
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Volume 1: The Ender of Third Apocalypse - In Progress Volume 2: The Missing 9th Apocalypse: The Battle Against the Ender of Vampire's Rise Apocalypse - Soon *** You are about to start your selected Apocalypse World. You are free to choose one of the Gift Packs you'll bring to help you in the early stages of the event. [ Energy Gift Pack ] [ Entertainment Gift Pack ] [ Food Gift Pack ] [ Medical Gift Pack ] [ Shelter Gift Pack ] [ Stealth Gift Pack ] [ Survival Tools Gift Pack ] [ Transport Gift Pack ] [ Water Gift Pack ] [ Weapon Gift Pack ] You have 10 minutes to choose. *** WSA 2024 Entry Please support! Thank you!

xlntz · Fantasía
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224 Chs

The Auction ( Part 5 )

"That guy… Is that Shane?" Raze looked at her BidLink Communicator as the name of the first person who had reached level 2 came to her mind.

Bidder 1101 also seemed to fit Shane since he was first in most cases.

Of course, she wasn't too sure if that was him, but her intuition told her so.

She couldn't help but want to send a private message to him and ask if he was Bidder 1101. However, she felt it would be rude to pry on his secrets.

Anyway, she decided not to compete on the first few items as she had limited Points. She was only able to save 4,240 Points and it was all thanks to the treasure trove she found in the sewers.

Apparently, she found a few shelters made by previous inhabitants of the city, who had decided to hide in the sewers. They still, unfortunately, perished, most likely because of the Zombie Rats that could easily pass through normal barricades and attack you at night.