
God´s Eyes

Losing his parent early on, he had to survive in a world he couldn't even see... Blind and left alone, he was seen as a parasite by the social hierarchy of the new ages filled with martial arts and soulbonds Forced to mature early his train of thought was different from his peers as he didn´t mind derogatory reviews about him. The day he awoke his soul was the day he cried in desperation while God played tricks with him as his soul-awakening was a blessing in disguise. Nobody would have ever imagined that he was neither blind nor a parasite until the final moment, he opened his golden eyes that flickered brightly, eagerly waiting to devour everyone daring to obstruct his path towards the summit. Follow Jason on his adventurous journey throughout the vast universe filled with miraculous sceneries and mysterious beings. Some readers might not like information, but I do! ------ Discord-server= https://discord.gg/EdsDgFVWwZ *This is my first novel, please bear that in mind. I appreciate all kinds of sincere advice and comments* ------

HideousGrain · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1115 Chs

Last preparations!

Gabriella turned to Jason saying

"You can sleep in the guestroom today because we´ll depart before the sun arises."

Before Jason could reply, Greg cried out in joy while Malia´s face remained as calm as possible.

Mark grabbed Greg by the arm signaling him to calm him down and turned to Jason with a serious face.

"To prevent any problems, I would like to purchase the lesser elemental beast cubs from you before we set off tomorrow.

I have already counted them.

Because you've stated your condition, we will set up a proper contract, so you won't need to be worried about anything."

With that, a contract appeared in front of Jason and he only had to sign it.

The contract itself was pretty simple and similar to every other beast contract, with only a single clause added as per Jason's condition. The credits he would receive were also written on it.

While Jason looked visibly shocked, Greg whistled in amazement.

Jason knew that he would gain several credits because the number of these lesser elemental fox cubs was quite high, coupled with the fact that they were also relatively rare to find. Their high natural and powerful elemental ability caused their selling price to increase by a large margin, but the figures in front of eyes were beyond astonishing.

Mark counted 164 fox cubs and each of them was roughly worth 100,000 Credits in his opinion…

´16.4 million credits` >O.o<

`I´m rich!!!!` Jason thought, finding it hard to believe that he suddenly had tonnes of credits when a day before he barely had 12.

But when Gabriella saw the price she frowned slightly….

"HONEY..." She reprimanded her husband in an eerily calm tone as the kids suddenly fell silent.

"I think you forgot that Jason is almost a part of our family?!"

Gabriella was obviously displeased with the price and she continued, while Jason was utterly gobsmacked to hear her words and almost didn't believe his ears.

`almost part of our family??`

"Considering the age of the cubs, their low strength and soul energy with their futuristic growth to a low to mid awakened beast, adding their rarity and outstanding elemental ability, I don't think these lesser elemental foxes are only worth 100,000 credits, RIGHT? Their outstanding elemental ability alone would be worth that much for above-average families who can afford it and let's not start talking about hunter families, upper-class families, clans, big families, companies who provide their employees with soulbonds after a certain amount of time, and so on…"

Gabriella´s eyes were fiery and she was visibly annoyed… If her husband would rebuke her even once, she would throw a fit and Mark knew that.

Greg looked proudly at his mother while Malia felt slightly confused by her mother's tirade and seething reaction.

Jason could see where Malia got her temper from and smiled faintly.

He didn't mind getting paid less than he should by the Flers, but he had to note that Mark was more than a  bit greedy.

"OK...honey… please calm down. I'll change it immediately!"

The holographic screen disappeared from Jason´s view and Mark tapped in a new number before showing them to his wife who was still displeased but not as much as before

`164 fox cubs for 130,000 credits each`

`Over 20 Million!!

Or more accurately 21,320,000 credits…. WOAH!!!` A radiating smile appeared on Jason´s face and it looked like he was beaming more than the sun as he looked at the Flers.

Jason signed the contract immediately, and even if Mark was a little displeased because he would make less income… he was still happy.

With the right customers, many companies, families, hunters, and so on would purchase these beasts for high prices as the first soulbond for their children, even if he had to avoid a few families.

Each fox cub was probably worth more than 200,000 credits in his opinion, and if he was honest, he hadn't done anything until now to deserve a single credit profit.

Considering the fact that a soulbond would live with someone for a whole lifetime, the price of 200,000+ didn't seem that high compared to equipment which had to be replaced after a while.

It had just been Jason's luck because most birthing places were somewhere in wild zones, deeply hidden and camouflaged with the foliage to prevent intruders from finding them.

