

mjean1234 · Oriental
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49 Chs


2,963Chapter 39: Omake and Informationals 4

I'd like to talk to the manager. (non-canon) (clarification about the omake located below)

Pamela Isley looked around at the generic lobby for a moment, taking it all in. It was hard to believe that this place served as the home for the self-proclaimed owner of Earth. From what she heard about him, she half expected to see stuffed corpses of animals, or for it to be a hut in the middle of the wilderness. Instead, it was a generic lobby that wouldn't look out of place in any bank in America.

As her gaze roamed the interior, they landed on a plain-looking girl who was trying very hard to look like she wasn't looking at her. Or that her hand was nearing the emergency button located under her desk. This...Elsa Smith was doing a rather poor job at both.

Even still, Pamela strode forward, her dress made of nature preserving her modesty - a corset made of leaves, her stockings made of lighter green moss that was almost completely translucent. A necklace of flowers hung around her neck, matching the ones that were interwoven in her long red hair.

Her steps were slow and deliberate - having Tarble rush down here would be convenient, but that wasn't the impression she wanted to give.

"I would like to see the manager of Earth. Please," Pamala added, just in case it wasn't clear that it was a request. Elsa looked up at her for a moment, swallowing thickly before her hand slowly moved away from the emergency button. The younger girl shifted in her chair, glancing at the computer, visibly gathering herself before she spoke.

"Um, Prince Tarble will see you, but, uh, there's a waiting list?" Elsa smiled a smile that screamed 'don't shoot the messager.' "I...ah, well, it..,.might be a problem with the system, but I...ah...I don't see your appointment…?"

Pamala idly wondered when was the last time that she had made an appointment anywhere. "I don't have one," she admitted, giving the girl a patient smile to make her stop stuttering. Instead, she looked like she was about to flee for the hills.

"Um...you see, Prince Tarble is really busy- not to say you aren't important! But, you see, the waiting list is...kinda really long? Like, really long?" She repeated herself, cringing with every word as if she expected Pamala to reach over the desk she sat behind to throttle the life out of her. If she kept stuttering, then she might be tempted.

"How long?" Pamala asked tersely, wondering the cost and benefits of simply fighting her way to the top floor.

"About...three years?" And all of a sudden, it made a great deal of sense why Elsa was so hesitant. "But...um...you're here to talk to Prince Tarble about nature, right?" Elsa tried, making Pamala pause.

"I'm here to discuss the impact of humans on nature and what should be done about it." She would accept any solution - from the extermination of humanity to sending all the humans off to other planets. Surprisingly, Elsa looked relieved.

"Great! Well, you would have to clear it with him, but that guy over there is here to talk about pretty much the same thing. You two could work together!" Elsa exclaimed, gesturing to a waiting area with the enthusiasm that only belonged to those throwing a problem onto someone else had. Pamala looked over at the waiting area to see a man staring right back at her.

Ra's al Ghul. His salt and pepper hair was swept back, a neatly trimmed goatee framed his mouth. Despite the coloration of his hair, his face was free of wrinkles except for those that gathered around his eyes. He looked nothing like his true age of several hundred years. Ra's carried himself as well as he could as he was stuffed in an uncomfortable-looking waiting chair. An Asian man held a green cloak, waiting for Ra's to choose to wear it again, and he was undoubtedly a trained assassin.

Pamala glanced back at Elsa, who looked like she was praying to every deity in the sky that Pamala took the bait. And, perhaps the first time in history, a prayer was answered.

"I'll do just that," Pamala informed, striding towards Ra's. He watched her, his expression blank, his gaze unwavering even as she deliberately crossed her legs after taking a seat directly in front of him. Men were simple creatures, enough so it was honestly shocking that they were the dominant gender, especially so when all she had to do was flash some bedroom eyes or a hint of skin. However, like all animals, men could be trained to ignore their base instincts.

And Ra's Al Ghul was a man that had long since mastered his base urges.

"Dr. Isely," Ra's greeted, his voice level.

"Ra's Al Ghul," Pamala returned. Despite their aligned goals, they rarely ever worked together. Too different in approach. For the most part. In recent years, it seems his patience was becoming rather frayed given that he built two space lasers this year that were meant to wipe major cities off the map. Unfortunately, both were stopped by heroes, one by Superman and another by Batman, before even a small town was destroyed.

