
Global Era of Star trekking

This was the great era of vast warships and the Star River, a time when the multi-universe was shattered and countless Cosmic Fragments were scattered across the void, forming the boundless Shattered Starry Sea. Immortal Domain Dao soldiers, mechanical gods, golden giants, wizard Dominators... An endless array of strange civilizations. Starry Sea Oddity, Genetic Potions, exoskeletal armors, Floating Land Origin... Treasures that could be found everywhere. Spectral Shuttle, Spectral Airship, Spectral Warship, Escort Ships, Battleships, Star-Annihilating Starships, hyperdimensional mother ships... The clearly stratified Xinhuo warships. Song Chi held a Zhu Tian Ruins Market in his hand and engaged in interstellar trade with the countless peoples of the Starry Sea. What? Titanium Crystals are worthless in your Star Domain? I'll take them all, damn it, this is a strategic resource! You call this a chunk of iron? This is Mixed Elemental Copper, the ultimate Enhancement resource! Ordinary ship cannon? Isn't this a golden Star-Annihilating Cannon? Quick... I'll buy it! ... Stretching across the stars, starting from the flame of human civilization.

Mountain high and ground distant · Ciencia y ficción
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310 Chs

Chapter 1: Torch Awakening

Chenxing Principality, Golden Shark Starfield, White Tower Floating Land.

Jiangyuan City, outskirts, ultra-long-distance Starry Sea deployment platform.

Accompanied by a kilometer-high pillar of light shooting into the sky, the hundred Torch Warships that were neatly parked on the platform a moment ago vanished entirely, being deployed to an unknown and distant starry sky.

At the same time, a thousand miles away, in Jiangyuan City, which is one of the five major cities belonging to the White Tower Floating Land just like Jiangyuan City.

First Torch Academy of Jiangyuan City, men's dormitory building number 3, Song Chi took off his virtual helmet and logged out of the White Tower network.

A tense emotion emerged on his face, as he had just watched the live broadcast of the current year graduates of the First Torch Academy of Jiangyuan City being deployed into the starry sea.

Following Jiangyuan City, the next in line was his own Jiangyuan City, and as a graduating student of the First Torch Academy in Jiangyuan, it meant that the scene just broadcast would soon be his turn.

The ultra-long-distance deployment into the Starry Sea, the exploration of unknown starry skies, how could his heart not be tense at the thought that he would soon personally experience these?

Amid the tension, a hint of expectant anticipation crept into the depths of his eyes, for this was also a rare opportunity. As long as he could seize it, soaring to the heavens was not an impossibility.

This was an era of the Starry Sea. Millions of years ago, the multiverse shattered and the fragments left from the countless broken universes scattered across the void of the Starry Sea.

Since then, the era of the multiverse came to an end, and a new era was born, which the various remnant civilizations referred to as—the Shattered Starry Sea Era.

These remnants of cosmic fragments, over the course of a long period of time, acquired a new name—Starry Sea Floating Lands.

Soon after, the various civilizations discovered that as the ultimate essence remaining from the shattered universes of the multiverse era, the vast majority of Starry Sea Floating Lands contained countless rare resources.

To contest these resources, the various remnant civilizations refused to give way to each other, turning the entire Shattered Starry Sea into a battlefield ablaze with war.

For millions of years, in every corner of the boundless Shattered Starry Sea, countless civilizations perished every moment, buried in the long river of time. But similarly, various new civilizations sprouted like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, continuously emerging.

Torch Human Civilization was one of them.

In the domain of Torch Civilization, all citizens at the age of 30 could embark on a journey of exploring the starry seas through ultra-long-distance interstellar deployment with Torch Warships.

Of course, due to the optimization and progression of genetic technology, the average lifespan of Torch citizens had already reached 140 years, and today's 30-year-olds were actually equivalent to just having come of age.

Ever since the Source Seed of Torch was ignited over three hundred thousand years ago, this has become a rule shared by all members of Torchlight Humanity—a lawful citizen over the age of 30 can attempt to awaken the Seed of Torch, bind a Torch Warship, and begin exploring the Star Domains.

Gleaning resources from Alien Star Domains, enhancing Torch Warships, elevating the level of life—the purpose was to withstand the increasingly powerful Alien Races civilizations adjacent to the domain of Torch Human Civilization and to defend the territory of Torch Human Civilization.

