
1. Place your bets

When you hear the word "God" what do you think of? Usually they are kind, forgiving, spiritual, and graceful. Not in my world. Two elder gods named Cantos and Darius created the Earth and humans to "play" with. Cantos would go down to Earth just to destroy their farms and houses leaving the people die. Darius would force people to kill each other just for the hell of it. In the past people tried to defy the gods, but the gods showed no mercy. Cantos dropped a meteor on a village for staining his clothes with wine. People lost hope, no one could defy them.

One day Cantos was wandering in a forest, Cantos found this beautiful maiden bathing in the river. Soon after Cantos and the maiden had a child, evidently Darius had a child with the maiden as well. This gave Darius an idea, "Let's make a bet, when my son and yours reach the age of maturity, they shall fight to the death to see which bears superior children." Cantos replies with, "A splendid idea brother, we shall see who reigns supreme."