Pamala idly tapped a finger on the arm of her chair, staring at Ra's, who was as still as a statue as he met her gaze. "I'm surprised you would show up in person. Or that you made an appointment at all," she commented, making small talk.

Ra's allowed himself a small smile, "some things are better dealt with yourself. As for my appointment...nothing a bribe can't take care of."

That was rather disappointing. "Tarble didn't take me as the type to accept bribes," Pamala admitted.

"Not in the traditional sense. I approached Lex Luthor on creating something that could kill the Prince. I believe he went with some Saiyan-Kryptonian-Martian amalgamation, but it failed to kill the saiyan. He was impressed by capabilities, however, and on the condition that we regularly create worthy enemies for him, our appointments are given priority."

Yes. That sounded far more in line with what she heard.

"Hm. It sounds rather simple. I suppose I should start as well," Pamala mused. Tarble made no secret that the easiest way to gain his favor was trying to kill him. She couldn't wrap her head around it, but she didn't need to. Tarble was a man. And an alien.

"It's worked surprisingly well so far," Ra's stated, piquing her curiosity. However, before she could question what he meant, she felt a familiar set of arms wrap around her.

"Boo! Did I surprise ya' Red?" Harley Quinzel questioned, squeezing her tight. Pamala didn't respond in favor of realizing where the second pair of arms that hugged her from behind came from.

"No. And I recall telling you that Pine was not allowed to leave the apartment. He isn't ready to face the outside world yet," Pamala rebuked, twisting in her chair to yank the perfect being that had wandered into her life from her friend and lover. It was the perfect creature and there was no greater tragedy in the universe that the creature was born on an alien planet.

It had stolen its way onto Tarble's ship and escaped, coming to her in a fated meeting. Dark red eyes met her green-tinted ones. A saibaman - the perfect blend between plant and animal. It's thorax was a dark green, while its skin was a paler green. Its hands and feet were tipped with three claws, its mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth...It was perfection given form with a connection to the Green as powerful as her own.

"Green Bean needed some fresh air," Harley argued. "And I wanted to wish ya' good luck and I couldn't leave him all by himself. Who knows what trouble Lil Green would get into if we didn't keep an eye on him," Harley pointed out.

Pine chuckled, a sinister sound that told them he knew exactly what he would do.

"See? He's planning on sitting on the balcony and shooting acid people again. I know that look mister," Harley said, jabbing a finger where his nonexistent nose would be. Pine's facial expressions were limited, but it was easy enough to see that Harley was right.

"Um- Mr. Ra's Al Ghul? Prince Tarble will see you now," the receptionist informed. Ra's and her eyes met for a moment before Ra's nodded in acceptance.

"We are in agreement on this matter," he decided, standing. With well-practiced ease, the attendant slipped on the dark green cloak onto him. Pamala stood as well, accepting Pine from Harley and holding him against her body. Pine clung to her as well, and Pamala welcomed his touch.

One day, she would ensure that he and his species took control of not only this planet but the galaxy itself. The saibamen species deserved nothing less.

"Cool! I always wanted to meet the owner of Earth. Do ya' think he'll give me an autograph?" Harley questioned, skipping along with them as she and Ra's walked towards an elevator. Stepping inside, neither of them answered her question, so she noisily hummed to herself because there was no elevator music.

Which must have been a deliberate move considering that he lived at the top floor of the tallest building on the planet. A building he ordered constructed to dwarf any human-made structure ever built, so he was likely overcompensating for something. For a solid five minutes, they stood in relative silence as they watched the floor number rapidly climb higher.

Once they were nearing four digits and standing on the edge of the stratosphere, only then did the elevator come to a stop. The door slid open to reveal a generic-looking hallway. No paintings, no statues of himself, only bland walls and a blander carpet. At the end of it was a set of double doors, rather far away all things considered.

A psychological mind trick. One that was working, despite herself. Never before had she been so far away from the Earth's surface, even her connection to the Green felt distant. Pamala held onto Pine that much tighter, his presence helping her in ways she couldn't describe.

Ra's was similarly affected given that Harley was the first one to step out of the elevator. She skipped down the hallway, making it a few before she realized that she wasn't being followed. Harley spun on her heel, bending over as she planted her hands on her hips. "Well? Whatareya' watin' for?" She questioned, and that's what broke the spell that was placed on both of them.

Pamala stepped out of the elevator first, her gaze searching the halls for something, anything, but there was nothing. Nothing but a dark red set of double doors at the end of a long hallway. And behind that door was one of the most powerful mortals alive.

