
God's Mercenary!

In his last life, he never felt anything concerned him. Always lived in shadows he didn't have anything special going with his life. But the day he died protecting a woman, he felt like the protagonist of his life, and a smile crept on his face as his last breath arrived. He didn't regret dying nor any kind of expectation for new life. But gods had a different plan for him. Hiring him as his agent he sent him to a world of fictional comics in the role of a character mercenary. He never asked for this that doesn't mean he won't enjoy the ride. ______________ Enjoy the adventurous journey of the Mc as he travels in a different world filled with dangers. He might be killing your favorite character there or can steal your favorite waifu too... _________________...___________________ Hey, this is my third Fanfic and still, I ain't perfect so expect some grammatical mistake. Now for the fiction. Mc won't be cold blooded psycho so dont expect him to kill every single person he finds irritating. He won't hesitate before killing if it comes to his life or his loved ones but won't be ever like the Chinese protagonist. Mc won't be stealing girls' anime he visits so dont complain. But he will get a harem of exceptional waifus. Not a big one tho... Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story and support it like my other novels.

Svneighter · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Who knows?

In a bright lighted room could be seen 5 figures. Three of them were wearing the uniforms of the same school and the other two were above their middle ages.

Ijin along with Sukjoo and Yuna drove to Yuna's paternal residence as per her grandfather's wish. There was no point telling why Sukjoo followed them, so after informing Dayun and receiving a lot of pouts from her Ijin arrived in front of the current head of SW Corp.

Sitting in front was a white-haired man probably in his late sixties but by looks, he looked like someone in his late fifties. A sturdily built and calming aura surrounded the man who holds such a prominent figure in the whole nation.

The remaining person was naturally the personal bodyguard and of Yuna's grandfather who would be here regardless of the person visiting.

"First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for saving my granddaughter. Since I wasn't in the condition at that time, a reckless pseudo-leader sent forces in place of negotiations. So again I thank you young man for saving Yuna." Saying such the man bowed slightly to show his earnest emotions despite being in such age and position.

"As I told Yuna too if my sister wouldn't be kidnapped along with her that day, I would never have realized that Yuna could get kidnapped and probably wouldn't have gone to save her even if I knew." Yuna was pouting after hearing the same things for the third time since that day and Sukjoo was just sighing in helplessness.

The sudden laughter of the oldest one brought a break in the awkward silence.

"I like you boy. Despite knowing my power and status and being aware of my granddaughter's charm, you remained unfazed. I like that principle of yours." Coming from such a man Ijin naturally got startled but his face remained poker as ever as he waited for the man to continue.

Ijin knew what that 'First of all', signified. If he had to thank him there were a lot of opportunities that arose in past. But the chairman of SW wasn't a man to be underestimated. He probably would have known when to shoot the hammer so he could handle two targets in the same wavelength.

"So Ijin, what is your plan for the future. Like you are in your senior year so after school graduation, are you planning on joining any university?"

The desire to say 'Just get on the point' rose inside Ijin but his relationship with Yuna wasn't that shallow that he would disrespect her elder so causally.

"Yes, of course, I will join uni after school and probably look for a job too." He wouldn't have plundered his plans to someone so naturally, if he didn't know what the man in front of Ijin wanted from him.

"I heard about your family. Your aunt runs a parlor so I guess you want to support her huh. Brilliant, I am proud of such a youth like you ."

The phrase 'heard about' was basically an investigation that the old man did on him previously because of Yuna's safety and afterward because of their own interest. Naturally, Ijin kept hidden what was needed, and neither he was going to confront about it.

"Yes, you can say I want to support my family. So can we get on the topic now sir? You see I generally eat dinner at home."

Ijin didn't know how long the old man would take to finally get main tracked so he pulled the chain of words so he could leave the place as soon as possible.

Upon his remark, the old man raised his brows as well as his bodyguard. Yuna had an oblivion expression, on the other hand, Sukjoo was only sighing during the whole exchange.

"It seems you can overview the situation without me telling, so I won't beat around now. I want to offer you a permanent job as a bodyguard in SW. Of course, the pay would be hefty to help you make decisions more comfortably."

Yuna stared at her grandfather in astonishment as she actually didn't have any idea that he would offer a job to Ijin and what made her more baffled was how Ijin presumed about it. She really is a clueless girl.

"I would like to partially decline your offer and partially accept it." Raising a brow the chairman countered with a request for clarification, to which the prior speaker spoke without hesitation.

"I can't join as a permanent employee but I can help you with that 'specific matter'. " This time the calm chairman wasn't serene anymore. He leaned forward and after resting his chin on his intervened fingers he spoke in a slightly serious tone.

