
Visualizing the Issue

Without much resistance, the black flames burned through the rotten Triceratops' thick hide, inflicting a serious injury.

Smiling brightly, Jason used up more mana to unleash the black origin flame inside the rotten Triceratops' body, which cried out in pain, when it noticed what was going on.

The surrounding poisonous stench overlapped with the charred smell. 

This finally alerted the remaining Triceratopses, who averted their attention to Jason and their dying brethren, roaring out in anger.

They were about to charge at Jason when they noticed that it was not possible because they themselves were struggling to stay alive.

Artemis and Scorpio's attacks were much stronger than Jason's, who could only fight against mid-Unblemished ranked beasts at most, with the help of his affinities.