It can be said that awakening the Seed of Torch and controlling a Torch Warship is the most important opportunity in the life of all citizens of Torch Civilization. Once the awakening is successful and one obtains their own Torch Warship, they will immediately become a cut above the rest.

Even if one can enhance their Torch Warship to a higher rank, it's not difficult in the future to claim a wide expanse of territory and become the Lord of a vast Star Domain, to have a long life and eventually join the nobility of Torch Human Civilization.

Suppressing the strange emotions in his heart, Song Chi stood up, assumed a horse stance with his legs apart, and gradually raised his hands with palms facing upward and slowly spread them apart.

This was the standard posture for cultivating the Guidance Technique.

According to the authoritative data from the Torch Bureau, this set of Guidance Techniques, developed by Torch Human Civilization over tens of thousands of years, not only strengthens the body and promotes the elevation of life levels but also effectively increases the success rate of awakening the Seed of Torch. Before the age of 30, the higher the cultivation level of the Guidance Technique, the greater the probability of successfully awakening the Seed of Torch.

As for why the age to awaken the Seed of Torch was set at 30.

Quite simply, based on an average lifespan of 140 years, awakening the Seed of Torch at 30 allows for enough time to cultivate the Guidance Technique, significantly increasing the odds of awakening the Seed of Torch while also not falling behind on the study of essential Starry Sea knowledge, effectively lowering the mortality rate in subsequent explorations of Alien Territories following a successful awakening.

And the hundred years left are more than enough to subsequently enhance the Torch Warship and further elevate one's level of life, which is threefold beneficial.


Three hours later, Song Chi ended his cultivation practice.

After more than twenty years of uninterrupted cultivation, his Guidance Technique level had already reached lv4. To advance further was not a matter of a short time.

Now that the outside was already pitch black, he had no intention of continuing to cultivate. After washing up, he went straight to bed.

Tomorrow was the day of the Torch Awakening, and staying well-rested was more important than anything.


The next day, at the First Torch Academy's sports field in Jiangyuan City.

The Awakening ceremony had already started early.

"Zhang Lili, the Torch Awakening is successful, quality 'Colorless.' Next, Zhou Pengfei."

As the voice of an official from the Torch Bureau rang out loudly, the hundreds of students under the Awakening Platform reacted differently.

Some whispered in lamentation, but the look of envy was more prevalent in the eyes of most.

Although all lawful citizens of Torch Civilization can attempt to awaken the Seed of Torch at the age of 30, the actual success rate is not high. Based on the average success rate of past years at the First Torch Academy in Jiangyuan City, it's quite good if four out of ten students can awaken.

This was the elite gathering at the First Torch Academy of Jiangyuan City; other academies within the city had even lower success rates.

Amidst the crowd, Song Chi clenched his fists tight with nervous anticipation, just like most others.

"Thirty years, everything comes down to today."

With this thought, the announcement continued to resound.

"Zhou Pengfei, Torch Awakening failed. Next..."

"Zhao Yunfeng, Torch Awakening successful, quality 'Colorless'."


As one after another, the students either succeeded or failed, it was soon the turn of Class 5 of the tenth year, where Song Chi was.

"Next up, Sun Hao."

At that call, the man standing next to Song Chi, nearly two meters tall and resembling a black bear, trembled.

Seeing this, Song Chi gently patted the other's shoulder, signaling him to relax.

"Haozi, do your best."

The burly man named Sun Hao was one of the few close friends of Song Chi at the academy.

Sun Hao nodded slightly and strode toward the Awakening Platform.

Before long.

"Sun Hao, Torch Awakening successful, Quality 'Colorless'."

Immediately, gasps of surprise rippled through the crowd of students.

It was well known that although all were awakening the Seed of Torch, the Quality of the seeds came in different categories, with Colorless at the bottom, followed by White, and then Blue, Purple, and so on.

While White might be second to last in talent, one might find only one amongst dozens of Awakeners, and the probability of awakening a Blue or Purple Quality was exceedingly low.

A smile appeared on Song Chi's face as he sincerely felt happy for his close friend.

