to find out who he is, Surya also having a mark gets to know by an unknown person that he is a prophecy and turns to find other prophecies, Mia a good dancer also having a sign on her hand tries to find the meaning of the sign in last Surya finds all three prophecies and units them, in last everyone gets to know about who are they, why are they and why should they. In last they get to know about a armour known as God Armour by which they can become one of the strongest on the universe. Lets see what happens with them what all difficulties they face, let us see what happens.

DaoistGnpPr0 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs


" Ha, I didn't want to use this technique that I acquired, but now I guess it's time" He shoves his hand into the air and shouts," MANA DOMAIN!" The land below his feet starts to tremble to show cracking sines He begins to develop a black line on his hand to his eyes. A red Aura starts to cover his whole body,



kakatsu was walking in the streets of the kingdom, and that's when she heard,

" Everyone finds Yumai's daughter, her name is Kakatsu, she has escaped his house and is planning to kill our beloved king," Kakatsu thinks,

" Damn you Dad" 

" If you find her anywhere just bring her to prison"

" I guess I need to run from here but where? The idea, Let us go to the wistincson forest, that's a very dense forest, most probably they will not expect that" 


Indhra and Surya were walking in the town, and that's when they heard,

" Everyone finds Yumai's daughter, her name is Kakatsu, she has escaped his house and is planning to kill our beloved king. If you find her anywhere bring her to prison" 

" What! Wait, that's the reason why she left her home? And why did Yumai betray her" Asks Indhra, Surya replies,

" We need to save her as soon as possible" 


" I guess this forest is safe, no one can find me here" She calms herself down and suddenly she hears people starting to talk," What!" She quickly removes a kunai from her bag and gets defensive. " I need to be careful, but who are they?" Suddenly she hears a person breathing behind her, she looks behind and quickly stabs his chest and covers his mouth until he dies. She takes a rope from her bag and ties him and climbs up a tree and ties the rope to the tree trunk," The soldiers came here too? Damn them." She takes the support of the stem and jumps towards the trunk. She removes another rope from her bag," They are coming, a soldier comes below the tree, and that's when he sees the dead person,

" What! Everyone! EVERYONE!" 

" Yes!"

" Be careful, she's here" Every soldier starts to search for her,

" Hmm, my guy you are dead," Says Kakatsu. She ties a not in the rope throws it on the soldier, ties his neck pulls him, and ties the rope to the trunk," Unlucky? Hmm, cry in hell" The soldier dies. She uses the rope that tied the soldier and gets down," I need to be careful" 

" You are not going anywhere" Kakatsu looks behind and all the soldiers behind,

" Damnit," The soldier says,

" You had a chance to live but now as you brutally murdered two soldiers, there is no chance that you can survive" Kakatsu smirks and says,

" You can say that when you are dead," The soldier says,

" You are confident," Kakatsu says,

" I trained myself to use this, removes a weapon from her bag" The soldier gets shocked,

" A Kusarigama?" Kakatsu replies,

" You at least know something" She poses a stance," Come at me" The soldier gives the command,

" Go and defeat her" Kakatsu infuses Mana in the Kusarigama. Every soldier starts to run toward her, and Kakatsu starts to run toward them and throws the pinpoint on one of the soldiers, the blade tiers through the soldier's heart. A soldier sees the blind point and attacks her from the right, she uses the back side of the Kusarigama and hits the soldier with it knocking him while that is happening she uses the main blade in her left hand and swipes it killing 3 people in once and injuring 5 people. " What! Damnit I underestimated her" He uses a message sender device to inform the chief," Chief, we need reinforcements" All the soldiers step back,

" What, are you all scared now, this is not even my full power yet" The soldier again informs,

" Sorry chief but we need high-class soldiers, Kakatsu is not a joke" Kakatsu puts the main blade in her right hand and the back side in her left hand. She gives the main blade an upward momentum and jumps in the air killing one soldier, that's when she uses her left hand and gives leftward momentum and hits 6 soldiers. She pulls the main blade with the soldier attached to it. She kicks the soldier attached to the blade removing him from the blade. She hits one soldier with the back side of the Kusarigama and then slices 7 people with the main blade and then lands,

" How is that?" Chief asks the soldier,

" What's the status" He replies,

" Not at all good, 10 people are dead more than 10 heavily injured. We need reinforcements quickly" Chief replies,

" Reinforcements are there, just wait," Kakatsu says,

" Now who will fight" the Soldier replies,

" No problem I am still here" Kakatsu replies,

" Be a bit challenging" The soldier removes two swords from his back and infuses his Mana in both swords, Both of them run, and Kakatsu throws the blade toward him, he dodges it and jumps and keeps his right-hand sword in front," Wait, Magma wall" She keeps her hands at the floor, that's when lava erupts from the ground and solidifies creating a wall, the sword stucks in the wall. Kakatsu does a backflip puts her hand on the ground and says," Magma eruption, hot lava erupts from the ground and hits the soldier, the soldier grunts that's when he gets intel,

" The reinforcements arrived!" Soldier smiles,

" Now you are going to come with us" Many soldiers start to surround Kakatsu, She grunts, she starts to get ready for a fight that's when,

" Hello, what's popping" Indhra comes from behind and stops Kakatsu,

" You! What the hell are you doing here?" She starts to get ready to fight but now not the soldiers but Indhra,

" Oh, wait, wait, wait. Didn't school teach you that violence is never an option" Kakatsu says,

" You are in my way" Indhra replies,

" May I ask? For what?" Kakastu replies,

" For my revenge, you are in the way to my revenge" Indhra replies,

" Huh, no I am not doing that. We only came here to save you" Kakatsu asks,

" We?" Indhra whistles,

" Hey buddy come fast" Surya slices through the soldiers,

" How's the entry?" Indhra says,

" -5 out of 10" Surya gets angry, Kakatsu says,

" You both are dumb, you just now killed the soldiers which means you are also a criminal," Indhra says,

" That's why we can work together, we both will help you" Kakatsu smiles and says,

" Fine whatever"


" Ha, I didn't want to use this technique that I acquired, but now I guess it's time" He shoves his hand into the air and shouts," MANA DOMAIN!" The land below his feet starts to tremble to show cracking sines He begins to develop a black line on his hand to his eyes. A red Aura starts to cover his whole body,


" What the hell is happening to him" Akira suddenly dashes that the opponent can get confused that he is teleporting. Akira arrives in front of Suiri and punches his face,

" One punch is enough" Mia tries to punch him but Akira teleports behind Mia and punches her face," One more down" The red aura suddenly disappears and Akira backflips and goes back," This technique takes a lot of Mana, but is strong" Mia wakes up and tries to stand up that's when she pukes," These are the effects of this technique." Mia listens to him," When you activate this technique then punch anyone then they will be sent to the worlds of illusion. A world where I can manage anything. I sent you an illusion of you getting bullied by the bullies in your school for 72 hours" Suiri wakes up and says,

" Damnit, we need to protect Indhra," Mia asks,

" Why only Indhra" Suiri replies,

" Indhra is reckless, and along with that, he has faced a lot of trauma in his. If he shows him that trauma for hours, then Indhra's mental state can be destroyed totally" Akira asks,

" What are you both mumbling? No need to know cause I am going on a hunt to kill those both"


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