There were reasons why the likes of her and Ra's made appointments and waited to see him on his timetable. The idea of fighting him was...laughable. So, they were forced to approach in the ways that he had approved of, or not at all.

"He really needs to liven this place up!" Harley decided, checking her purse for a few crayons. Luckily, she didn't find any. Otherwise she would have started drawing on the walls like a small child, and that wasn't the impression that she wanted to give.

"Feel free to mention that to him," Ra's commented, not looking at Harley. Or her, so he couldn't see her glare, but she knew he was aware of it.

He did see it when Harley stuck her tongue out at him judging by the sound of disgust he made.

With that, they continued towards the door and her mind wandered. Which must have been the purpose of the featureless hallway. Her mind drifted back to a year ago when Tarble had first come to Earth. At first, he was just another conqueror in a long line of failed conquerors. Her first thought when she had heard about him on the news was to wonder when the Justice League would take care of him.

Only they didn't. Whether because they didn't want to...or they couldn't remain up for debate. The fact remained that Tarble had become the premier power on planet Earth. The conqueror that the world leaders were forced to listen to because Tarble decisively removed those that didn't. And, sometimes, it wasn't just the leaders he removed but entire countries.

It was that exact reason why she was here.

They neared the door with Harley leading the way, happily skipping towards the door. She reached out to open them with her usual dramatic flourish, only for the door to burst inward in a shower of splinters. A person was tossed through the door, landing heavily at her and Ra's Al Ghul's feet. A man of asian descent, with a chest covered in gaudy metals that were pinned into a military uniform.

"General Mao," Ra's greeted, looking down at the fallen man that started to pick himself up from his shower of splinters. Some of which had gotten on Harley because she was making faces as she picked them out of her cleavage and corset.

However, her eyes didn't linger on that, but rather who stepped through the ruined doors.

Tarble wasn't the larger than life figure that Pamala had expected. He was around six feet tall, either a little taller or a little shorter, his static black hair spiked upward while one lock of hair drifted between his blazing yellow eyes. Before she had realized the true nature of men, Pamala would have thought he was handsome enough in an overly serious smoldering kind of way. Well built and dressed in white armor with a black undersuit. His signature outfit that was as iconic as Superman's shielded S.

"I'm not sure where either of you get off making demands of me," Tarble spoke, taking a step forward as the man he dragged behind him by the face groaned as an answer. Another asian man judging by his skin color, but he looked far less official. Well dressed, to be sure, but not the kind of dress that marked him as especially important.

Tarble lifted the man up, his hand wrapped around his face before he pinned his fierce gaze on the fallen general. "You're going to give me ultimatums?" He spoke as if the idea itself was ridiculous, ignoring their presence as he delivered his threats. "Fine. If you like them so much, then here's one - this civil war of yours is going to be resolved one of two ways."

"First, the two of you grow up and have a civil conversation and resolve your differences without violence. Or, I'm going to resolve your civil war by flipping a coin and wiping out whoever loses," Tarble growled, tossing the other man to the ground, likely a freedom fighter. That threat was made so very sinister by the fact that Pamala knew that Tarble would follow through with that threat.

Tarble had as many supporters as he did enemies. His known past was a jumbled mess of atrocities and heroics. But enemy or supporter alike agreed that Tarble always followed through on exactly what he said he would, for better or for worse.

"Pick one. Now." Tarble snapped at the men, making both of them look at each other, then at Tarble, then at each other again before both of them gave shaky nods. They spoke in a language that she didn't understand, nor did she care to guess. Pamala was far more interested in Pine's reaction to Tarble's presence.

The saibaman recoiled from Tarble, shifting so he clung onto her back, placing her between him and the saiyan. Had he abused this poor creature? If Tarble had, then he would die for it. Pamala didn't care how impossible it was, she would do it anyway.

"Good. Get out," Tarble snapped, making the two asian men to spring to their feet and start running down the hallway. Pamala paid them no mind, her attention focused solely on the saiyan prince. His gaze swept over them, his eyes narrowing dangerously when they landed on Pine, who flinched at his look. "If you're here to return the saibaman, then don't. I don't want him."

Pamala opened her mouth but it wasn't her that answered. She should have seen it coming, yet she didn't. Harley cut her and Ra's off, sticking out a hand and sending a beaming smile at Tarble. Which would have been completely fine if she wasn't wearing a gag buzzer that would shock whoever clasped hands with her.

