
Glitch expert reincarnates

In his original life in South Korea, Ji-Hoon was a prodigious talent who shocked everyone by dropping out of school due to boredom, leading to being disowned by his family. For years, he secluded himself, immersed in games until discovering "THE GAME," a mysterious and expansive virtual world that encompasses every aspect of gaming. After a confrontation with his estranged sibling, Ji-Hoon finds himself reincarnated within THE GAME as a homeless wanderer. With his sharp intellect and a penchant for exploiting glitches and breaking rules, Ji-Hoon navigates this new world of magic, mecha, and political intrigue. As he inadvertently aids others, forms unexpected alliances, and clashes with heroic adversaries seeking peace, Ji-Hoon's journey transforms from selfish ambition to reluctant heroism. Battling personal demons and facing mortality, Ji-Hoon's actions shape the fate of nations, all while navigating romantic interests, comedic mishaps, and the complexities of his own flawed nature.

bruriah_calfurai · Ciudad
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2 Chs

The Vanishing Genius

The apartment was a dimly lit cocoon of digital glow and scattered debris. Multiple computer screens cast a pale blue hue across the cramped space, their light reflecting off the walls adorned with fading posters of legendary gaming heroes. The air hung heavy with the acrid scent of stale sweat and fast-food remnants, mingling with the metallic tang of energy drinks and the lingering aroma of instant noodles. Empty cans and crumpled wrappers littered the floor like the detritus of a forgotten battlefield, forming a precarious path from the entrance to the desk where Ji-Hoon sat.

Ji-Hoon himself appeared almost ethereal in the glow of the screens, his long, unkempt hair cascading over his face like a dark curtain. Deep, shadowed hollows framed his bloodshot eyes, a testament to years spent in relentless pursuit of virtual conquests. His pale complexion, once vibrant with youth, now bore the pallor of a nocturnal recluse, accentuated by the unshaven stubble that clung to his gaunt cheeks. Despite the disheveled appearance, there was an undeniable air of sharp intellect and focused determination about him, evident in the way his fingers danced over the keyboard with practiced precision.

Ji-Hoon had once been hailed as a prodigy—a shining star destined for greatness. His brilliance had dazzled teachers and peers alike, his every achievement a testament to his unparalleled intellect. Yet, at the tender age of sixteen, he had shocked the world by abruptly abandoning his academic pursuits. The monotony of conventional education had stifled his insatiable thirst for knowledge and challenge, leaving him disillusioned and disenchanted with the confines of societal expectations.

Disowned by his family for his perceived act of defiance, Ji-Hoon had seized what little financial support he could and vanished into the neon-lit labyrinth of Seoul's sprawling metropolis. There, amidst the ceaseless hum of urban life and the hypnotic glow of digital screens, he found solace in the boundless realms of virtual reality.

For seven long years, Ji-Hoon had lived in self-imposed exile within the confines of his cramped apartment—a sanctuary dedicated to the pursuit of virtual conquests. His latest obsession, "THE GAME," epitomized the pinnacle of technological marvel and gaming innovation. Within its expansive digital universe, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred into a seamless tapestry of endless possibilities.

With feverish intensity, Ji-Hoon's fingers navigated the labyrinthine corridors of code that comprised THE GAME's intricate world. Each keystroke was a calculated maneuver, a delicate dance between exploit and consequence. His eyes, alight with the thrill of discovery, scanned relentlessly for glitches those elusive anomalies in the game's matrix that promised to defy established rules and unlock untold power. It was in these moments of digital alchemy that Ji-Hoon felt most alive, his mind a symphony of strategy and calculation.

THE GAME was more than mere entertainment to Ji-Hoon; it was a canvas upon which he painted his aspirations and ambitions. Magic intertwined with machinery, swords clashed with sorcery, and kingdoms rose and fell at the whim of its unseen creators. The allure of boundless exploration and unparalleled challenge had ensnared his imagination, offering an escape from the mundanity of his former existence.

The tranquility of Ji-Hoon's digital sanctuary was shattered by an insistent rapping at the door—a stark contrast to the rhythmic hum of his gaming rig. Irritation flickered across Ji-Hoon's face as he reluctantly tore his gaze from the screens, the glare of artificial light momentarily blinding against his accustomed darkness. With unsteady steps, he traversed the cluttered expanse of his apartment, his body protesting the rare exertion.

