

They had arrived at the Shiabi clan and the Ariyor that had separated from the rest returned to their own camp.

At the same time, the captured Ifrytor and Ifry were left with a guard to figure out more information.

There was no need to ask why they had entered Argos because it was a useless piece of information, but more importantly was the number of Ifrytor and Ifry, their average strength, how strong the strongest Ifrytor was, and what kind of strategy they pursued.

All of that was important and Jason expected that the Shiabi clan was able to receive some information.

He was curious about the curse cleansing ability and his assumption that curses were more lethal on the Ariyor race than others.

However, Jason was sure that he would get to know everything soon enough.

Walking through the large yard the Shiabi clan headquarter had, he looked around and noticed several things that pricked his interest.