
Failed Ambush

Jason was not sure whether the youth from the Jual family was as arrogant as his brother but it didn't really matter to him because he wanted to venture through the Mythic Garden alone, either way.

There was no need for him to rely on others like it had been the case in Cyro-City's rift.

He was confident in his own strength and his mana eyes' capabilities which allowed him to depart in the exact opposite direction to where the youth from the Jual family was currently creating a massacre.

Artemis and Scorpio were eager to leave the soul world and join Jason on his journey but he denied them permission to do so because he had a sinking feeling that something wasn't right.

'That's not a good start!' He told himself, looking around in vigilance.

This thought was not really helpful for him and would normally be the reason for most people to panic, but weirdly enough, Jason felt extremely calm.