"I'm Harley, that's Red and the guy over there is Ra's something something. Nicetomeetya'," Harley introduced them, earning a long-suffering sigh from both her and Ra's. Tarble looked down at her hand, raising an eyebrow before he shook it. Electricity crackled from the handshake, but Tarble made no outward sign that he felt a thing.

"I've you're trying to electrocute me, you'll have to try a higher voltage," he stated flatly, sounding bored with the attempt on his life. Or practical joke. It was hard to tell with Harley at times. "Now, what do you want?"

"We want you to tell those stupid big wigs to go green and save the planet!" Harley announced, and it was left to them to elaborate on that point.

"We have a proposal for you regarding how pollution has affected your planet and devalues it," Ra's continued smoothly. Tarble glanced at him before he nodded, wordlessly turning around and walking into his office. After a brief moment of hesitation, they followed after Harley, who hadn't hesitated at all.

The office didn't look like what she expected. It was about as bland as the hallway outside, furnished with a desk, a few chairs and a tank thing tucked in a corner. If it wasn't for the leaning tower of pizza boxes, Pamala would have thought that no one used this room at all.

"Make your pitch," Tarble ordered easily, expecting them to obey. Pamala helped herself to a seat while Ra's took the other. Pine clung to the back of the chair while Harley jumped into her lap. Tarble didn't make a comment, nor did he look like he cared.

Ra's took out a puck-like disk and ran a thumb over the top, causing a hologram to appear with several graphs. Pamala recognized the studies. She helped write a few of them. There were dozens detailing the negative effects of pollution on the environment - from how it negatively affected animal populations, to global warming, to health defects. Ra's had his bases covered, Pamala admitted to herself.

"I will cut to the chase," Ra's started, clasping his hands before him. "The UN has shown itself thoroughly ineffective when it comes to dealing with the grave issue of pollution. Even as they claim they are working to solve the issue, they actively reject alternative sources of energy while searching for dwindling supplies of oil. If something isn't done now, then the planet will suffer irreparable damage to its ecosystem...as well as it's price tag."

Pamala nodded, "Humans are killing the Earth, slowly but surely. Destroying the rainforest, causing wildfires, throwing their trash everywhere, fracking to get fossil fuels...something must be done." Like killing them all, or sending them to other planets devoid of any natural life. Examples were everywhere. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the deforestation of the amazon...all to build shopping malls and concrete jungles to fit more people. As if eight billion wasn't enough.

"What's a fossil fuel?" Tarble questioned, raising an eyebrow at them. The question caught Pamala slightly off guard, but she supposed it shouldn't have. From what she understood of saiyans, they were a barbaric race that lucked out to becoming a spacefaring race. They skipped all the steps from stone age to space age, so his ignorance made sense.

"It's a finite resource called oil which is distilled into several things ranging from plastics to gasoline. Both of which are harmful to the environment as after products, as well as the processes of creating both," Ra's answered easily. She noticed what he was doing - short and simple answers. Did he think that Tarble wouldn't understand anything else, or did he know that Tarble wouldn't care for context?

"You humans make no sense. Some of you are playing with the loose strings of the fabric of reality, but the rest of you are stuck using finite fuels? Wait, doesn't Lex have like a half dozen sources of unlimited clean energy?" Tarble questioned, not sounding opposed to the idea of taking action. Which was promising. Though apparently the fact that he was on first-name basis with Lex Luthor was somewhat concerning.

"Quite. Legislation has been put in place to protect several core industries, which prevents anyone from implementing technology that would render those industries redundant." There was no small amount of disgust in Ra's tone that Pamala echoed with a firm nod.

"It applies beyond energy tech as well. Any kind of invention that would affect a large scale industry is limited by red tape," Pamala added, wondering if they could nudge Tarble into getting rid of that law. What did she care if millions of humans lost their jobs? They could go find other ones off-planet when the human race expanded away from Earth.

"However, I know that this issue concerns you little except for the fact that if this continues, then the property value of Earth will be permanently marred. We have reached the point of no return and the world leaders are intent of driving past it without a care." Ra's stated as Tarble tapped a finger on his chair.

Then he shrugged his shoulders. "Fine," he decided. Pamala blinked slowly, taking in a slow breath.

"That easy?" Harley asked the question that was on her mind.