Even if he himself were to search for these cubs without the special ability of his eyes in the one-star wild zone, he would probably not find them as he couldn´t sense such feeble mana fluctuations through the ground.

Who was even able to do something like that?!

Mark would never praise Jason for his luck but he was amazed about it nonetheless, which he acknowledged.

After business was finished, Mark opened a few shops to make online purchases and Greg showed Jason the room he could stay inside.

Jason couldn't help but keep looking at his bank account, as it was once again filled with a huge number with many figures and he smiled naively.

As he walked in the guestroom, Jason was shocked by its size.

It was probably larger than his whole apartment but it looked empty to him.

The room had little to no furniture that made it look even more lonely and gloomy.

But Jason didn't bother about that, and he tried to remain calm because he was way too thrilled right now.

He felt elated that he could earn credits while doing something good.

Jason was sure that if he hadn't done anything, the fox cubs would have been already dead by now because of the greater horned wolf and other possible predators.

And with him selling the lesser elemental fox cubs with his requirement to Mark and Gabriella, they had a better chance to live a good life, or at least it would be better than dying.

If Jason had to be honest, he wasn't sure what to do with over 20 million credits and he had to think really hard about it.

But looking at the online shops, he noticed that 20 million were nothing…

Thinking about credits, Jason asked himself how much he would need to be at par with his future classmates...or was he already close to them?

Looking through the shops he saw many high-graded weapons with amazing names and special effects but their prices were ridiculous...some of them were only able to trade against objects or materials he had never heard about.

Purchasing mana weapons or soul weapons? Nice joke….one would at most be able to purchase the lowest, gradeless mana weapons with his money...but thinking about it, this mana weapon would probably still be better than his grade-1 weapons.

But he wouldn't waste his credits for something like that.

Before he would purchase things for himself, Jason would always think about Artemis first.

She was in desperate need of more cores as the ones he provided were too low-grade for her and she nagged him all the time.

His hungry companion wanted to receive five-star wild beast cores at the worst.

Thinking about that, he decided to use some of his credits to purchase beast cores in bulk.

Jason wasn't aware of the difference between wild-beast cores and awakened cores and if he could somehow trick the system.

After searching through the official federation websites, he found a useful thread.

<If one observes the stored amount of mana inside beast cores, can notice that five five-star wild cores are equivalent to lowest awakened core.< p>

The question which is normally raised after seeing this information is: `Why should you buy an awakened core if wild beast cores are much cheaper?` And, the answer isn't that difficult to figure out.

To operate some machines, we need mana and the amount needed in most factories is certainly large… Through long-term testing with certain machines, it was found that mana-operated machines and devices empowered by wild beast cores are subjected to a greater wear and tear and consequently break down faster and their performance is marred by frequent errors.

Why is that so? Because the purity of mana is also an important factor for almost everything.

The fewer impurities a core has, the better is the mana inside it, and once a beast core is used up, the impurities within are comparable to glue, sticking to the mana vessel, destroying them slowly.

This is also the reason why for most expensive mana-operated machines, mana stones are used to prevent the stagnation of these machines and to prolong their lifespan.

I hope my thread was helpful for most of you and don´t waste your money by purchasing wild beast cores. They will only accelerate the destruction of your expensive mana devices.

BYE <3 >

Jason was interested in this thread and liked it.

After reading the comments and a few other threads that popped up with the same result, he purchased a huge bulk of five-star wild beast cores.

He asked himself if the ratio of 5 wild beast cores to 1 awakened stage core was the same for Artemis or not….

Maybe Artemis would be annoyed by his decision but he didn't care about it.

Jason didn't want to splurge in the beginning, because he wasn't sure what kinds of expenditures the future might entail.

And even if there were only 5000 five-star wild beast cores priced at 2 credits per core, there wasn't much he could do wrong.

Five five star wild beast cores were thus 10 Credits and a single awakened beast wild core's price ranged from 30 Credits up to a few hundred.

After comparing the difference, Jason was tempted to purchase more wild beast cores, but he could do that later on if his stock was about to end.

Furthermore, Jason decided to purchase mana stones worth 1 million credits and 300 low-awakened ranked cores for 32 credits per core.

He wanted to take a few tests with Artemis and he himself also wanted to improve his level. As such, mana stones were the easiest way to enhance his mana core level.

There were many other things he purchased for emergencies like a portable tent, long-lasting food, water, many clothes, boots, kerosene, several potions, ropes, and so on.

It was 10 pm when he was done with his shopping, and Jason went to bed after practicing the Heaven's Hell technique.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HideousGraincreators' thoughts