As he swung open the door, a wave of stale air mingled with the pungent scent of neglect assaulted his senses. Standing before him, silhouetted against the harsh glow of the hallway, was his younger brother, Min-Jun. Instinctively, Min-Jun recoiled at the overpowering stench, a reflexive hand moving to shield his nose from the onslaught of olfactory assault.

"Ji-Hoon... is that really you?" Min-Jun's voice trembled with disbelief, eyes wide with a mix of shock and concern.

Ji-Hoon's expression remained impassive, his gaze cool and detached as he regarded his younger brother. The years had been unkind to both of them, yet while Min-Jun bore the weight of responsibilities and family duty, Ji-Hoon had embraced a life of isolation and virtual indulgence.

"I don't know what are you talking about," Ji-Hoon's voice was as cold as the void that had consumed his soul, a sharp contrast to the tumultuous emotions raging within Min-Jun.

The words hung heavily in the air, a bitter echo of Ji-Hoon's indifference to the familial ties that once bound them together. Min-Jun's composure wavered, the facade of strength crumbling under the weight of Ji-Hoon's callous dismissal.

"Ji-Hoon, our father... he's gone," Min-Jun's voice cracked, tears glistening in his eyes. "And mom... she's not well. She needs you."

Ji-Hoon's response was a dismissive shrug, a silent acknowledgment of the emotional chasm that had widened between them over the years. The news of their father's passing and their mother's illness felt distant and inconsequential, mere echoes of a life Ji-Hoon had long since abandoned.

"I have no interest in such boring matters," Ji-Hoon's words cut like a blade, a stark reminder of the selfish isolation that had become his refuge.

Min-Jun's anguish erupted in a torrent of emotion, his fists clenched in frustration and grief the the older brother he had always looked up to, how did he become this thing standing infront of him? in a moment filled with anger, sadness, regret, and various emotions all of Min Jun's memories of his older brother were stained. The life he loved was over. Min Jun lost his father, his mother was sick, and his brother became scum. In a moment of unrestrained fury, he launched himself at Ji-Hoon, their bodies colliding in a whirlwind of pent-up rage and unspoken regret. The physical blows were inconsequential compared to the emotional wounds that had festered unchecked between them.

In the end, Ji-Hoon's once-vibrant existence was extinguished with brutal finality an ignominious end to a prodigious life marked by brilliance and defiance.

Ji-Hoon awoke up in a dark ally bathed in, the cold embrace of concrete beneath his prone form a stark reminder of his newfound reality. Blinking against the hars only light that came from the electronic billboard in the huge building standing in the city wich was illuminated by neon lights , he surveyed his surroundings with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

The towering monoliths of a bustling metropolis loomed overhead, their sleek facades a testament to the technological marvels that defined THE GAME's virtual landscape. Ji-Hoon's fingers instinctively brushed against his face, the tactile confirmation of a reality that defied comprehension.

A cacophony of unfamiliar sounds assaulted his senses—the distant hum of hovercraft, the discordant chatter of virtual denizens, and the rhythmic pulsation of digital life. Each breath was infused with the metallic tang of possibility, the promise of untold adventures awaiting his discovery.

Min-Jun's words echoed in Ji-Hoon's mind, a haunting reminder of the fractured bonds that had once tethered him to the world he had forsaken. The news of their father's passing and their mother's illness lingered like a specter, casting a shadow over Ji-Hoon's awakening in this new place.

"Where am I?" Ji-Hoon's voice was a mere whisper, lost amidst the cacophony of virtual existence. Yet, with each passing moment, a newfound sense of purpose began to stir within him , The excitement of the idea of re-creation or reincarnation or whatever happened in "THE GAME" world aroused him so much that it sent a shock of electricity through his body.

Ji Hoon tried to get up from his place, resting on the palms of his hands in the alley filled with garbage containers, which apparently did not bother Ji Hoon's nose, which was familiar with the stench of his body. Ji Hoon staggered as he tried to walk, stumbling between the two walls close together, walking with heavy steps towards the outside of the alley, relying on his hand to guide him. While a single thought occupied his mind "i have no doubt this is THE GAME"

hello everyone well thats if anyone's reading , i am bruriah calfuria you may or may not have read Astramonach wich is a novel that i wrote here but that doesnt matter anyways , this novel is somehow special i felt the urge to write it way before writing astramonach but i watched some fantasy anime and it made my urge to write astramonach bigger but i gave up on it quickly, anyways i hope that you enjoyed my first chapeter leave a note if you find anything off or intersting i'd like to read your comments about my novel love you ❤

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