Tarble shrugged, "I'm in a good mood and it sounds like something that's going to be a pain to deal with later if I don't deal with it now. I was planning on talking to the UN later, so I'll tell them to take care of it then." There was something...disconcerting at how easily he claimed that the UN would do whatever he told it to do. Most because Pamala was certain that they would. Unlike the Justice League, Tarble didn't pretend that they were in control. He didn't follow their rules. Instead, he forced them to obey his.

Harley threw up her hands as she cheered, "yay! The planet is saved!" Harley ung around, jabbing a finger in her face. "Now ya' don't have an excuse to not go to the movies with me!" Had Harley really tried to save the planet so she would go see that awfully generic romantic comedy?

"Let's go get some ice cream," Harley decided, jumping out of her lap and grabbing her hands to pull her up. Her words earned the most thoughtful expression from Tarble so far. And that was both amazing and horrifying.

"Ice cream? I've heard about it…" He trailed off, his eyes narrowing when Harley gasped dramatically.

"You haven't had ice cream?! Come on! We're fixing that right this second! I'm going to show you the joys of fast food sundays and fancy pantsy banana splits," Harley decided with the same ease as Tarble decided to end the pollution crisis.

Tarble looked hesitant for a moment before he jerked his head in a nod, getting up and once he did, Harley grabbed him by the hand and practically dragged him over his desk and towards the door. And, for a moment, Pamala simply watched them.

"How anticlimactic," she mused to herself. Pamala expected debates, arguments, refusals, and denials of irrefutable evidence. That was quick, simple, and easy.

But that's how things should be with a proper manager in charge.

Omake answers

Home and the office are two different places. Tarble's home would be more like your describing, but the office is where he does boring things and meets boring people. For the setup, he pretty much looked at the oval office, grabbed a desk and didn't bother grabbing any kind of decoration. Though, I was trying to draw a parallel to Touch of the Past - King Vegeta was very much in your face with wealth and decoration until it was spilling out in the walkways. Tarble is the opposite extreme to the point they're completely barren.

I like to sprinkle hints in these prompts about the future. This chapter isn't canon, but things in it are. Since you noticed it, I'll go ahead and confirm the reason behind the long empty hallways and silent elevator rides is canon. You'll find out why exactly in the next arc. I'll drop a hint - it's related to a powerup that Tarble will be getting.

Edit: The three hints are Tarble permanently being in the Wrath State, the reason behind the silent elevator and long hallways, and the tower itself.

Also, everything is intentionally kept vague on why Tarble is there and his relationship with the Justice League. So, whatever makes the most sense to you is the correct answer. Tarble defeated the Justice League, they're actively fighting, or their secretly colluding to take over the universe.

A neat tossed out plot thread.

Fun fact time. In the original draft of this story, I was going with a plot element that I thought would have been a really clever twist, but I ultimately decided that it didn't fit well with the story that I wanted to tell. I felt like it would remove the agency that I spent the last arc giving Tarble.

Originally, Tarble was low-key brainwashed by both King Vegeta and Frieza back in the gestation tank.

King Vegeta brainwashed him with the idea of family - that he should obey his king, that he wouldn't attempt to usurp Vegeta's throne with underhanded actions and so on to secure the succession. However, all of this was filtered through Tarble's human memories that wasn't supposed to be there. That was the original reason that Tarble was so attached to the idea of family.

With Frieza, he brainwashed Tarble to be loyal to him first before his king. He anticipated that the saiyans were going to rebel eventually, and Frieza wanted a candidate that he wouldn't have to worry about trying to rebel again at a later date. So, while Tarble was in the tank, a frieza-force member added something to the lessons that were downloaded into his brain. However, both Frieza and King Vegeta abandoned the projects halfway when it was clear that Tarble was going to be pretty weak.

I actually spent some time developing the idea in the background. It's why Tarble calls Frieza 'Lord Frieza', and why Frieza shows Tarble an unusual amount of favor.

This chapter was where things took a turn and deviated wildly with what I planned originally. This was the chapter where things were meant to implode drastically for the royal family because of that brainwashed loyalty, Tarble was going to report King Vegeta's plan to Frieza. Which would have gotten King Vegeta killed. The new King Vegeta would have hated Tarble to the point that he tries to kill him, which displeases Frieza, and the saiyan race pretty much implodes because of it.

