
God's Demon King

gmtd · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Part 0: Prologue

"Stop his bleeding! Hang in there, boy!"

"Doctor, he's losing too much blood! Is there no God with healing powers here right now?!

"It's too late, he's already lost too much blood."


A red door.

In the middle of this deep blackness, a blood-red door. The darkness emanating from this door made the boy feel uneasy.

He walked closer to the door and touched the handle with his sweaty hand, the moment he tried to open the door-

[Finally we meet.]

-a frightening voice came out the door. It wasn't the first time the boy heard it.

[Do you want to go back?]

"Can you take me back?"

[I can, but be warned, when you come back you won't be the same person anymore.]

The boy didn't care what would happen to him at that point. All he thought about was that he don't want to die.

"Take me back!"

[I like your determination. Open this door with that determination and it will work.]

The boy fearlessly opened the door. The darkness escaping from the room gathered around the boy and merged with him.

"I'm going to tell his mother."

The doctor left the operating theatre with a sad attitude.

"How did it go, doctor? Is Kyouya well?"

Asked the boy's mother in a trembling voice. The doctor lowered his head.

"I'm sorry Kanbara-san, we tried our best"-

- "DOCTOR! The boy, Kanabara-kun's awake! His wounds have disappeared without a trace, you must see this!"

Part 1: The one without God's power

Ten years ago there was a war between demons and gods. The gods lost the war and also 99% of their entire population, then the king of the gods 'God' fled to earth with the remaining gods, and gave his divine power to us humans.

"Greetings, humans. You probably won't believe me directly but I am God, to be more precise, I am the king of the gods. You probably all see this light around you. That is the power of the Gods I gave you all. I gave you this power because we lost the war against the demons. Many of my brothers and sisters have fallen in this war, only 1% of the total population has survived. To increase our force naturally would take an eternity, so we are now dependent on you humans. I am sorry to involve you in such a cruel conflict, but we had no other option as you humans are the only living beings compatible with our power. The gate that leads into the human kingdom I have sealed for the time being, but the seal will not last forever, sometime it will break and the demons can enter the human kingdom. Therefore I ask you humans until then to learn to handle our power and to strengthen it.

This light, which made us gods in the night of 19th July 2025, we humans baptized with the name 'God's Blessing'.


"You got the money?!"

"No, but I'll have it tomorrow. I promise, Koji!"

"Don't call me that! Fifty thousand yen. Remember it or you're dead, asshole!"

My name is Kanbara Kyouya, since I was born I have only bad luck. When God's Blessing invaded the earth, my sister and I were the only ones who were spared from this power. That's why we are weaker than everyone else.

"I'm home."

"Welcome home. What happened?! Did Koji and the others beat you again? Why don't you ever call me?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. You have your own problems, Kana."

I went up the stairs to my room and lay down immediately.

"Kyo! Kana told me you were hurt! Why didn't you say you were bullied at school?! Should I talk to your teacher?"

"It's okay, you don't need mom."

"Why not? I'm worried about you, if this keeps up, you might end up coming home with worse injuries."

"I said you didn't need to!"


"I'm sorry, Mom, please leave me alone now."

What the fuck is wrong with me? My mom's worried about me and I yell at her like that. I gotta get the money.

"Kana, can you lend me some money, please!"

"For what?"

"I wanted to buy a new console but did not have enough money, but I promise I'll pay you back!"

"Well, how much?

"Fifty thousand yen."

"That much?! Is this console that expensive?!"

"It's a special edition."

"Here you go."

"Thanks Kana."


"Good evening, this is Kyouya's mother, I'm sorry to bother you so late, but my son is being bullied at school, he came home today with countless bruises. Could you do something about it?"

"Their names? I think one of them was named Koji, but I don't know the rest."

The next day I went to school, Koji was gone.

"Masamoto-kun is suspended for three weeks."

The whole class was in an uproar.

"Silence! We will now begin our lesson. Turn to the page from last lesson.

"What have you done, Kanbara?!"

Koji's men Daisuke and Hiromichi looked at me in horror. I ignored their looks. A ball of paper? I opened it, it said to come up on the roof at break. If I don't, they'll kill me. I have to go.

"So the lesson is over, finish the rest of the tasks by next lessen, Kanbara-kun please come to my teachers' room during the break."

The teacher called me, so Koji's suspension really has to do with me. Hiromichi and Daisuke approached me.

"You got lucky, asshole."

"Why did you want to see me, Sensei?"

"Your mother called me yesterday. She said you were being beaten by Masamoto and some others. It's Hiromichi and Daisuke, right? You can tell me.

"You are right."

"Okay, I'll inform their parents right away. Thank you, Kanbara-kun. If something like this should happen again in the future, please contact me or any of the other teachers immediately, you understand?"

"I will, thank you very much Sensei."

"Oh wait, I have another question, did they use their divine powers?"

"No, they didn't."

"Okay, you can go now."

After that we had sports, we should try to make our 'Fates' appear. Fates, next to divine powers, are a god's most powerful weapon. Every god has his own individual Fate. For me, someone who isn't a god, it was therefore impossible to master this task.

"Your fate is mine, and mine is yours, arise!"

"Wow, Nagasawa-kun, you're really talented! You can summon your Fate so early! And it's a lance! You're not Prime God for nothing!"

Nagasawa Hideo, son of the Chairman of the Nagasawa Group and Level 8 Prime God. Gods are divided into 5 ranks based on the strength and size of their aura:

-King/Queen of Gods Candidate

-Prime God/Goddess

-Super God/Goddess

-Average God/Goddess

-Defective God/Goddess

These are again divided into levels from 1 to 10. After reaching level 10, a god can increase his rank once, whereby this god is then called a "Fake-Ranker". Every god is or was once a "True-Ranker", this is the rank that was given to you by nature, for example a True-Rank Prime God is much stronger than a Fake-Rank Prime God.

"You have to say such a long spell for your Fate to appear, Hideo? Fate!"