
Chapter 291: Successful Job Change, Power Surge, Ready to Overturn Academy Teachers and Students!


The completion of the Fourth Order Lord Level advancement quest granted rewards that, overall, were essential for Zi Liyuan, with one item being the most critical: the "Blank Boss Template (Purple)".

Previously, I wanted to upgrade Lao Tie's template quality, but unfortunately, the puppet class Boss template upgrade required many items.

Even with the resources of Dragon Academy, I could only manage to elevate Lao Tie to a Golden Lord Boss template.

What Zi Liyuan couldn't stand the most was that the upgrade would permanently lock Lao Tie's potential, confining him to the Lord Boss template forever.

Lord Zi, of course, couldn't accept this. Lao Tie's potential was clearly visible, and his Silver Heroic Boss template had the attributes and combat power to compete with the likes of the Epic Beasts.

So, even during this attempt to conquer the Fourth Order advancement dungeon, he still didn't forcibly upgrade Lao Tie's Boss template.