As expected, as soon as Sun Hao came down from the platform, he was quickly approached by numerous classmates seeking to strike up a friendly conversation, even those who had rarely spoken to him over the past ten years now crowded around him, hoping to forge a stronger connection.

No one could blame them for being mercenary; at that moment, Sun Hao was indeed a sought-after commodity.

A White Quality Seed of Torch would be enthusiastically invested in by outside small consortia, chambers of commerce, families, and other powers. As soon as Sun Hao agreed and signed a legal investment agreement, he would quickly receive a substantial investment in resources for enhancing his Torch Warship, which would ensure that its upgrade pace would far exceed that of other Awakeners.

After all, everyone starts with a Torch Warship of Level 0, and subsequent Component upgrades required significant resource Consumption. Without strong financial backing, the upgrade speed would be excruciatingly slow.

"Next up, Song Chi!"

After four consecutive failures of others, it was finally Song Chi's turn.

At his side, Sun Hao also passed over a look of encouragement.

Song Chi took a deep breath, suppressed the nervousness within, and stepped up to the Awakening Platform.

On the raised platform, under the guidance of a Torch Bureau officer, Song Chi extended his right hand towards the dark flame in front of him.

The dark flame, known as the "Source Seed of Torch," wasn't the original Fire Seed from the core Star Domain of the Torch Human Civilization, but it was a derivative of it, capable of assisting the human body in awakening the Seed of Torch and increasing the success rate of awakenings.

Song Chi felt only warmth encircling his palm, as if it was a fleeting moment and yet it seemed like an eternity. When a prickling pain transmitted from the center of his hand, he finally reopened his eyes.

Before he could react, the announcement had already reached his ears.

"Song Chi, Torch Awakening successful, Quality 'Colorless'."

Descending from the Awakening Platform, Song Chi experienced a flurry of mixed feelings, bittersweet in nature.

He was pleased that he had successfully awakened his Seed of Torch, paving the way for a smoother journey into the extraordinary, and his thirty years of effort had not been in vain.

His concern, however, lay with the Quality of the Torch. A Colorless Seed of Torch, being the lowest Quality of Fire Seed, had a very low ceiling. It wasn't too much of a problem early on, but if he couldn't enhance its Quality, the strengthening of his Torch Warship would eventually come to a standstill, blocking his path to transcendence.


While lost in thought, an intense burning sensation suddenly emanated from his chest. Thinking of something, Song Chi's gaze sharpened, and he silently muttered to himself.

"The Star Sea Ruin Market Rank is heating up. What's going on? It's been thirty years, and this is the first time this has happened."

Returning to his class team with a puzzled look, this expression, to the outsiders, seemed like total dejection.

"Chi, don't overthink it. The Quality of a Seed of Torch can be improved. Colorless isn't bad..."

Sun Hao thought Song Chi was feeling down and quickly started to console him.

Song Chi shook his head lightly, indicating he was fine. It wasn't just a forced smile; he truly wasn't too concerned.

The moment the result of his Colorless Seed of Torch came out, he was indeed a bit disappointed, but he quickly bounced back.

As Sun Hao said, the grade of a Seed of Torch can be enhanced, although it's incredibly hard and requires the Consumption of rare special resources. Yet as a transmigrator, he was confident he could slowly improve the Quality of his own Seed of Torch.

Yes, he was a transmigrator, and moreover, he had been born into this world through transmigration.

At that moment, what peaked his curiosity was the Star Sea Ruin Market Rank hanging around his neck.

As the instigator of his transmigration, which brought him from Blue Star of his previous life to this one as a fetus, he had become certain over these thirty years that this Rank was his golden finger.

The thought that his golden finger was undergoing unknown changes made it impossible for him not to be concerned.

Curiosity aside, in such a public setting, Song Chi couldn't simply take it out to check on it. Fortunately, the burning sensation gradually subsided after a while.

About half an hour later, the entire awakening ceremony for the graduates of First Academy in Jiangyuan City was completed.

Out of the more than six hundred students, fewer than two hundred had successfully awakened their Seeds of Torch.

Cries, laughter, exclamations, and wails... the entire plaza erupted into a cacophony, with joy for some and sorrow for others.

After all, from then on, the trajectories of these two groups of people would diverge dramatically.