

Seven had no idea why the chancellor chose them to carry out this mission, but he was glad that he had gained an opportunity to find the Kong Tribe.

Although he didn't know Rolanda's opinion, he agreed to take the mission without hesitation!

"The Golden Seal had long been lost in an abandoned land called Salz in the western part of the state... We have no idea where it is, but we are sure that it's somewhere there."

Seven heard the chancellor speak clearly, but he was a little confused about what he was saying.

'How will such valuable stuff be lost in a wasteland? I still don't get it.'

"I know you both can do the job... I believe."

The Chancellor let out a smile that held many feelings, which made Seven's mind jerk. While he was happy that he had gained a chance to leave the university and find the Kong Tribe, he was still afraid that this mission was not friendly at all...