
Glitched Into The System

oFrqstzz · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Glitched Sword And Bow

The story starts in 2045, Everything is advanced.

This boy named Lucas is on his way to the arcade when he saw his classmate Noah going to the arcade too, Lucas approaches Noah and greets Noah.

Lucas - Hi Noah how are you.

Noah - Hi Lucas, I'm good i'm just going to the arcade.

Lucas - I'm going to the arcade too! Do you want to go to the play at the arcade together?

Noah - Sure! Let's go.

Lucas and Noah go to the arcade where they get coins and go play games, They play games until they see this game at the corner, The game is called Sapphire World.

Noah - Lucas let's go play that game!

Lucas - let's go

Lucas puts a coin in the arcade machine then they fall into a portal. They wake up to see the red sky and the black ground, They feel hot from the molten lava, Lucas spots a portal and tells Noah

Lucas - Noah! Theres a portal there, Lets go fast, its hot here

Lucas and Noah go to the portal and go in it but pass out. They wake up to find that they are in a cart.

Unknown - Finally you two are awake

Lucas - Who are you, and where are we?!?

Erwin - Im Erwin, we are near The Kori capital, Shimo

Noah - Kori Capital?

Erwin - Yes, Kori is the Kingdom of ice, The capital is Shimo City, by the way why were you two passed out in the middle of no where.

Lucas - We don't know, we entered a portal near this black area with red skys and my memory stopped there.

Erwin - Intresting, Well you can stay at Kori for the meantime.

They arrive at the Shimo and go near the walls.

Guard - Halt! State you're name

Lucas - Uh my names Lucas

Noah - My names Noah

Erwin - Erwin, General of the Shimo guar

Guard - You may enter the Shimo City, The capital of Kori Nation

They enter Shimo City

Erwin - Well you should probably get a inn for the night.

Lucas - But we don't have any money

Erwin - Don't worry about it, Here

Erwin Gives Lucas and Noah enough coins to be able to get a inn.

Noah - Thank you Erwin! We will remember this

Erwin - No problem, I should probably get going now, Bye.

Erwin leaves and Noah and Lucas finds a inn.

The Next Day

Noah - Lucas lets go explore the woods

Lucas - Sure!

Noah and Lucas go near the woods and spot something.

Lucas - Noah I see a sword!

Noah - I see a Bow and one arrow!

Lucas and Noah go in the woods when they hear a roar.

They see a Lesser fire Dragon.

Noah - AHHH! Lucas we should run!! Lucas?? Lucas!!

The Lesser Fire Dragon starts breathing fire but Lucas dodges it.

Lucas swings his sword and wounds the Dragon, Ice starts appearing near the

wound. Noah decides to help and shoots a arrow at the dragons head. The arrow multiplies and

beats the Lesser fire Dragon.

+1000 Xp points

Lucas and Noah Level up to level 10!

Lucas - Woohoo! See, I knew we could do it!

Noah - That was scary, Why did you charge in like that!?!?

Lucas - We have weapons so why not use them? Lets go back to the inn.

Noah - Wait! I see something shiny

Lucas - You do that, I'll go back to the inn, See ya!

Lucas goes back to the inn, Noah searches and finds a Lesser dragon scale and

brings it back to the in.

Story 1 Ends!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This Chapter is the beggining of a Wonderful Story

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