"Care to enlighten me, what you meant by special matter?" It wasn't a request but a statement. If this was something that he was thinking then he indeed was underestimating the high schooler in front.

"Is it okay for me to speak about it, here?" Ijin leaned back slightly as he raised his brows in questioning. He asked just so he could warn beforehand and it seemed that the listener took him seriously.

Tapping under his table he nodded to Ijin to continue.

"14th August, SW Corporation and Nebulus Group of companies. Is it enough or should I go in depth?" Sukjoo gasped upon hearing such a confidential intel from Ijin with his eyes at their widest spot.

Yuna also got the gist that this matter wasn't anything less than troublesome so she also frowned her brows and looked toward her grandfather for his response. However, no one imagined that the old man would react in such a manner.

"Excellent. I wasn't wrong about you. You indeed are an immeasurable person Yu Ijin." After speaking he let go of a hearty laugh as he shook his head in delight.

Ijin remained silent after he spoke before, as he knew it wasn't his turn to reveal now.

"Now, let me take the reigns now ." Saying the chairman calmed his nerves and sat in much-relaxed temper now.

"As you said, on 14th August a major deal between our company and British Oriented company will be happening under the administration of my other sweetheart Shin Jiyeh, Yuna's older sister." Upon hearing the name Yuna's expression turned a little sour as she leaned back with her arms crossed on her belly emphasizing her two babies to the fullest.

"This deal is going to happen in secrecy as some organization doesn't want this contract to take place. But due to fear of rain one can't avoid going out right?"

"So you want me to act as an umbrella?" The bodyguard beside the old man glared at Ijin upon getting carried away but the latter one didn't even bother to care about it.

"In a way yes. I want you along with other of my guards on patrol during this meeting takes place." Ijin didn't ponder on the matter much as he did need some money and working for such a short period to gain a decent amount wasn't a bad deal.

"So even if I decide to join, isn't there a trail or tabulation I have to surpass to get selected. From what I can see, that Ahjussi on your back won't let me get the easy pass." As Ijin directed Sukjoo and Yuna also looked like the bald bodyguard who was currently standing solemnly at his position.

"George?" Upon being asked by the boss the middle-aged guard raised his voice to tone his thoughts.

"Indeed sir. I need to be assured of his capability. Even Sukjoo testified I need to see by myself whether he is worthy of serving Lady Jiyeh or not." Ijin felt throwing a snicker upon hearing such an exaggerated motive but he held back.

"It seems you have to satisfy Geroge's requirement. Is it okay for you Ijin?" Without breaking his gaze Ijin replied.

"Yeah, no problem. I will just charge extra for the extra effort, that's all."


"You were pretty cool inside." After the meeting ended Ijin was offered a ride to his home which he accepted without reluctance. On his way to exit Yuna accompanied him as she brought up the matter.

"Hmm, how come ?" Ijin didnt think he did something which could be counted as cool so he asked in complete oblivion.

"I mean facing my grandfather so confidently and presenting your honest thoughts, I dont think any other high schooler and even most adults could do such a thing." Upon getting such an answer Ijin soon got uninterested in the topic with a shrug he replied.

"Well, only two people in my life could make me nervous."

"Well let me guess, is it your guardian aunt?" Ijin in utter surprise nodded but little did Yuna know in what ways his Ajumma makes him nervous. Naturally, both of them didnt have any thought om pursuing such a matter any longer.

"And second...is it me who makes your heart Doki-Doki?" While tilting her head she acted cutely which made Ijin smile at her childishness.

"Fortunately no you dont." Upon getting rejected from so front-on, Yuna glared at him and jabbed his arm with her small fist.

" I hate you. You can't even appreciate a girl'a courage who is so openly flirting with you." Ijin upon hearing her, sighed and extended his hand toward her head.

"Well, I do appreciate that but flirting is something which is best suited for men don't you think." As he rubbed her head gently their feet came to a halt. Yuna's face took a redder shade as she leaned her head down and enjoyed the sensation as she replied.

"If I have waited to take you the lead, who knows I might have become an old ajumma until then" Yuna grumbled with her words but her expression didnt justify such aggression. She was like a fluffy cat currently in her master's tender care.

"Well, who knows?" Saying Ijin retracted his hand which pulled Yuna also back from her stupor.

"See you are not denying it." She frowned with her complaint as she saw Ijin distancing figure. But his next word filled her inside with butterflies that probably wouldn't let her sleep tonight.

"Well, I am not denying it either. Maybe I won't play passive anymore. Who knows?"


A/N: Full on chad mode.

I am sorry for the delay and short chapter. I am kinda troubled about this fiction. Ppl aren't picking it because I included manhwa and I think the majority of ppl don't read much of them.

So should I drop this and write a new one?

You guys decide~