
Chapter 19 Turbulence_1


A piercing scream slashed through the night sky.

But this was just a prelude, what followed was a cacophony of screams, roars, and cries.

Manhole covers were pushed up dozens of meters before crashing down onto the pavement with an enormous thud.

And it wasn't just one manhole cover, but the entire street's, all being lifted at once, creating a thunderous noise as if buildings were being demolished.

In such a situation, even the soundest of sleepers were jolted awake.

And upon waking, seeing swarms of Mutated Mice crawling out of the sewers, it was impossible not to panic.

After all, these Mutated Mice were now the size of an average house cat and could rip off a large chunk of flesh with a single bite.

Moreover, not just on the streets, but as these Mutated Mice frantically bit due to fear, many households found them crawling out from their bathroom and kitchen drain pipes as well.

Of course, to prevent this problem at home, Ye Feng had already had his own trained Mutated Mice block the entrances to his home's drain pipes, keeping the other Mutated Mice at bay.

His trained Mutated Mice had reached First Order Peak strength, and compared to these mid-to-late First Order Mutated Mice, they were significantly stronger and larger, making this task not at all difficult.

Although it looked chaotic outside, as long as the family stayed indoors, they would be safe.

At this moment, Ye Feng transferred his Possession back to the sparrow on the balcony and glanced at his younger sister standing by the window.

To his surprise, facing such a terrifying scene, she only widened her big, round eyes in fear without crying or making a fuss.

"Xiao Rou, don't be afraid," said Wang Shuwen, Ye Feng's mother, who rushed in at that moment and enveloped Ye Rou in a fearful embrace.

"Mom, I'm not scared, and you shouldn't be either," Xiao Rou comforted her in return.

"Let's go to the living room and stay there for now. I've prepared the rat-catching equipment, and if we're together, we can easily handle any emergencies," said Ye Xiangfeng, the father, with a calm voice.

"Honey, maybe we should buy a set of Mutated Being monitoring equipment. We couldn't afford it before, but now, for safety's sake, we can't skimp on this expense," Wang Shuwen's worried voice followed.

Mutated Beings detection equipment was the latest monitoring system introduced just three months ago.

It could monitor around the clock, detecting the presence of creatures like Mutated Mice, Mutated Cockroaches, and Mutated Mosquitoes in the home and pinpoint their locations.

It's safe to say that with such equipment, you no longer need to sleep with one eye open, as you would be immediately alerted to any intruders.

Of course, the price tag for such equipment was not cheap, costing at least 300,000 Huaxia Currency for the standard version.

If the home exceeded 100 square meters, additional sensors would be required, further increasing the cost.

It was simply not something the average person could afford.

In the past, it was unthinkable for Ye Feng's family given their financial circumstances, but now...

"Alright, I understand. I'll make a call to place an order tomorrow. However, we don't have enough money on hand right now; we'll have to wait for Xiao Feng's compensation to come through…" Ye Xiangfeng's voice faded toward the end.

Ye Feng could vaguely hear his mother's sobbing.

He sighed softly and controlled the little sparrow to fly away, though the situation here was far from over.

A Mutated Mouse outbreak on just one street might attract higher-level attention, but the level of concern would likely be limited.



Boom! Boom! Boom!

At that moment, the manhole covers in the neighboring streets were also flying into the air, one by one.

In the following few minutes, the manhole covers on the nearby streets were flipped over, one after the other.

The mutated mice, originally hiding in the sewers, were all being chased out.

This commotion continued until the distant, faint sound of police sirens signaled its end.

Only after Ye Feng gave the order did the king cobra slowly retreat.

But this district was destined for a sleepless night.

Animals like mice are very sensitive to the sense of smell, and even though the king cobra had left, its violent scent still lingered in the sewers.

The mice did not dare to return for a while and could only scurry chaotically through the streets.

Given this situation, one could imagine the noise it caused.

Ye Feng, controlling the possessed sparrow, took one last glance and quickly flew away from the scene.

After they left, two patrol cars drove up and were startled by the scene on the street; they reported the incident and called for reinforcements simultaneously.

If it had been before, dealing with something like this would have been incredibly bothersome, but fortunately, there was now the City Guard Department.

Such incidents were reported directly, and the department would immediately dispatch the City Guard Team to take over.

Very soon, two fully equipped teams, each with a hundred members, arrived at the scene and, after about half an hour, finally managed to quell the disturbance.

But this was just the beginning. There were no mice visible on the streets, but that did not mean they no longer existed. The mutated mice had escaped to dark corners, some even fleeing the neighborhood.

To truly resolve the aftermath would likely take at least an entire night.

"Are you sure the source of the incident is here?" asked a middle-aged man in a black leather jacket to a police officer beside him.

He was Xiao Hua, the director of the Mutant Management Bureau, who had been summoned overnight to address this emergency, and naturally, he was quite annoyed.

Yet, when he actually arrived and saw the situation clearly, his complaints had long since vanished into thin air, replaced by solemnity and caution.

"Yes, sir, I've inquired clearly. The scene where manhole covers were lifted on a large scale and mutated mice flooded out started right here on this street," said the police officer hastily.

"Good, go inquire with the residents here. Before the incident occurred, ask if they witnessed anything out of the ordinary or heard any unusual sounds," instructed Xiao Hua as he connected a specialized device in his hand to the street's surveillance cameras.

As his identity information was entered and authorization was verified, the device quickly succeeded in connecting, and then the screen showed the surveillance footage from last night.

Xiao Hua glanced at the time, dragged the progress bar back to just over half an hour ago.

"Hopefully, we'll find some useful information," he muttered to himself.

Then, as the booms echoed from the video, his eyes widened in shock.

The young police officer, who had just received his orders and was about to leave, couldn't help but stop in his tracks at the sound and turned to glance at the screen.

The next moment, his eyes too widened in astonishment.