Vegeta launches a rebellion and takes the majority of the new generation away to become his personal army. The remainder is trained by Tarble. The majority of the Old Guard views Tarble as Frieza's lapdog. And Tarble crumples emotionally because he destroyed what he fought for so long to achieve.

And what I've thought of to replace that plotline, in my opinion, is much better and far more explosive.

The plan to deal with the Cold family and the difference in perspective

The war, if it continues as it has, is going to take centuries. And if the war ends prematurely, then it's going to be because of the saiyan race, which cements their position. Because of Frieza's plan, it wouldn't be long before they're in another war either. However, someone on QQ said it best.

Vegeta - Ape Strong, no need others

Bardock - Apes together strong

Teach - Apes should fight like Apes

Tarble - Apes together strong, funny looking things Apes

King Vegeta - Apes need stock options, pensions, and insurance

Which leads me to how the plan would work in the sense there's nothing stopping the Cold family from taking back the Trade Organization. All will be revealed eventually, but the gist of it is that once they're on the board of directors that they'll have a lot more...options for dealing with the Cold family.

The joke about saiyans grunting explanations.

It's playing on the trope of a protagonist in a shonen series attempting to explain their totally awesome and special signature move by describing what they feel when they perform it. Normally, the explanation is lost on others, but saiyans are little dumb-dumb savants when it comes to fighting, so that kind of explanation became the default.

No zenkai farming.

Tarble does know about zenkais, it's just that they're difficult to abuse in this story and they've had a small nerf. There are no 500% zenkais, no matter what the situation is. I decided that early on because they completely screw the pacing I'm trying to set.

The big issue is that there has to be a threat of death attached to being beaten severely. So, sparring with a powerful opponent won't net an extremely large zenkai because there's not this sense of 'holy fucking shit, I'm so dead they're going to have to make up a new word to describe how dead I am.' Because Tarble knows that his team won't kill him. The same would apply to training because the body knows you're not going to train yourself to death because that would defeat the purpose.

There are exceptions. Ki sense gives the body a feeling of how strong an opponent is and reacts to the feeling of that strength. For training, Goku's 100x gravity accident would be a good example of what would be needed to net a larger training zenkai - it's completely unexpected, he was pushed beyond his limits, and he almost died.

I don't want zenkai's to be something that are farmed. Things will be picking up in terms of strength progression, but it won't because of abusing zenkai growth.

Saiyan's current population and what happened to it.

There aren't many. I would say maybe a couple of hundred at most, mostly Nurturers and Scientists with the Mechanics off working during the war. As for the warriors - at the start of the war, they did extremely well wherever they were. Enough so that Frieza took notice, but a major part of it was Bardock's team that really spearheaded their front. At times they took planets by themselves before the defenses became too much for the Team to handle alone.

And the reward for good work is more work. The saiyans were pushed to the top, given more dangerous missions, and so on until their numbers began to dwindle. Six years later, there are about fifty warriors left, but those fifty remaining have grown in strength until they're a head and shoulders above the chaff and you have Vegeta and Tarble, who are rapidly climbing their way up to the elite of Frieza's army.

Broly and how he will be portrayed.

If you're going to have Broly in a story, and do him justice, then you have to accept that Broly's power level is maximumer. He's the Legendary Super Saiyan and he was born in a class of his own. This was the original reason that Broly wasn't going to feature in the story because he's just this adorable angry 'I win' button. And to a lesser extent, that's the same reason I nearly wrote away Goku - I was worried that the story would become 'Broly/Goku's adventures with Tarble tagging along.'

When I say I was worried about them overshadowing Tarble, that's what I meant. I spent an entire arc giving Tarble the drive to become an active protagonist and I didn't want Broly to become what drove the story. Either because of his secrets, his strength, what he does or what happens to him.

The reason I've included Broly into the story is that I'm certain that won't be the case.

Tarble's reaction to the bomb.

This issue is that King Vegeta lied to him. It's one thing to send him on suicide missions and setting the bar incredibly high for Tarble to join the royal family. It's an entirely different can of worms to find out that a bomb that King Vegeta ordered planted was supposed to kill him before he ever got the chance to prove himself.

To Tarble, the elite-class was the bar that he had to reach to receive a reward. That reward being love that was denied to him because he was too weak. He reached the bar, he was accepted by his father, then he learns that his father tried some underhanded shit to murder him and his team. To Tarble, that implies that the reward that he fought and killed for wasn't on the table in the first place.

That's why he's upset.