
Chapter 7

The week passed in a blink of an eye. Olivia was talented, to say the least. She practised diligently and did not dare slack. She had no intention of passing an opportunity of a lifetime. Every day, she just assumed lotus position and meditated, trying to feel strands of energy in the air, in the land, in her surroundings, and gathering all of it in a diantian close to her stomach. This was the most orthodox way of cultivating. The Heavenly God Art, however, made cultivation a lot easier. It was a method originating in the heavens itself, and although Olivia did not know the value of this method, wars would be fought if the world knew about it.

Olivia was slowly entering the first stage of cultivation, the elementary foundation stage. Each stage was split into ten levels, and each level was incredibly difficult to surpass. An elementary foundation level 3 could in no way defeat a level 4. But the Heavenly God Art allowed the energy collected to be so pure that Olivia at level 3 could go against a level 5, maybe even a level 6. Given even to a mediocre man, the method could make him a great figure. Given to a talent like Olivia, and given her determination, she would definitely become a defining figure in history.

Aeger was also amused when he saw Olivia. He knew she had the potential to be someone great at first but wasn't too concerned. But looking at her enthusiasm, and her will to grow stronger, he was reminded of someone he saw the first time he came down to the mortal world. Olivia always kept asking Aeger questions pertinently, and Aeger, knowing almost all, answered them to the best anyone could.

Olivia finally broke through to the first stage the eighth day in. She was overjoyed, trying to hold back tears of joy. After all, she had officially entered the world of cultivators, and become one of their ranks.

Aeger called her and said, "Finally, it was about time you broke through. Now, you can't fight with your fists, you have to learn a few techniques so that your energy utilization is maximized. Here, I will give you a set of moves that you have to practice for the rest of the month, and that will decide if you will be my disciple or not."

He touched her forehead just as the last time and Olivia's head was full of recollections of a graceful phoenix, a mythical beast never seen by mortal eyes. He had given her the art of the phoenix. Olivia's eyes teared up. She know towed.

"How will I ever repay you?"

"Child, one day when you ascend the heavens, you will know the value of goodwill. I am simply helping myself by helping you. It is already late, go get some sleep. You will need it. From tomorrow, you will be crying for a different reason."

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